Sunday, November 3, 2013

"I Got A Boy" wins Video of the Year at YouTube Awards

YouTube hosted its first awards show tonight. I've only seen a few minutes of the live stream, but it seemed pretty weird. Or cheap. Yeah, I think that's the word I wanted.

The most interesting thing to come out of the show was Girls' Generation's "I Got A Boy" winning Video of the Year.

It surprised many, I believe.

The competition for video of the year included Justin Bieber's "Beauty and a Beat," Miley Cyrus' "We Can't Stop," and One Direction's "Best Song Ever." Even though the winners were apparently based on fan votes, something at which kpop fans have proven their mastery, they had their work cut out for them against equally rapid Beliebers and Directioners and whatever other -ers were also voting.

But yeah, I'm torn about this. I don't particularly like "I Got A Boy" winning anything, but I don't like any of the other songs, either.

Here's Tiffany's acceptance speech. Warning: It's a bit cringe-tastic.


  1. All the fandoms are hilariously fighting over it, you should check out some of it for ammunition to add to this.

    If they're going to fight though I want it to be on an island Battle Royale style.

    1. Yeah, lol, I am actually looking for some good sad fan reactions as we speak. I'm leaning toward Justin Bieber and One Direction fans.

    2. I asked the same question on my ask.fm and some nice person sent me these:
      https://twitter.com/priyobowo/status/397153445712371712 https://twitter.com/fanboiminaj/status/397161770566967296 https://twitter.com/KatySlaysUrFav/status/397159958762233856

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. http://i.imgur.com/ITQCETT.png

    5. Well, I found a few sad fan comments, but the reactions were overwhelmingly just mouth-foaming kpop fans blabbering on about world domination and such. Then I went to Twitter and started reading Justin Bieber-related tweets and all I got there were scary-devoted fans and sad comments about some new video still not dropping.

      It's all too much. My head hurts. Too much pop media.

      I'm going to go read a book for a couple hours. Be back when my brain stops spinning.

    6. Haha! Classic Jacques! Would have loved him to do an arcadey blog about it!

    7. The irony of nikki minaj fans saying no asians should be allowed to be nominated when the person they stan has indian descent.

    8. It's doubly ironic considering that Nicki's entire image has been copied and pasted from Japanese music and fashion.

    9. I am also pretty sure that if PSY would have been nominated and won for "Gangnam Style", the reaction would have been different.

    10. Nicki Minaj actually said that??? The bitch.

  2. I love the reaction to when SNSD wins. There is barely any cheering, as most people are thinking something along the lines of "Who the fuck are these Chinese whores?"

    1. I can see a thousand Japanese AKB/H!P fans committing sudoku knowing their music has become the ass end of all jokes. Hell Anime Parties I went to play more KPOP than JPOP that speaks volumes about the party potential of Japan nowadays.

    2. gotta love the humbleness this award show brings. sones losing their shit cuz in the kpop world snsd is president and everywhere else they arent even running for office. their like "omfg how can you not know these 9 goddesses".

    3. lol so true. Remember when Big Bang won Europe MTV crap? lol everyone was like who da fuck r them?

  3. they had their work cut out for them against equally rapid Beliebers and Directioners and whatever other -ers were also voting.

    lol no they didnt. the scary part is all this fanwaring is probably just a handful of these fandoms. the rest didnt know this irrelevant ass award show existed.(youtube spammed this award show at the top of my homepage for a week and a half and i still forgot to watch). lets not underestimate the power of bieber gaga miley selena and 1d when their psycho army is in full power. they wouldve had a vote hashtag trending in 2 seconds if they wanted too.

    1. so true! SNSD won by 3 million votes. i have no idea about fandom sizes...but looking at album sales or even something trivial like twitter followers, the other nominees clearly have enough people to overcome that vote. but while fangirl death threats no longer surprise me, all the racist comments were disgusting.

    2. Well snsd fans do create multi accounts for everything related to voting for snsd.

    3. Well snsd fans do create multi accounts for everything related to voting for snsd.

    4. So what if Justin Bieber, One Direction, and EXO were to be pitted against each other? Hmmm. World War 3 it is.

  4. I want to laugh, but the sadness kills the funny.

  5. This award wasn't actually an artist award, but a fandom battlefield and SNSD's win just shows how scary/dedicated the k-pop fandom can be.

    1. Apparently they tripled the vote of the nearest competition.

    2. I had no doubts about this. In a fandom war, the K-pop saesangs will always win.

      I don't know if YouTube understood that when they tried to make this a "people's choice" award but they should understand it now.

    3. They probably already knew and wanted to exploit that rabid fanbase in order to get more worldwide exposure.

  6. Wow. Never thought they would win. I'm so happy for them. In your face 1D and Bieber fans! Now you know who has the most obsessive fans.

    The farthest I got watching IGAB was prolly 2 minutes and I haven't watched the rest of this videos so I can't pass judgement whether this really is the video of the year(It's not). Still this "awards show" was just a big e-peen contest so meh.

  7. OMFG! I just found out EXO is going against Justin Bieber and One Direction in the MTV EMA. Can't wait for that shitstorm.

    1. Oh boy here we go again, I can't wait to see the hypocritical insults directioners and belibers try to use against exo.

    2. brb, creating 400 accounts so I can vote for EXO and harvest the tears of Directioners and Beliebers.

    3. Since Girls' Generation won the Youtube thing, then, right now exotics have their hopes up and are going to vote non-stop.

    4. This will be fan war of the century.

    5. Oh please let EXO win MTV EMA. If Sones are soldiers, Exotics are fanatical terrorists. The poor Directioners and Beliebers have no clue about the crazy levels of Kpop fandoms, especially EXO fans. The war would be glorious and entertainment gold.

