Sunday, March 30, 2014

Luhan Doesn't Like The Dark Girls

MFW a dark skinned girl asks me out.
This is the latest "oppa doesn't prefer some of my traits, so he's a racist asshole" crusade going on.

I don't see a problem. Everyone has preferences, but when certain fangirls don't fit into oppa's ideal type, the butthurt in them turns into rage, and then the don their social warrior mask and make posts about how it's wrong for him to not like dark skin tones.

Now I bet these fangirls wouldn't like it if Tao was dark skinned.

I can see why Luhan prefers lighter skin. He certainly looks better with lighter skin.


  1. Why am I not surprised by the reaction to his statement?

  2. He isn't even aiming the statement at those fangirls, laughs.


    What did I just type, laughs.

    1. You just summed up the thoughts of all those fangirls getting upset at his statement.

  3. Wow. I see a need to calm a farm.

  4. These days you gotta like everyone if not people get offended like Zico's comment about though gaps

  5. He didn't even say that dark people were ugly he just said in general people look better with lighter skin.

    1. Although I do think it's weird that he called Tao dark despite the fact that they are the same colour lol.

  6. Replies
    1. In all honesty it depends on the person. For instance when white people put on fake tan, a lot of the time it makes me want to gag. Some people just look better with lighter skin.

      However majority of black people look better with darker skin. This is coming from a light skinned black person btws.

      Luhan's from China, and I hear majority of those countries are very homogenous so that could add into why he thinks that way. I honestly don't know. People should learn to not give a fuck about societies standards and do what makes them happy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. it's not even exactly what he said, but i've always been on the fence about this one tbh; is it a race thing if you say something like "i don't hate asian people, but i don't think i could ever go out with one because i find their skin really ugly" (bc that certain shade of skin connotes bad traits that you believe asian people have. also no people of a certain race are all the same skin colour so???) or is it just that you're a dumb wanker and don't look for anything less coincidental than skin colour in potential mates.

    colourism is a huge deal to me though bc i come from the best country to sell your whitening products in and i've grown up with this shit all around me. it's possible that what luhan was trying to say was that the fairer your skin is, the better you've taken care of it? (because they were talking about who had the "best" skin and i'm pretty sure it started out as being about blemishes etc) but how does that not perpetuate the stereotype that the darker your skin is, the dirtier you are/your lifestyle is + the fact that exo and their dumbass fans constantly point to tao and kai as being "dark" and how that's so funny hahahahah when they're all coloured within the same 2 shades of PRETTY FUCKING LIGHT SKINNED kind of pisses me off. i don't really see luhan as "colourist" per se but he's definitely the product of a society that makes people who have naturally darker skin feel terrible about themselves until they buy stuff for it

    but hey i'm not all that fair-skinned myself so maybe i'm just mad that lu ge will never love me

    1. in more relevant exo news though how the FUCK do they already have a 60-minute show to themselves again when showtime ended barely a month or two ago, esp bc they have all the wit and humour of a bedsheet among them (well baekhyun is pretty funny but he can't always carry the show)

    2. But generally speaking when fans look forward to the comedic fake subs on tumblr more than the actual show, it ain't that funny.

    3. chen and baekhyun are generally the ones with interesting things to say; someone pointed out that it's probably because neither of them spent very long training under sm and the others mostly spent 3+ years i think?

      seriously though there hasn't been a really funny idol show in a while. the last episode of infinite's new thing was okay but it still doesn't hold a candle to ranking king

    4. agreed with your last sentence
      I though infinite was a funny group but I tried to watch their last show and it bored me, ranking king was entertaining idk what happened

    5. I have always liked blue's comments.

    6. Also the part about dark skin being dirty is completely false. The more melanin in your skin, the less likely you are to have severe acne because melanin can naturally fight acne and blemishes.

    7. i know it's false but it seems to be what a lot of people think; darker skin is seen as dirtier/more connotative of poverty (.'. general lack of attention to skin problems etc) than fair skin in a lot of asian countries

      @suho: http://www.gfycat.com/EdibleIdioticGorilla

    8. So here's how the story goes.

      The interviewer was asking who had the best skin, and it was kind of unanimous that Kris and Luhan have the best skin, which they kind of due because they are the members with less pimples and shit. They actually have pretty good skin I'm jealous, especially Kris.

      Then Luhan said that it kinda looks like that because it's light, to which Tao said "oh really?" or the equivalent in Chinese. Then Luhan went on to explain that Tao's skin is also very healthy. That it shines and it luminous and some shit, but that healthiness in skin might be more noticeable in Kris and Luhan because their sking is light.

      Then he said "so yeah Tao's skin is really good, it's just... the skin tone (that might make it look like it's not as healthy)".

      So he never said he didn't like dark skin, or that dark skin was a weakness or that it looked ugly or that he hates dark skin. The fact that he thinks light skin, for being light, looks better, is problematic, but I think he himself might know it, hence him trying to explain why Tao's skin is still really pretty, without ever falling out completely from the culture he grew up in.

