Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Just like with 1 million and 5 million, I never expected AKF to be this big.

As usual, I have to thank all of the authors for this, since it has been a collective group effort. It's been about a year since the last milestone, and the past year has been about the best year for AKF. There have been very few changes to the author roster after the carousel of 2011 and 2012, and we have only added two authors (Kpopalypse and akisame) since then and lost just one (who only wrote two articles anyway).

Most of all, I have to thank the readers and commenters. You guys have literally done all of the promoting for me. In 2011, I used to be active on a few Kpop forums and other SNS sites to get the AKF name known, but in the past year and a half, I haven't really needed to promote AKF anymore by posting on forums anymore, so I can thank you guys for sharing articles so that I can spend more time actually writing articles and drawing stick figure porn.

Lastly, the commenters make AKF the best of the worst sites to visit. You guys make the comments section interesting to read and there have been some good discussions that just wouldn't happen on just about 99% of other Kpop sites just because we throw political correctness out the window.


  1. Congratulations Oppa, and the other authors as well, you've all worked hard.

    1. Wow u all need psychology!!! this site is sick, imagine if this was ur sister or ur mother???????? how would u do it then??????

      im calling therapist. RITE now.

    2. Oh god, I love your comment. The truth is I'm mentally depraved.

  2. Congrats sunbaenim! 15,000,000 on the way for sure!!!!

  3. Having doctor shinbi stripping would definitely double the views

    1. Wait... I thought I was doing stripping streams for this site already...

      ...... oh balls - who tricked me into doing personal streams for them!?

  4. Congratulations to you. This site deserves it's views because it's one of the few places online where we can discuss and vent our frustrations with Kpop's music, share few fap pics without having any pissed off and delusional fans threatening to hang our heads as sacrifices to their idols. Anyway, have fun, and stay awesome.

  5. Congratulations, man. AKF is easily one of my top two K-pop websites. I hope you and the other authors keep going strong.

  6. Well done !
    There can never be too many fishies in the sea.

  7. Congrats to all the authors especially to Chuck Zilla! (anyone still visits the chatroom?)

    1. Hey napo! We abandoned the chat for Skype. If you want an invite, just email me.

  8. Here is something...(AKP warning)


    Layman's terms, all good things must come to an end, in this case it's sexy concepts on broadcast.

    1. That's what they said before.... AAAND before.

      It'll just be some reactionary bullshit that only applies to a couple groups while others get away with shit scot-free, and over time it will slowly get sexier and sexier again.

    2. If only Korea realize the real value of America's money and that if they want worldwide acclaim they need to start sucking America's pop culture cock or munch on that cumstained carpet of Beyonce instead of desperately appealing to Ahjusshis in Japan

    3. they always come with this shit but it only last a few weeks anyways stellar already got down and durty with the butt rub dance http://youtu.be/fzWFTsiuJtU

  9. almost as cool as stellar MV 2 million views keep the good work but maybe you should try a sexy concept so you can get more views

  10. Congratulations!

    ... unnnf that gif gets better the longer you stare

  11. And to think, 9 million of those were probably soon-to-be disappointed people looking for naked SNSD pics.

  12. I've been an avid reader for more than 2 years. Wow.
    You guys are the authors that Gotham deserves.

  13. Congratulations, bossu!

    Thank you to everyone who made this happen~ <3 Love you all very much!! You all get gold stars and participation medals.


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