Monday, February 3, 2014

SM The Ballad back to bore you again

This time with new people

Today, SM announced the return of SM The Ballad. The project group will come back this month, featuring almost all new people. Gone this go-around will be Jino and Trax's Jay. Also not returning is Super Junior's Kyuhyun.

Thank goodness

The group has been dormant since its 2010 release "Miss You," an epic snoozefest.

The song doubles as a cure for insomnia
and a punishment for your enemies.

"Hot Times" off that debut album was the only song that didn't make me want to shove things in my ears. Even that song, though, can only be regarded as a guilty pleasure, acceptable only in times when I'm feeling particularly shameless. (Like right now)

Anyway, I am more hopeful for this new incarnation of SM The Ballad. This comeback will feature SNSD's Taeyeon, Super Junior's Yesung, f(x)'s Krystal, some guy from Exo, and SHINee's Jonghyun, back for more. It can only go up from here, right?


  1. wat u mean thank goodness no kyuhyun if i could lick voices i would be all over his

    also sm needs to start grouping voices based on what they sound like??? krystal chen and jonghyun sound good together but the other two seem all uselessy also where da eff is fuckin JINO

    1. "if i could lick voices i would be all over his"
      I love this visual, but with Kyuhyun NO

    2. I'd lick Onew and Kyuhyun's voices.

    3. hOOOWWW DO YOU NOT LIKE KYUHYUN'S VOICE i mean have you heard him sing sad songs its like melting chocolate

  2. Lol'ing at Krystal being the "visual" of a vocally centred group, they should have just brought Lina out of the SM dungeon.

    I've also been making the regular mistake of typing the word "ballad" as "blandllad".

    1. Mistake or subconscious attempt to let the truth be known?

    2. Taeyeon is already a suitable "visual", why is Krystal even necessary?

  3. Why does EXO look like a bunch of Meme faces.

  4. There needs to be CCM The Ballad. That would be a lot better.

    1. ccm has the best ballads

      painkiller pretty much is a ccm the ballad id say

    2. We Were In Love was also perfect. I replayed that song for like two weeks straight and I only stopped because school started.

  5. Why would they need Krystal as a visual? Could've just used Taeyeon as visual and added Luna.

  6. Even a Younique Unit comeback would be an improvement from this shit.

    1. Thank you! I'm not the only one who freaking thinks that!

    2. Younique was the only time I ever found Taemin attractive tbh

    3. I'm not that into dubstep but I kept replaying that song.

  7. SM the Ballad was a nice way to let Jino get some air out of that musty dungeon, and now they ain't even letting him come back. Although I've never been a fan of male ballads, I hope the addition of Taeyeon and Krystal will make the songs a bit more tolerable. I'm still wondering why they didn't utilize Luna's vocals (assuming the screamfest that was "Hot Times" lays the groundwork for the group's concept) instead of Krystal, and I'd hoped they'd replace Jonghyun, lest he lose his voice competing with Chen.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  10. Omfg why Krystal? Her voice is nowhere near suited for a ballad. In fact, why she's even praised for her vocals at all is beyond me.

    I hate to pull the Luna card, but... Luna. Seriously, why the FUCK not Luna!? Krystal's gonna stick out like a sore thumb in this group.

  11. Now for the resident vocalfag to make his appearance...

    I disapprove of the Kyuhyun hate, he is a great vocalist and the fact that Jino is gone means that he's either going to debut soon or he's fucked off to some unknown company...

    Now for the line up.

    Taeyeon - Standard choice for any ballad type thing, good pick too if I were to be brutally honest, SM The Ballad needed an experienced ballad singer (I'll get to Jonghyun in a moment).

    Yesung - Yesung's vocal color is nice and everything but his actual singing has always been so meh to me, there's nothing special about it...

    Chen - The man can SING!!! He would've been one of my first picks for a singing-focused group, but I'm not too sure if he has the right type of voice for ballads... If we were really gonna go with EXO, I would've picked Baekhyun or D.O for ballads over Chen. Chen's voice is more suited for theatrical singing or musicals I think.

    Jonghyun - Same issue as Chen, an incompatible vocal colour for ballads, but he's good enough to pull them off because he's damn good at what he does. Not too sure if his voice will meld in with the line up this time around, honestly they should've picked Onew or Key from SHINee.

    Krystal - FUCK. NO. This bitch is overrated as fuck as a vocalist... Jessica would've been a better pick and I hate hearing a Jessica ballad (she can sing, but dear Buddha not a fucking ballad). Fortunately I'm not gonna play the Luna card because her singing isn't suited for ballads either. I don't think anyone from f(x) should be in this sub-unit to be honest, get fucking Irene or Seulgi... Or bring Kangta back from the dead... Or fucking J-Min or Zhang Liyin? WTF are they doing in your company?

    Anyway, this incarnation is filled with incompatible voices and is gonna be a huge flop... So I'm gonna let the following hashtags summarise for me.


    That is all...

    1. I agree with most of what you say, except that one part.


    2. I would have loved to see Onew in this. Big NO to Krystal. What is she doing up there?

    3. I agree with almost everything you said. But like...


    4. True or false, none of this matters because the song will be shit.


  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ9yyyk57h4#t=192
    Just gonna leave this here

  13. yo, who is the actor in that ballad song, dude is fine. wth krystal, lmfao. good luck with that one. jjong dont need a ballad shinee is right fucking there. i guess cause taemin is stealing his lines now he gotta do his dinosaur screeching elsewhere. onew is right fucking there. come on.

  14. IMO if they were gonna switch out members they should have just let Jonghyun go too and brought in Onew, his voice is so much better suited to ballads. Taeyeon is a good pick and Yesung is decent, but Krystal? Her vocals are average at best, whose brilliant idea was it to just bypass Luna and stick Krystal in a ballad group? And as much as I love Chen's voice they should've put D.O. in here he was born to sing ballads

  15. Krystal???

    They should replace Chen with Kyungsoo or Baekhyun. I mean yeah Chen is a good singer but his voice doesn't really suit ballads imo.

  16. It's been a slow year so far for both outstanding songs and really shit songs. Looking forward to this song to polarise things a bit.

  17. I think the only problem with this is the fact that Krystal is in it. Girl is pretty as hell but her vocals are only good enough for 2 or 3 parts in a song that doesn't require outstanding abilities whatsoever. If she's the visual, she'll still be pretty useless. It's not like Taeyeon isn't enough.

  18. Does SM even know what a ballad is supposed to sound like? Jonghyun totally ruined Hot Times (still love that song) because he doesn’t have the right voice. Why did they stick him in a ballad group (again) when ballads clearly aren’t his thing? Just because someone is a decent singer, doesn’t mean they have the voice to sing a ballad song. Onew would’ve been much better. He’s no “balladeer” but he’s better for one than Jonghyun. Chen has the same tone/range as Jonghyun. Where is Kyungsoo? Yesung and Taeyon? Fine, OK, that works. But Krystal? She’s not even above average by kpop standards.

  19. Taeyeon is the best K-girl of all time.
    End of the line.

  20. I think I'm the only person around here who actually thinks Krystal's vocals are fine, not particularly ballad level, but still decent. She seemed to have improved at-least slightly on "Pink Tape" and since she's only singing the Japanese version from what I've read, I think her voice will actually suit it.

  21. I wiah they do smth like SM Town instead

  22. I was looking forward for the songs, but then I saw the description that was given by SM for each of the songs...



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