      Kind of like when you, by interacting with people and whatnot, realise you had a misconception of something, and you start to accept it was wrong or incomplete, but you kind of just can't let yourself detach your mentality from that set of ideas. It has happened to me before.

    9. Wait, Exo has a new show coming out? Since when? What is it? And even though Exo is a pretty boring group I don't think Showtime was entirely their fault. They should have a show where they're forced to play stupid games or something, that gives way for more (perhaps unitentionally?) funny moments. Something like Sesame Player or Suju's EHB. Showtime was more of a reality show than a variety show.

    10. it's called exo's secret box or something??? i tried to watch the first episode but i skipped so much that by the end i realized i had watched maybe 5 minutes of it
      yeahh the bit on showtime where they went to a haunted house was actually really funny, but then there are groups like MBLAQ and stuff where you basically just put them in an empty room and it's great tv, and they haven't had a show for themselves since 2012 so???
      fangirl power /sigh/

  8. 99.99% of you will never get your "oppa" anyway so who cares.


      excuse me, i'm gonna laugh so hard.

  9. I really don't care about this issue because for one, none of those girls complaining EVER stood a chance anyways. That's with or without the fair skin requirements. Luhan is obviously a pretty vain dude, so I wouldn't put it past him to find almost every exo fangirl a cow (cause I do). He probably thinks only girls like Kitty Zhang, Angelababy or Yoona are hot anyway.

    And why did no one get this upset when acnefaced Chanyeol made fun of Kai numerous times for his "dark" skin? I feel like, some type of bias is happening.

    Also, for all those black koreaboos...Luhan is not talking about you.The people who will be offended are darker skinned asians. Not black people, who by natures way, are dark naturally.

    1. ...a lot of people get mad at the exo members (and fans) for the kkamjong thing, it's just that akf has never written about it

    2. It's actually quite funny to compare how people see him and how he say he is and how he really is.

      I say this because he said he likes chubby girls. That skinny don't do much for him because he finds chubby girls cuter. Meh, who knows if he means chubby by 50kg instead of the usual 42kg idol girls lol or if he speaks about actual western definition of chubby.

      Who knows really, his fans know even about how many hairs his nostrils have and his family background and so far he seems to be a good kid, nothing about being vain, probably still a virgin and a nerd.

      I think Chanyeol didn't get as much shit, which he still did, because Chanyeol doesn't give off that saint vibe Luhan is known for. Everyone just assumes Luhan is some wet nosed kid that needs to be hugged constantly and can do no wrong, so it kinda threw fans off when he had an opinion that sticks to colorism. Turns out he hanging out with homosexual people back in China did not save him from being a flawed human being like us mere mortals lol

    3. Ok ok so basically luhan likes gay people and he likes light skin (I'm pale irl like I'm trying get a tan I don't like my pale skin at all) and luhan isn't innocent as he seems and he likes chubby girls??
      Nope I'm not a koreaboo I'm just a luhan fan girl .

  10. Colorism is not racism. It is a bias most frequently held against ones own ethnicity.

    In many cases dark skinned women have bigger issues struggling with prejudice against their tone of skin more than prejudice against their ethnicity in general. Colorism can be like racism except it shows itself even from your own mother, or your best friends. Some guys will date dark girls mostly because they are less wanted, more lonely, lower self-esteem, an easier target for sexual relations. They'll do this while actually wanting a lighter skinned girl for better status, someone who would impress his parents more. And yes this means they want to keep it secret, while looking for a light skinned girl they can date openly and show off.

    It's pretty fucked up. Here is a documentary on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9f08-OYGTA

    1. Definitely colorism is not racism, that's why I was saying to all the black koreaboos that Luhan is NOT talking about/down at/ to them. He's talking about Asians. Lots of black kpop fans were up-in-arms and complaining the they need to be aware of there international fans, but considering that they don't see the international fans on a constant basis, there is no need for them to stay so highly aware of them. Lots of SEA were hurt because they are known for having "dark-skin" amongst asians and lots of tanned NEA were upset because it's further confirmation that they don't fit NEA beauty standards.

  11. Some people refuse to acknowledge the obvious difference between hating a certain race and not wanting to fap to people of said race.

  12. That OH post was impossible to read.

  13. If you are a dark asian I'd get why would you be sad but black people? he probably didn't even think of black fans when saying that
    People who make this a racist issue are stupid

    Anyways, oppa isn't going to marry you so who the fuck cares

    1. haha! obviously my main preoccupation is marrying some random idol and not with celebrities with young fanbases perpetuating beliefs and stereotypes that are harmful to a large group of people. you're so constructive and original, your comments about how oppa doesn't love fans haven't been repeated countless times on this comment section itself, let alone in the world in general.

      delusional fangirls are horrible but blind cynicism has never taken the world forward either

  14. As a dark-skinned person myself, I don't see why fans are taking out their anger against idols with preferences like Luhan's when these ideals are a product of their society's development over many centuries. Light skin has always been glorified in Asia. If you want to blame anyone, blame businesses, media, and the people who benefit from devaluing dark skin so they can make a profit. There is a huge business for skin-lightening creams in India and other countries, much like there is a huge demand for tanning products in the West.

