Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hyoyeon Wins The Gold; Wasn't Robbed

Congratulations to Hyoyeon! She managed to win the gold medal. At least one Korean didn't get fucked over.


  1. Google tells me it was at the “Public Welfare Athletics National Ski Competition”, not sure if that's a small or big thing.

    Who did get fucked over ?

    Her IG entry is funny lol

  2. I'll admit that I know little about figure skating judging, but honestly, the I found the Russian's performance much more exciting, connected and difficult. I was rooting for Yuna, and thought that she did a great job, but something just felt missing that was in her back in Vancouver. That being said, the Russian was probably overscored due to home field advantage, the scores should've been closer to the scores of Yuna, Carolina and Mao, but I wouldn't say that Yuna was exactly robbed. She should've been beaten by a smaller margin.

    1. This feels like Michelle Kwan vs. Tara Lipinski in 1998 all over again, in a way. Tara won, not because she did better, but because her performance was technically harder. The same goes here. Yuna was completely polished and perfect, but it was a simpler routine than Adelina. That being said, you're probably right about the home field advantage - 5 points is a relatively huge margin, and it should have been much closer.

    2. Yuna should have scored around 76-77 on her short program (she scored 74.92), she was underscored because she skated so early for someone with her skill and the judges were hesitant to give someone such a high score that early. Adelina shouldn't have scored higher than 72 at the MOST (probably closer to 70), but she scored 74.64 because it was extremely obvious the judges were overcompensating for Julia (the Russian favorite) falling down during her program. Watch Mao Asada's 2010 short program (for which she scored 73.78) and try to honestly tell me Adelina deserved to score almost a full point higher.


      When you consider than Yuna should have gone into the free skate with a 4-6 point lead and Adelina's free skate was at best 1-2 points better than Yuna's (and even that's debatable) you can understand why people are upset.

  3. Adelina's performance was so clumsy and full of flaws, I'm ashamed for for her. I'm not even koreabooing, I'm pretty mad that she robbed Carolina Kostner of the silver medal and only a tiny bit for Kim Yuna...

  4. Adelina can't even close her legs when she jumps she's like a frog flapping around and don't get me started on her landings her hand almost touched the ice once. Her and "exo look a like" boy's golden performances are jokes. In 2018 theres probably going to be a drought in figure skating for the Russian's since its held in the none other than the land of Yuna worshippers.

  5. Adelina had an incredible amount of flaws, talk about shit jumps.

  6. This is why I hate judged sports. I'm glad my sport is bowling, where no one will question me for winning by scoring 300 against someone who score 299.

  7. All the sport outlets are throwing shade at Russia. I think Yahoo sports titled one of their articles as "In a shocker, Adelina wins gold"

  8. I'm sure Hyoyeon's boyfriend fucked her over later that night.

  9. Hyoyeon's my third favorite member in SNSD and I must say, I didn't know she could ski...

  10. My problem isn't even necessarily that Adelina won, my problem is how much she won by. She was overscored.

  11. It was appalling to try to understand how Adelina beat Yuna by 5 points. From what I understand, one of the judges was the wife of the General Director of the Russian Skating Federation. No doubt the judging panel would say that Adelina made 7 triple jumps in comparison to Yuna's 6. However, the bronze medalist did 11, so what was going on? Anyway, judging was biased because of the home crowd and the presence of The President of the Russian Skating Federation. It's understandable that Adelina would win gold because she had the home crowd and she was a decent skater, but come on, having no one to cheer you on is bad enough, now even the judges are against you, that's like trying to skate without skates.

    1. Asada Mao did 8 jumps, including a triple axle. People are trying to defend Adelina by saying her program was technically tougher than Kim's, but Asada's and Kostner's programs were more difficult than Adelina's yet they got lower scores than Adelina.

      This is probably the best article I've read about the ordeal.


    2. It's hard to say, because Adelina did a tougher program, her execution was nowhere near as perfect as Yuna's. It's contradictory as if the judging criteria was based on the difficulty of the program, Adelina shouldn't have won. If it was based on the execution of the program, Adelina still shouldn't have won. The article you provided is very helpful, thank you for that.


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