Monday, January 27, 2014

[MV review] Ga-In "Fxxk U"

Ga-In says "Fu (inhale) k you."

She didn't do herself up real nice for this shit.

Brown Eyed Girls' Ga-In has returned to the solo scene once again with "Fxxk U," the pre-release for her upcoming "Truth or Dare" album.

The song and video tell the story of a couple who basically both need to gtfo. Their relationship is abusive, and the dude makes Ga-In's skin crawl.

So she spits in his pretty, pretty face.

"Maybe I should just go back to fxxking myself."

After a lot of fighting and a little bathtub fun time, things start to get real, real quickly. 

Fire will fix this problem.

The track features Bumkey and has a surprisingly jazzy sound for such dark material.

Me listening to the song ...

Meanwhile in the video ...

I'm glad "Fxxk U" is a pre-release, because while it's pretty good, it's not up to "Bloom" Ga-In standards. As the whole point of pre-releases is to drum up attention and hype for an album, though, this song does its job pretty well.

To the surprise of no one, the video already has been declared unfit for broadcast by SBS. Along with the obvious lyrical problems it presents a network, the video offers myriad risky content, including sex, abuse, and someone putting out a candle with their hand.


BOTTOM LINE: Hype song gets the job done.


  1. I was half expecting the Human Centipede in this MV.

    1. Would Ga In be in the front, middle, or back of this centipede?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Submitting my Rule 34 Gain end-of-Centipede request.

    4. bitch gain wouldn't be the centipede she'd be the fuckin doctor

  2. video is just controversy bait to make koreans talk about sex issues in society.

    as for the song:
    1) meh-ness
    2) super awkward flow-ruining engrish
    3) dumb "fuck you" parts
    4) lord bumkey showing that the rest is actually shit

    damnit bumkey just release a full album already.

    1. bumkey just release a full album already.

      bumkey just release a full album already.

      bumkey just release a full album already.

      bumkey just release a full album already.

      bumkey just release a full album already.

      bumkey just release a full album already.

  3. I was really feeling the song, and I feel like Bumbkey's voice made it even better. As for the MV, it's going to take me a few watches to get the full story line, as with any Ga-In, or Brown Eyed Girl's MV, requires. But I overall enjoyed it a lot.

  4. Joo Ji Hoon is so HOT damn it.
    Too bad he isn't as popular as he was during goong era after his drugs scandal.

    1. If Koreans had any balls he would have been even more popular, but alas. I can't see the point of being a young idol, actor, or musician if you can't bang chicks, get wasted and trash hotel rooms.

    2. That's where he's from, I though he looked familiar but couldn't place him.

    3. Maybe this will help...

  5. what is this I thought the kpop was all about cute staff Im done with kpop :(

  6. Ga-In is sexy as fuck, and she may not be the prettiest girl, but she's definitely the sexiest idol for me. She doesn't have the typical Kpop girl look, but she's always exuded a natural sexy aura that other idols don't seem to possess and have to force. I thought the song was okay, but it didn't exactly grab me. The "fxxk u" lines seemed a bit "try hard" to me and came off cheesy.

  7. Ugh I can just fap to bumkey's voice.

    And yes I am not into putting curse words in songs, it's not so bad this case, just makes me cringe a bit.

    1. Also gain needs to stop playing with her period blood.

    2. pls its the only enjoyable part of menstruation dont take it away from us oppa

  8. dafuq, why does she sound like an old feeble woman whenever she says fuck you....you would think there would be a tad bit more "feel" to those lines...


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