Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fangirls and their Idiotic Slut-Shaming

Jessica's recent performance of Lee Hyori's "Miss Korea" sparked up the stupid fangirls to do what they do best: slut-shame. Slut-shaming isn't a new trend amongst the K-Pop community and happens every time a female idol does something that is considered "overtly sexual" by fangirls. There was a lot of slut-shaming going on when After School pole-danced and Girls' Day came out with "Expectation".

As a feminist I can understand where they're coming from. There's no doubt in my mind that women are exploited for the benefit of men in the entertainment industry, but slut-shaming totally goes against what I believe in. You don't just say that an idol is a slut, whore or a porn star just because she's acting sexy on stage or in a music video. That's totally unacceptable, especially since you don't know a thing about that idols personal life to even call her a slut.

Most of the fangirls that slut-shame are hypocrites anyway. They go on and on about how their idol shouldn't feel pressured to be sexy or wear a swimsuit on stage because it's objectification, but they're overjoyed when they see their oppas lift their shirts and pour water all over their abs. So you're telling me that it's perfectly acceptable for a man to parade around semi-naked, but it is a crime against humanity for a woman to wear a swimsuit on stage? Fucking hypocrites.

I honestly don't know why I get so bothered by these comments when they're nothing but a bunch of a half-witted fangirls who only care about oppas bulge, but the idiocy is spreading. It's everywhere you go. I can't watch Jessica's performance without seeing comments about how she's a porn star or how she's prostituting herself. I mean, it's kind of funny to read comments like that when the person who is writing such comments has a display picture of their oppas bulge, but the stupidity makes me want to facepalm myself so hard. 

I'm not for a sexually fuelled entertainment industry where we can basically see everything and there's only a thong to prevent a music video from being classified as soft porn, but I see nothing wrong with wearing a swimsuit on stage. No one was calling CL a slut when she wore a swimsuit on Inkigayo (maybe that has something to do with her looking like a monkey and Jessica being hot as hell)

If a female idol shouldn't be pressured to be sexy or provocative (and K-Pop rarely is provocative), she shouldn't be pressured (by fans) to not be sexy. Fangirls should take a break from the internet and stop trying to campaign for equality in K-Pop when they want two different things for each gender. They need to accept that equality means that if they want their oppas to be scantily clad (I hope not stripper clad) they need to accept that their are people out there who like seeing their noonas in swimsuits.


  1. No one slut shamed CL because we were all too busy throwing up lol.

    1. I cannot un-see that bulge.

    2. I still could care less about CL, she doesn't make me fangirl or some shit but she hardly gives me the urge to throw up either. I'm just indifferent to the bitch. Everyone hates the way she looks, I'm just standing over here going 'why should my fat ugly white girl ass be ridiculing someone who clearly has more admirers and fame than I do?'. Maybe it's because I've never been a nasty person, but I feel like insulting an entire person's face just doesn't really do any good. Even though I hate Hara immensely I only call her out on her freakishly huge eyes and skinny body as supposed to calling her 'ugly' because she's not, there's just a few attributes I dislike about her that's all. Idk i hate being nasty. All the nastiness I have is mainly towards myself and my looks and my behavior.

  2. Never saw that performance before, so I just looked up some pics now.
    Doesn't look bad to me.

  3. a. slut shaming JESSICA for her sexy performance makes no sense. she's part of the slick kpop machine and does whatever it takes to make money; at the end of the day, it's a few executives that make a lot of her decisions for her. what i hate about slut shaming like this is that it's basically women blaming other women for the oppression of women; nobody's thinking about the big picture and the societal issues that you would have to solve before these images go away. to this end, i would say that it's equally ridiculous to counter the jessica example with the example of oppa's gun show, because oppa is every bit the dispensable spare part that jessica is; the argument ultimately takes you nowhere (other than a bunch of really hot pictures and videos that everybody cites as "proof" ohhh yeahhh)

    b. why would we want to stop this relentless oppression of both males and females in the kpop industry? i was given to understand that everybody in this fandom knew that everything is about appearances and illusions; that's the thing about it that sets it apart from every other garbage pop machine; does anybody still believe that when you listen to a kpop song over and over you're listening to it for the song? [s] who cares that this is the end product of a society with a ridiculous appearance focus and equally ridiculous patriarchy har har har that's koreur's problem[/s]

    c. tbh this link between an opposition to sexuality and feminism is the thing that i've come to hate most about the mainstream ideas of feminism, this whole idea of doN'T YOU KNOW THAT ALL SEXUAL IMAGES OF WOMEN ARE WRONG BECAUSE THESE WOMEN ARE STUPID AND REPRESSED?? (i say this assuming that example x of female kpop star doing sexually charged thing, which is probably almost never the case, but anyway), because women can totally take charge of their sexuality and want it to be a part of their lives and men and other women are just going to have to learn to fucking respect that??? applies especially in this case because jessica is a grown up and not some 8 year old maknae piece of shit
    hate to be the loser that quotes beyonce, but her lyrics make more sense than the lebowski scene she got them from, and it's a nice thought to end the point with:
    "Do you like sex? Sex. I mean, the physical activity. Coitus. Do you like it? You're not interested in sex? Men think that feminists hate sex, but it's a very stimulating and natural activity that women love."

    d. holy bajesus i didn't even know that there was a "controversy" about this??? that swimsuit looks really conservative to me, fangirls need to step out in the sun for a second and look at the shit i've seen seventh graders wear. if only they redirected all this energy to a more worthy cause /sigh

    1. ok this came out rant-y forgive me gods of oppadom its 3 am

    2. Standing ovation, I agree with pretty much everything you said. Also:
      "That's totally unacceptable, especially since you don't know a thing about that idols personal life to even call her a slut."
      How could knowing the details of her personal life make this more "acceptable"? Why fucking, let's say, 4 guys in a week should be more despicable than being a "virgin" or a devoted girlfriend/wifu? The -I'm better than you- argument is something we humans will never get rid of :(.

