Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SNSD's comeback will now be on the 24th of February

As reported earlier, SNSD's release of their single was delayed due to their being "loss of data" of crucial parts of the Mr.Mr music video. SM stated that it could take up to three weeks for SNSD to have a comeback, but now they have announced we'll only have to wait five more days!

“The new single was supposed to be released Feb. 19 through online music stores, but it has been rescheduled for Feb. 24.”

“The music video is one of the most important parts of promoting the new mini-album, so in order to ensure a better result, we decided to rearrange the girls’ schedule,” SM added.

Lol, what did I tell y'all about SM wanting to CRUSH 2NE1 so YG stops running his mouth off about how 2NE1 are some sort of "top" girl group, and survive against SNSD? What did I tell you?

To be honest, I think SM are playing right into YG's hands, because if 2NE1 flops then YG finally has an excuse to disband them and bring out his SNSD-esque, hip-hop rappin', pussy-poppin' girl group

To be honest, YG has some weird obsession with SNSD, I bet he prays to the shrine of TaenGod, so Bom doesn't sound like she's taking a dump every time she's singing a line.

Of course, this is all speculation, SM really could have lost the crucial data but I still don't buy it. To me, it's like somebody labelling crystal meth as some sort of sugary product and expects me to buy that shit. No thanks. 

Coincidentally, YGE has also changed the date of 2NE1's comeback by mere hours to February 25th. I am sorry, but there is no stopping the war that you already called.

This is goin' be messy, this is goin' be good.

UPDATE: YG have moved the date of the comeback yet again, this time to Feb. 26th at 12AM (00:00:00 27th Feb) so it can be closer to CL's birthday! Who you think you're foolin' YG?


  1. So was 2ne1 supposed to come back on 24th at first?

    Well we can already see who will win...

    1. Yep, but after this announcement YG changed the data. Lmao no real point in doing that.

  2. http://ygunited.com/2014/02/yg-news-2ne1-part-2/
    This article says they've moved it to the 26th.

    If all of this is true, it's really fucking retarded and just pissing off fans of both groups.

  3. This is going to be one hell of a war. Either that, or we could have a war, to see which songs rape our ears first.

  4. I'm not a fan of either group but...It's not going to be much of a war, honestly. People who think 2NE1 are actually on SNSD's level are delulu as hell. They never were, and they never will be. They're close, I'll give them that, but... SNSD is going to knock them back this time around, I'm sure. Unless the song is another ear sore like IGAB, then maybe 2NE1 has a chance. Maybe.

    1. That would be really hard to do at this point because the teaser sounds dope as hell... That and 2NE1 (and their producer Teddy) have a history of making ear rape, so I think YG's already lost the "war"...

      I say that because no one has actually lost, this is just a genius marketing ploy XD

  5. With the amount of crap these people at SM and YG pull, you would have thought they were politicians.

  6. Just give me good songs. That's really all I care about.

  7. I want F(x).

    And SHINee.

    I really don't give a shit about who's topping who, or who wins what. Just have SNSD and 2NE1 make their comebacks with two great songs so we can get over the hype and into the real deal.

  8. All of this is hype, speculating and shading of each other stupid; neither group is as popular as they used it be. If EXO released some garbage on the 25th then both groups would be SOL.

    1. lol. That is strangely and disturbingly true… To an extent.

    2. Haven't boy groups generally been more popular than girl groups?

    3. I can't exactly answer that with any real proof. My favorite group of all time is SHINee and my but second favorite group and favorite girl group is F(x). Some people say the reason why boy groups are popular is because Kpop is heavily female-fan dominated, which I guess could have some affect on boy group popularity.

      However aren't SNSD like Asia's Princesses??? I think they're still way more popular than SuJu. I'm pretty sure if SuJu came back on the 25th, SNSD or 2NE1 would DESTROY them. But that's just what I think.

      As for EXO, I like them a lot, but I think that they are blown out of proportion by EXOtics at times.

    4. EXO's abilities in singing, dancing and existing are blown out of proportion sure, but their ability to sell millions of singles/albums/general shit? Nope. It only took them one year to out-sell every other "established" group.

      SNSD are not Asia's princesses. That's Korean media hype. SNSD is popular in SEA but so is AKB48. Just as many people in the Philippines will turn up to see Mayuyu at the airport that will turn up to see all of SNSD.

      Suju was the most popular Korean group in Asia, maybe EXO is taking their place, but SUJU definitely had SNSD beat. No one has more SEA product shills than Suju.

      I don't think 2NE or SNSD would blow SUJU out of the water. ELF, especially when faced with the prospect of losing to sones will go all out. SUJU would crush 2NE1 on a physical chart.

      The main point though, is that both groups have been declining in popularity because now there are more groups to pick from. SNSD will still sell tons of albums but the impact will be less because now, even rookies are puling in 100k album sales.

    5. Flava Flave was right. Don't believe the hype… at all. How could I forget about the ELFs??? *Stupid cha_cha!* And I think that's just because rookies aren't sucking like they used to (in my opinion.) Plus the growth of Kpop internationally could have a plausible possibility to go with that as well.

  9. SNSD sounded and looked like a hot fucking mess in their Gaon Chart performance. I hope they actually *try* with this comeback.

    1. Your name, it is pleasing to me. I'm not sure why ...

    2. I was originally gonna go with eunji_fag before I thought of this. Plus there are enough -fags on here already.

  10. The MV is going to be released on my birthday :D

    Don't fuck this up SM.

    1. Pisces? Nice!
      Since I'll probably forget, Happy Be-Earlied Birthday!

  11. I don't give a shit about 2ne1's comeback. I JUST WANT TIFFANY TIFFANY TIFFANY.

  12. I personally like 2NE1 songs since they don't sound like common kpop songs popping out anytime. However, those girls with their terrible vocal ability rape the songs (and my ears). And SM should stick with singing and no more rapping, the other way around for YG (just replace Bom already, at least Dara has the look).

  13. Mr. Mr is ruined by Tiffany's shouting cloaked as "adlibs/vocal runs" just like how she ruined "Mistake" with that cringe inducing shifts...maybe they are contemplating to redo that and give it to Sica instead?


    It is almost ear worm inducing save for that shouting match though.


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