Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Trouble Maker releases teaser pic

Troublemaker comeback or cumback? You decide.

Trouble Maker released a teaser pic and mostly useless teaser video for the group's upcoming cumback (I stand by my decision). As they're one of my abs fave kpop project groups, I'm pretty excited.

I loved Troublemaker's debut. I mean, really, what could be better? Hyuna at Skank Level Red plus cute boy plus fun dance equals perfection.

Oh, and the song was pretty good, too.

I just hope this comeback is worth listening to and is tons of fun. On that latter wish, I'm pretty sure it's going to deliver.

Last week, Hyuna Instagrammed this photo that makes her
look like a tranny from a 1970s disco. It's amazing.

Hot damn, I can't wait! Let's all relive the wonder that was the group's imaginatively titled debut song, "Trouble Maker."

Live and in best outfits

And with "Ratata" because one cannot have too many
special skanky kpop stages

If Trouble Maker doesn't do it for you, that's cool, too. Feel free to elaborate on your reasons why. But I dare you not to use the words "Hyuna," "Trouble," "Maker," or "slutbag." Be creative.


  1. Good thing to see before going to bed. I hail you Hyuna... Your photo and some tissue is good.

    I just have to tell you though, stop abusing them non-existent boobs.

  2. Suddenly, grocery stores and pharmacies are running out of lotion and tissues, cannot keep up with the demand.

    1. And hospitals everywhere have been flooded by guys with sore arms and dicks

  3. Anything with Hyuna in it is good in my book, though I'd rather have a Hyuna comeback rather than having that guy in the way.

  4. Damn hyuna is sexy but I don't like how people don't call her slut yet they call girls day sluts.

    1. Maybe it's Hyuna's ownership of her inner Skank Goddess

    2. hahah what? Hyuna always gets called a slut over in Korea (just go to the netizenbuzz articles about troublemaker or her.) Overseas, not so much but she does get called mean things sometimes. Difference between her and Girls Day is that she has a larger fandom and has been around longer, so more people are around to shut down any haters/be positive about the girl.

  5. Hyuna should make a photobook.

  6. smh if you gonna be that uncovered might as well take off the coat too. stop teasing.

  7. I can't tell which arms belong to her. Heck, those might even be his boobs being choked together by sheer willpower.

  8. Why was Hyunseung chosen for this sub-unit? I have nothing against him but Yoseob is the only member of B2ST which anybody knows exists, why wasn't he chosen?
    Or maybe that is Yoseob and he's just become so disgustingly skinny that I can't recognize him.
    Also, Troublemaker is such a dumb name. It makes Brown Eyed Girls and LC9 look clever, but that's not really relevant.
    I'm actually looking forward to this. Their last song was pretty good so hopefully this will be a nice follow up.

    1. I thought Gikwang and Dong Woon were the popular ones? Or did that change? I just remember when Gikwang was AJ with that terrible dancing shoes song and Yoseb and Doo Joon where his backup dancers...

    2. If you read the comments on that Dancing Shoes video they all say "OMG! I saw Yoseob for 0.001 seconds, wait who's singing this song again?"
      Dongwoon gets a lot of praise for his looks but he doesn't seem to be all that popular.
      Doojoon is the male Nam Jihyun, in both low popularity and being the most useless idol ever.
      Yoseob's obviously the star of the show. He's popularity is similar to that of Jiyeon's within T-ARA.
      Hyunseung and Junhyung both seem to possess at least relative popularity but it seems around 50% of B2UTYs are yoseob-fags so I don't understand why he wasn't put with Hyuna seeing as how both of them are the breadwinners of the entire company.

    3. Maybe Yoseob's popularity was the reason. I'd imagine rapid fangirls wouldn't take so kindly to him rubbing on Hyuna. Hyunseung isn't as popular, which means fewer crazy letters. Whatever the reason, I think it's for the best. Yoseob's definitely more of a cute idol than a sexy one, and Trouble Maker ain't cute.

    4. Yosoeb just doesn't fit with this sexy concept. Though frankly I don't think Hyunseung fits it much better. Should've been Kikwang or Dongwoon, they both have that goodlooking cool guy thing going on.

    5. I'm beginning to feel like I'm Hyunseung's only fan ...

    6. Unless we're talking about his appearence, "cute" is the last word I would use to describe Yoseob. He looks like an absolute moron when he does his aegyo. I'd say it comes a lot easier to Kikwang to act cute.
      Whenever I watch B2ST perform live I've always felt that Yoseob is the most comfortable with acting sexy as well as doing it the best.
      The only reason I say so is because this really looks like "Hyuna and some other guy" and Hyunseung gets pushed into the background even more than the other 4minutes.
      I think it would have been more evenly sided if Yoseob was chosen instead.

    7. lol yoseob's face doesn't suit the sexy concept at all. Kikwang and doojoon are ok, the maknae (I don't exactly rmember his name) would be ok too if he could sing. Overall, hyunseung isn't that bad, I got used to him

    8. Being able to act sexy =/= actually being sexy. Yosoeb looks like a child, it would be awkward to have Hyuna bouncing on some kid's junk.

    9. I thought Yoseob looks like a troll and that the Korea doesn't approve of girlxtroll sex in their MVs

  9. Is the guy wearing TIGHTS or something? Look at his feet. Why are they so dark?
    Also, the background does nothing for them, is the same color as the guy's hair.

    1. I think they just brightened Hyuna to make her stand out more. We all know this is really about Hyuna, the guy could be anybody.

    2. You're focusing on the wrong part of that image.

    3. but, it is not as we haven't seen it before.

    4. I don't know if its the tights or Hyuna sitting on his nutsack... but this UCAAD can hit the high notes she can only dream of.

      But can he do this...

  10. never paid attention to troublemaker cause their song bored me to pieces but i like the concept of hyuna and some shemale bumping and grinding on stage hopefully this song will really take it to a porny level

  11. He looks like Sunmi in that picture

    1. plot twist: 24hours sang by Hyunseung

    2. I wouldn't mind, really.He sings better than Hyuna ever will. Some ppl who commented above wonder why he was chosen. Cos DUH! He's the best dancer in Beast. What other reason can there be? Dongwoon, my current bias can neither sing nor dance nor even rap.
      Junhyung, my former bias is even worse than dongwoon at singing. AJ Gikwang & Yoseob already relatively popular as they can at least hold a note. Doojoon - sadly, irrelevant.

      Poor Hyunseung...I bet he cannot stand working with Hyuna.
      I can sense it...lol fake psychic that I am.

  12. Both look good, though Hyuna's still so abusurdly thin imho

  13. The Big Bang reject can GTFO but I would gladly team up with Hyuna and smash a more worthy Beast member like DongWoon.


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