    I don't think his statement was particularly aimed towards people of other races/ethnicities, and honestly I think people in more heterogeneous countries (i.e. the West) suffer colorism due to /race/ much more than people in homogeneous ones. There's reason to be upset, but fans are directing their hate to the wrong people and for the wrong reasons.

    TL;DR: Idols like Luhan are scapegoats for a much larger issue.

    1. *I mention racial colorism in the West because North America and Europe tend to be more racially diverse than other places (White, Black, East/South/Central Asian, Hispanic, etc.) but obviously other racially-diverse countries may have larger, more damaging issues. The West doesn't necessarily suffer more, there's just a larger platform for discrimination due to population.

    2. your whole comment tbh

      it only makes sense though that exo holds other people up to the societal ideals that they have changed themselves to uphold

    3. " Idols like Luhan are scapegoats for a much larger issue."

      This, my friend. THIS

    4. LOL so WRONG, it's not the business in East Asia that created this trend on being white, it's an East Asian tradition from A LONG WAY BACK in history that formed this trend, because by being white or pale, it hides your bad features and blemish, thus making you look prettier. It is true and the honest truth in East Asia.

    5. Koreans and Asians have always had high beauty standards most of the beauty standards come from the west to mostly china then spread out more.
      I'm pale af irl but I always wanted a tan (I live in the west more specific North America) here in west tanning and having glossy brown skin is advertised a lot in tv CFs and beauty magazines.
      Just like in Asia people prefer lighter skin and have cfs, beauty magazines advertising light skin.
      Btw am the only luhan fan who just wishes to meet luhan and wish to be friends not date because it'll be awkward and uncomfortable &a unusual??

      P.s my fav in exo is Kai he's so good lucking❤️
      But luhan is my ub 😊😂

  15. Not really caring about what he says. It is not like its the first time we have heard something similar from a kpop idol. And also the fact that he looks like a little boy gives me more reason to not pay attention to him.

  16. Must they associate everything with race issues omfggggggggggg

  17. I know a lot of people over reacted but I don't think people were wrong in being upset. Things like this hit home for a lot of people. Also let's all not pretend like EXO's main selling point isn't being a harem of moderately attractive young men to choose from. A lot of fans like to imagine that they have some chance, no matter how small, that they could end up with there idol. Idol says I like girls who are tall, short fans say I'll wear the tallest heals I can find. Idol says I like girls who weigh 43kg, fans who weigh more than that say I'll lose weight. Idol says says he likes people this shade, fans who can never achieve that shade say forget you jerk. It's like when idols date and they lose fans, the fantasy was shattered. The big difference is colorism is a legit social issue that has been a problem in many places for far too long. In fact stuff like this right here is why when asked, most idols say stuff like "My ideal type has a pretty smile, my ideal type has long hair, my ideal type cooks well, my ideal type is funny". The goal for most is to outright avoid physical traits.

    Also I personally, was offended. I get upset when I hear things like this, things like this make me sad. These type of things make me remember that no matter how many good qualities I have, there will still be people who don't like me as a person because I'm black. It's a thought that never really goes away and pops up at the surface every now and then. Whether it's because someones culturally against my color or because someone is personally against my race, it hurts. It even hurts hearing people say I'm over reacting or I shouldn't feel that way because I do feel that way regardless. The only thing that made really MAD about the situation were the downright racist things Luhans delulu's were saying to prove he wasn't a racist. Oh, and this one person who tried to tell me that "skin tone generally looks better, (meaning flawless, no spots) when brighter".

    Bottom line, No, there is no reason to bash Luhan but I have every single right to be upset with what he said. I have feelings and sometimes they get hurt. Upset however, does not mean I have declared him the asian Hitler, it means my feelings were hurt but I got over it. This was not as big a deal as some fans made it but it wasn't as meaningless as some fans try to make it seem. Don't disregard everybody's feelings because some people were and are genuinely, reasonably upset.

    Oh, and I don't dislike Luhan but I'm not agai

    1. Colorism =/= racism, let's not get these mixed up now.

      Also, "A lot of fans like to imagine that they have some chance, no matter how small, that they could end up with there idol." You can stop right there. People are mad because some delusional part of them thinks they have a chance with their idols, and this, like you said, breaks that fantasy.

      Point blank, that's what this is about. Colorism is a factor, but the main delusional thread here still appies. Who the hell cares what some ultimately insignificant Korean guy PREFERS or THINKS about light vs. dark skin tones? I've yet to see a legitimate excuse or rationale for anyone's hurt feelings over the matter.

    2. it's not that lu han is "saying" it, it's that he's (probably unintentionally) reinforcing the idea. i honestly, honestly think that this can be an issue completely separate from the issue of delusional fangirling

  18. You're a nasty racist P.O.S for puttingputting him in Black face and deluding yourself for even hinting at light skin is better than dark skin. Screw you and this shit blog.


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