    3. Actually I was just trolling : the truth is all woman are shit, and that's a FACT. So even if you girls are slut or not you still are the cancer of Earth.

    4. @Ziodonato Well, the actual meaning of a "slut" is a woman who doesn't keep her house clean. So we can't call Jessica a slut unless we see inside her house haha.

    5. Omf let me love you. So much agreement bye.

    6. "Why fucking, let's say, 4 guys in a week should be more despicable than being a "virgin" or a devoted girlfriend/wifu?"

      @Ziodonato Tell me about it, today i had to argue with a moron slutshaming Narsha on AJ because she dated a different guy every month and the possibility she had sex with them.

      I know a lot of hardcore party girls and they banged a huge numbers of men in a year, enough to make narsha look a "pure virgin" even if she slept with all the guys she dated.

      And i still don't think it's reason enough to call someone a slut.

  4. I remember somewhere months ago on YouTube, I saw a 2PM fan with a shirtless member as their display picture slut shaming Girl's Day's Female President video saying they have no talent.
    I was like "Please, tell me more about how you got into 2PM." Female President is an awesome fucking MV/song anyway.

  5. You're the kind of feminist that I like.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. akisame, you are officially the second best writer on the blog! sully_fag has always been number one for me and now you're right after him. Everything you said on this blog is exactly what a lot of us have been thinking. You are what a feminist should be and not what these other douchebag women claim to be. Love you!

  8. Personally, I think both male and female idols should be equally as semi-naked as each other...


  9. oh and coincidence: http://goofingoffwithkpop.blogspot.com/2013/12/leave-sica-alone.html nope. I had it in draft for a since the 24th but this inspired me to just edit and publish it...

  10. But she isnt naked, she is covered. I dont understand why she is getting slut shamed.

  11. Bitches and whores, bitches and whores.


  12. Sure beats JPOP Though, I can't think of a recent JPOP MV in the last year that actually gave me a boner without making me feel like a sex offender (So 48G is out)

  13. If I can enjoy Jongup and Hoya ripping off their shirts on stage, then you guys can sure as heck enjoy Jessica wearing a swimsuit and looking gorgeous as hell performing Miss Korea.

  14. http://img.pandawhale.com/53813-Jason-Momoa-dis-gun-be-gud-gif-qo8i.gif

  15. huh...as a total feminist I oppose ...this may explain why --> http://youtu.be/9gjpix5XPbs

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. **sorry for the prior deletion, I screwed something up with the formatting... should be fixed now...

      This sums up my thoughts exactly when I saw comments on a video of VIXX performing Troublemaker's Now with Girl's Day... so many idiotic girls getting angry over the fact that they PERFORMED WITH WOMEN AND TOUCHED WOMEN HOLY SHIT. Number 1, it is a performance. Number 2, you do not know them. I repeat, DO NOT KNOW THEM and never will. (Also, never mind that a small handful of VIXX's songs are blatantly about sex...lots of girls going "what have you done?!?! *cries*" on pages there. (Though, may I add, I think the songs are done very well (as in lyrical content, production, etc.) and at least compared to American media, are done tastefully. blatantly about sex but not blatantly sexual.) Guys, they're men in their 20s. seriously. What else could you expect?

      A few of the girls were even singled out in comments, with dislikes and comment such as "_____'s such a slut," "I'm jealous...but omg my Vixx babies," and "now I hate girlsday" abounding.

      ..some people just don't get it. And this is the issue with kpop... as I saw it summed up by eatyourkimchi the other day, "Kpop artists can sing about love and act sexy on video, but they can’t ever be that way off camera. Canal + wanted to know why, so we gave our best answers as to why. Our opinion on the matter: having sexual relationships off camera lowers your marketability. Kpop idols fulfill people’s fantasies. Exo will sing about loving a girl but you won’t see her face, because if you do see a face that isn’t yours it’ll be more difficult for you to imagine yourself in that place. The illusion will be more difficult to sell. Girls Generation, in Genie, are leading a guy by the hand through different sexy rooms, but you only see his hand, which can very well be your hand. If you saw the guy’s face, the illusion would be broken, and fanatic fans – unable to role-play as easily as before – will not buy as much."

    2. I can't believe VIXX have fans. They have got to be the ugliest idol group I have ever seen. Leo looks Jigsaw from the Saw movies. YIKES

    3. EXO would be uglier if they didn't have Lay.

  17. Oh! A new author! Hi there! I hope you last more than a month! You seem really cool!


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