Monday, November 18, 2013

Click B's Oh Jong Hyuk (aka Soyeon's Man) in Wedding Singer Musical

I saw the article on Soompi and was reminded of this awesome clip. If the musical doesn't contain this song, there's no fucking point of recreating it.


  1. I'mma need conformation that clip is safe for work before I watch it

  2. I feel bad that there is only one comment, so now you have two.

  3. Feeling like an old fart... I guess your usual fanbase doesn't know the 'funny' Adam Sandler... or that he even exists.

    1. Yeah, I guess being 23 makes me old these days haha.

      His old movies are comedy classics imo. Too bad people only know of his post-Click days in this generation.

    2. Hey, Click was good to me!! I really liked it, and Sandler's role as a dad made me tear up. Especially that cheesy scene at the graveyard and at the end...

    3. Yeah, that's why I said "post-Click". That was the last movie from Sandler that I enjoyed. After Grown Ups, I have avoided all of his movies.

    4. The last decade was weird. I got hooked on the works of Adam Sandler and Dave Chappelle just as quickly as both fell into obscurity. Though one through progressively shittier movies and the other at his peak.

    5. Sandler still has good movies ten years ago (Anger Management, 50 First Dates). But yeah, I got into Chappelle during the second year of his show. I used to say "I'm Rick James, bitch!" all the time haha.


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