Monday, November 11, 2013

Ailee Wouldn't Suck Johnny Noh's 2 Inch Dick, So He Tries To Ruin Her

So for those of you like me who live in the eastern part of the United States and was busy watching the Dallas Cowboys get murdered by the New Orleans Saints last night, this Ailee shit is hard to believe. The photos came out around 11 PM EST, aka the time I started watching Secret episode 14 because the game was out of hand by that point.

Representation of what the Ailee photos were all about.

Here is the original allkpop article where they blur out everything.

An anonymous website and forums has uploaded several photos potentially depicting K-Pop star Ailee in revealing attire.

Right from the start, you know that's bullshit. How the hell can a website be anonymous when there's a URL tracing right back to it? allkpop is supposedly an anonymous website now. Just by reading the official statement by Ailee's company, you'll know everything comes back to allkpop.

“Worried sick after notifying the police, Ailee discussed the details of this incident with her ex-boyfriend, who is at the moment an employee of the ALLKPOP website. Her ex-boyfriend convinced her to send him the pictures, explaining that in order to help her, he needed to know exactly what the pictures were about. She sent him the photos.

Through all of the searching and digging, I couldn't find a real reason as to why allkpop revealed Ailee's nudes. Sure, theories are out there that Johnny Noh is a fucking shitlicking vagina-rag and that he would do anything for more hits on allkpop, but that's just too easy of an assumption. I sent out the AKF spy team and found out the true reason as to why allkpop got a hold of these photos and as to why allkpop posted them. Okay, the secret is ruined in the title of this post, but whatever.

It all started as the press releases state. Ailee got scammed and her ex-boyfriend obtained the pictures. Everything after that is just a lie told by allkpop. Using my super-amazing MS Paint skills, I'll explain what happened.

What really transpired is that Ailee's ex-boyfriend and Johnny Noh thought they could blackmail Ailee into a threesome. On paper, it sounds like a smart idea. After all, this shit happens all the time in entertainment, politics and business. But as you'll soon find out, it backfired on them.

And there you go, as you know the rest of the story. Johnny got pissed at Ailee and released these photos for payback. Sorry Johnny, you were hoping that we wouldn't find your real motivation in doing this, but we did.


  1. OMG almost ROFL'ed for real!

    I was hoping that Ailee's ex was just trying to blackmail her into putting out another decent song instead of that You & I trash. I can picture her ex yelling at her "one more third-rate 'Crazy In Love' clone or crappy ballad out of you and I'm releasing those nudes!" - but then that theory would require that Allkpop staff actually care about music, which I guess is drawing a pretty long bow.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really don't know why I'm not that surprised/ not have any feelings generated because of this, I mean I was much more excited when T-ara bullying scandal erupted.

    Also is akf in like a writing rush, he wrote like a bazillion articles from last week or smth.

  4. The allkpop staff were expecting the leak ignited a scandal(witch-hunt included) similar to IU's/T-ara's instead(and surprisingly) people have seen it for what it is: a personal attack intented to ruin someone's career under the pretense of reporting.

    Btw read Asianjunkie's coverage it's pretty insightful apparently Ailee's ex tried selling the pics to Dispatch. Dispatch wanted nothing to do with it so instead allkpop did some evidence laundering: they leaked the photos waited for them to spread then "obtained them from an anonymous website" and reported.

    1. I haven't read IATFB's articles because AJ hasn't been loading for me at all.

  5. *snaps my fingers in a Z motion*

  6. Thank you for enlightening me AKF.

  7. the douchebag even made a thread on 6theory laat year, bragging about how he used to date her

  8. I feel so bad for Ailee but damn it your amazing paint skill and storytelling makes me lol for real XD

  9. Her tits aren't big...
    And what about that superstar k4 nude photos? I've seen them and ... well I regret

  10. Mysteriously enough, it says that page cant be found anymore.

  11. TBH, I don't really care about this scandal. I've never been a fan of Ailee (I'm not a vocalfag), and her songs always sound like Beyonce leftovers, another popstar I don't like. However, I don't really see this affecting her career. For one, her status as a vocal powerhouse in K-pop will keep her career afloat, and the fact that she's a Korean-American means the Korean public/media treat her differently. Just look at Krystal: it's a known fact that she's a total bitch, but Koreans don't seem to give a fuck 'cause she's Korean-American and attractive by their standards.