    6. Yeah, I seriously wanna lean back and watch all the fanwars that are gonna unfold. Bahahaha. The 3 craziest fandoms are up against each other.

    7. As much I enjoy fan wars I want 1Direction to win because I live with a teenage girl who has those British oppas covering her wall and my life will become unplesent for a day or two if they don't win.

  8. Everybody, please calm your buttholes the fuck down.

  9. Some of the comments under the video of Tiffany giving the speech are fucking retarded. I'm really happy SNSD won, but if they didn't then I wouldn't bash the artist that did. But whatever because they still won so, I'm happy.

    1. "You must have been voting for that girl Justin Bieber."
      - My favorite comment

  10. I feel like I should feel something more as a fan of kpop but I really hate "I Got a Boy" and I personally don't feel strongly one way or another about the other nominees. I also feel like this should be a big victory for k-pop but then I think about those "let's get 70 million views by _______
    s 3rd anniversary next week" so when it comes to the internet, kpop fans dominate anyways.It's good that Tiffany was sent to rep SNSD but when she said something like "This is my friend. Is it ur friend too?" I cringed at the awkwardness lol. Other than that, she looked gorgeous & her speech was nice

    1. She looked beautiful. I think she was really really nervous because of the awkward silence when they announced GG as the winner. But, I have to be honest: I don't like the song, but if it's just based on the visual aspect, i do think "I got a boy" was the right winner, and I also think that all of kpop wins on the VISUAL impact.

    2. True. Although I Got a Boy is terrible, I can watch it all day on mute.

  11. At first I didn't care about the awards but then the butthurt comments came and so I joined in on the fun.

  12. Directioners/Beliebers are on the same level of crazy as k-pop fans, but when it comes to awards like these kpop fans are crazy obsessive. The racist comments about GG kinda piss me off but at the same time, if JB/1D had been the one who won k-pop fans would probably throw hateful comments on them as well. Not racist comments for sure, though. White people never get bashed for their race.

    1. I agree. I always do the shifty eyes every time [inset K-pop fandom here] tries to act like they are above Directioners and Beliebers.

  13. So, Youtube awards twitter account respond to one of the haters saying: "GG fans voted more than you baby! You can say what you want, its not our problem."



  14. LOL sone fancafe had scripts spamming the voting site. That is so common in Korea and China lol. There is a reason why public voting is worth so little even on weekly music show and you have to pay or give your real ID (talking about ids like State ID/Social Security Number) to vote. Even then they are hacked like crazy.

    SK has one of the worst ID theft. http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2006/04/05/2006040561019.html It is so common that kids "borrows" their parents or grandparents ID so they can avoid the dumbass gaming/online crewfew limit. Starcraft 1 is perfect example lol.

  15. YouTube award... What a stupid thing, can be something more stupid?

    1. This is just an absolutly fantastic impersonation of a k-netizen btw

  16. I Got A Boy is one of those songs that has no business outside of the K-pop fandom. SONES need to sit the fuck down and stop voting for SNSD to win these awards they had no business being nominated for.

    Next up we'll have EXO win for UULF at the EMAs. And people are really still questioning why K-pop will never take off in the west. Look at the all the fucking tom foolery that's always representing it (Yes that means Psy too).

    Tippany it wasn't that important either. Her fucking speech *head desk*

    1. Why does this have no business outside of the Kpop fandom? It's fucking POP music. I see nothing wrong with what Sones did. All they did was vote, having the same opportunity that fandoms of other POP acts had.

    2. Why shouldn't SONEs vote when the competition was precisely about which artist would get the most votes from the public? I'm not a friend of most of the Western pop that was nominated, but obviously have no problem with those groups' fans voting for their favourites.

      Psy, if anyone, did take off.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Beaten to it. Also, I Got A Boy just screams for someone to remix the cacophony of (awesome) hooks into a proper song.

    5. Couldn't agree more with Dilia and AKF.

      What you wrote was really stupid, pimp.

    6. Cool, normally I actually have to go to other sites to find buttmad, but you were kind enough to bring it here.

    7. @pimp um, your joking right? Like, trying to be ironic to make fun of the butthurt, idiot fans who are upset that their british and canadian oppars didn't win an irrelevant award, right?

  17. Same song and video made more entertaining. http://youtu.be/iMvK51DXGSg

  18. i just want exo to win at the emas and everyone to go AWOOOOOOOO when they do like woah

    tbh i finally see why wolf got them popular; that song has some serious fucking energy live

    1. Wolf, incidentally, was produced by the same (American) guy that did I Got A Boy. For all the flak he caught for these songs -but maybe that was just from cynical retards like us- and although I Got A Boy's triumph probably had less to do with the song than with the video and with its being an SNSD number, I think it'll be fair to say he's "become a hot issue" if EXO also wins.

    2. I like that performance on mute. The song itself is TERRIBLE. I really like Growl though

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I think is funny how exotics are using the racist tweets to unite all kpop fandoms, so they all vote for EXO on the EMAs. It is kinda of a smart move.

  21. so we have a girl who made Selena Gomez lesbian, five gays that trying so hard calling themselves straight, a creature that stole Draco Malfoy's haircut at the end of HP and nine girls that people still confuse them as chinese when we all know who they really are (thailand, right? wait, no?).

    are you sure this isn't Best (or Worse; YMMV) Creatures Appear on Youtube Award?

  22. Im happy SNSD won rather than the other disasters

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  24. Replies
    1. It's like I'm looking into a mirror of my dreams. UNF UNF

  25. I'm a samchon fan. All this racist shit is like a flashback to the 80's when rap music started charting and metal fans called it a fad and not music.

  26. Meanwhile a jpop fan hangs himself wondering why the rest of world treat them like nobodies

  27. Main issue aside, what's worse for me is that the vid cuts off poor M.I.A.


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