Friday, January 17, 2014

Seungyeon To Be In New SBS Plus Drama

Not content to let Nicole and Jiyoung ruin her career, Seungyeon isn't letting those UCAADs drag her down. On the other hand, she has been cast in a new series. Well, the cognitive dissonance within me is super strong right now. Seungyeon was always a close second-favorite of mine in Kara, and now with Nicole gone, Seungyeon is on top for me now. But....I am one of her fans that doesn't want her to ever act again...or at least until she improves a lot...which I guess would require her to act in dramas a lot...which means...I don't fucking know. Fuck.

It's not like you UCAADs can read this anyway, but here.

Some Korean netizens are mortified over this news. They're acting like they have to watch it, and some of them will probably be masochistic enough to watch it just because they dislike Seungyeon. This reminds me of The Walking Dead. My dad is a huge fan of the show and he reads online comments from time to time and he has told me that a good chunk of the people that watch TWD really hate the show, but they keep watching just so that they can nitpick about it. That sounds retarded to me, because I would rather spend time watching a show, you know, that I actually liked.

mayl****: ??? Don't they know [anything] from the company that produced Jang Ok Jung?
sunn****: Those who have watched Jang Ok Jung know. No, even if they hadn't watched Jang Ok Jung, they would know. Her annoying fucking voice and her fucking face. [Not to sure about this line] The gap between her and the actors she appears with will widen/The actors she appears with will make her look like shit.
kims****: If it's a modern drama, she'll be able to do it better than a historical drama, right?
inou****: I won't be watching it. ~~~ㅠ.ㅠ What do I do? [This drama is based off of] my favorite webtoon!
tjda****: Definitely.won't.watch. She really fucking sucks at acting, and I was really surprised after seeing Jang Ok Jung. [발연기 literally means 'foot acting', which means they sucking fuck, fucking suck, and fucking blow at acting.]

So there you go. Part of me doesn't want to watch this, another part of me does, and the other part of me just wants Seungyeon to lick my ice cream cone.


  1. Jessica after having seen Seungyeon act.


  2. I can't tell how bad her acting is cos I dunno what she's saying. I do know that she looks hot in those historical clothes. Her bitchface in the second scene is sexy. What's the name of this drama? Might check it out to add to fap folder.

    1. She does have a great bitchface, but I think most of her criticism is due to her voice and her looks(????). Seungyeon is the definition of unf, but whatever.

      The literal title is "Shoujo Manga Shoes", though I'm certain a nicer, more clear English name for this drama will come out soon.

    2. I don't get the crap about her voice. The only thing that bothered me was the lack of facial expressions. I think her face wanted to move more but couldn't.

  3. What your dad says about TWD is entirely true. It's the comic geeks. They will cling onto something for years and years just to complain about it.

    1. I've read the first 16-17 volumes of the comic book and think it sucks major dinosaur cock after volume 8, or whenever they left the prison. I've heard that the TV series is much better since characters are actually fleshed out as opposed to the comic books, where they have sex all the time even though zombies are about to fucking eat them.

  4. 0:22 I too want to touch that cute mouth of hers.
    1:50 pls stop seungnyan-chan, I can't hold it in any longaaaa~~~~

  5. I don't know why, but that Seungyeon pic made me think of this song.


  6. Hammy's looking pretty fine in that clip. Most Koreans' acting look stiff to me in those historical shows anyway.

  7. There's nothing with Seungyeon's voice or face.
    Her acting is mediocre but Kara's current situation should motivate her to kick it up a notch.

  8. Can't believe K-netizens take these dramas (and the actors in them) so seriously.

    Most of the acting is cheesy American daytime soap opera-type stuff.

    1. Yeah I'm no expert on this shit but it seems to me like complaining about how bad "Ridge" or "Brooke" act in "The Bold And The Beautiful." The cinematographers even seem to do those cheesy soap-style pan-in shots at the end of each scene where they zoom up on the face. But then K-netizens take k-pop itself way too seriously as if a bunch of girls dancing around singing throwaway pop is The Three Tenors so I guess it's no shock that they're also expecting Academy-Award standard acting performances out of daytime dramas. Life must suck being a k-netizen and never getting what you want.

  9. My new fetish is chicks eating ice-cream cones.

    1. She's licking white cream and nuts...so it is an awesome fetish.

    2. I like those types of ice cream lol, And the ones with the chocolate in the middle.

  10. Seung Yeon is so f*cking cute but looks like she doesn't how know how to make another expression instead happiness, if she makes another one looks angry or upset lol

    Her eyesmile is soooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeee *dies*


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