    1. I hope maybe GNA got nude pics too and for AKF maybe even HSY she was from US.

  12. The Cowboys game...you just had to mention it.

  13. ur full of shit u motherfucker creator of this blog

  14. ur full of shit u motherfucker creator of this blog

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUE4N_dG8wI

    2. Wae u mad Pedro? Johnny Noh is that you?

    3. You mad Johnny 형? feel it asian-dick

  15. This shit is getting better and better. I hope they burn allkpop HQ down with the Ex and Johny's microdick.

    1. lol tons of kpop idols are unfollowing allkpop.

  16. Go to AKP twitter page and hit refresh. It's funny watching the follower numbers continually decrease every minute.

  17. Eventhough it sounds weird at first, I'm pretty sure by "an anonymous website" he meant sites like 4chan, where you can easily upload stuff pretty anonymously.

    The only question that remains is, where are the uncensored photos ?

    1. Also, whenver I hear "nude/sex pictures/videos leaked", I can't help but think the people are really stupid. If you let other people have nude photos of you and you're not a nude model, you're just stupid.

    2. Gross, well, I guess in that case I'm never going to see them, unless they surface somewhere else.

  18. http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/11/6theory-media-response-to-ymcs-statement-on-ailees-nude-photos#axzz2kNHsnLhP lolwhat

    1. thank goodness for custodians of the truth

    2. Wow! They dugged themselve in a deeper hole with that one.

  19. Fuck, I need to take of all my clothes and ride a wrecking ball into the allkpop building after this.

  20. We always said akp was trash and the CEO was a douche bag.

  21. How old was she when these photos were taken? I ask because if she was underage, is it possible to nail that scumbag for posting child pornography?

    1. People are saying 2009, making her 20 at the time.

    2. I don't think there's anything to suggest that

      The pictures are from the same room she was living in whilst pursuing a musical career through her youtube channel, which she started after leaving university.

    3. That's a shame, because I really hate anybody who would do this to a person. At least people seem to see what a classless piece of shit Johnny Noh is.

  22. Want all your wildest dreams to come true? SIGN UP NOW!!
    I will lol so much if this actually happens

  23. Her ex is an asshole for doing this to her.

  24. AKP is such a shit site. Of course they would do something like this. It doesn't matter how many people unfollow them. These same idiots will be back tomorrow to check the comments on the same damn article effectively giving them the hits they need to keep making money AKP knows this which is why they felt comfortable even posting those Ailee pictures. AKP panders to sill Koreaboos who despite all their protest eat shit like this up. They might have lost some twitter followers today, but you better bet as son as EXO does some shit, they'll all resubscribe.

    AKP sold out a long time ago. It's basically just a glorified SM fan forum anyways.

  25. Did you consciously not link or post those photos? Just curious.

    1. Full nude pictures will make the blog age restricted

    2. And we all want the 14 y'old girls to cry at the shitfests about those k-pop bands !

  26. Johnny has always been a shyster!

  27. http://www.gizoogle.net/xfer.php?link=http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/&sa=U&ei=sgaCUueIBKae7AbmzoGQCQ&ved=0CBkQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNF8PaGiaZeima4JIY2-Z_WpSmSd5g Oh God, you all have to see this! I am crying!

  28. This theory is a hell of a lot more plausible than anything i've seen lol. Props to AKF for the mad paint skillz

  29. Your ms paint never ceases to amaze me. Allkpop just proved they're lower than scum. Piece if shit. I really wanna punch Johnny Noh in the fucking face, fucking douchebag.

  30. The audio of the phone call with Dispatch and Ailee's ex-boyfriend has been released: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OBzMPesUy7E

    I can't understand Korean for shit, but you'll definitely be able to.

  31. i don't know shit what they're saying but here's the photos with ailee nude: http://kenh13.info/ro-ri-anh-nude-duoc-cho-la-cua-ca-sy-han-quoc-ailee.html

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Those MS Paint drawings are hilarious XD

  34. Muahaha! Johnny Noh is actually a closet pedophile. He'll burn in hell for what he did. OH and I think Pedro Pedrosoy is his underaged Latin lover. Don't be mad because Johnny Noh likes p**sy too.

  35. I just found this blog and I think you're a genius...
    PLEASE don't stop writing. Ever.
    And your super-amazing MS Paint skills?

  36. video on demand

  37. video on demand


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