Friday, April 4, 2014


Take the KPOPALYPSE survey!


Sorry about the one I posted earlier on a different site that some of you saw before I had to pull it down.  If you did it before feel free to do it again.

  After the old one collected 50 responses, it locked me out of seeing your survey answers until I paid a fee!  I'd be fine with that if it wasn't something the software sneakily hid from me until after the survey was made and published.  Fucked if I'm going along with that scammy bullshit so I recreated the survey on another site that doesn't have those limitations.

Just for clarification this is a survey about Kpopalypse, and I'm only one of the Anti Kpop-Fangirl writers!  I did see a couple of your questions you guys had before the entire thing locked me out, so FYI:  I wasn't involved in writing the T-ara "Day By Day" review (which predates my time on this site) nor did I invent the term UCAAD (Upstanding Citizen of African-American Descent).
KPOPALYPSE will return with a new post in a few days, and a date for the next livestream!


  1. Is it a safe website? My computer's telling me it's a phishing scam.

    1. Never mind, I kicked my mum off her computer and filled it out. How dedicated is that?

    2. Dedication, I'm impressed! And no it's not a phishing site... unless you count me phishing for your survey answers.

  2. You're particularly mean to Hyoyeon lolol (not like everyone else isn't)
    She got pretty though! She got that PS hookup from Miryo and her body is great.
    Beside that, I like how you made us answer every question. This might've been the first thing I've ever done in its entirety.

    1. Actually a couple of the text-field questions are optional.

      I'm in the minority in AKFG because I actually like Hyoyeon. I'd do her over most of the others.

  3. Best question for me was: Hi. How are you?
    My (similar) answer: Given that I clicked the link and am actually taking the time to complete this survey, this just shows that I have no life.

    1. It's amazing the replies I've been getting to that question. I feel like I know some of you a lot better now!

    2. but how do you know who each one belonged to? did we have to write our names or something

    3. It's anonymous. I suppose you could write your name if you felt like it, but I figured I'd get better replies out of people if they weren't forced to do that.

  4. Damn it question number six still exists.

    1. I know choosing between those tantalising options is a tough call. Be strong.

  5. This appears http://i60.tinypic.com/9kca38.jpg

    1. It's possible that other people have used the same site for phising purposes and that's how it got flagged, but I wouldn't worry. I'm not asking for people's passwords and shit.

  6. I filled it the fuck out and had a good time doing it.

    pls no TL;DR k thnx D:

    1. I'm not a tl;dr kind of guy as you can probably imagine from my posts. I will read everyone's answers fully, and probably do a follow-up post about the results at some point.

  7. I expect an article that show us new sides of ourselves from this.
    Also moar Boram articles pl0x.

    1. It seems that you're not alone in wanting a Boram article.

    2. Hurray, time to get the champagne bottles!

  8. Done! Errr...I didn't get the question about Hyuna and Jay Park. Abortion rumors?

    1. From what I remember, there were talks about abortion when she left Wonder Girl's ages ago or something.

      Can't remember specifics though, so I may screw up my timeline.

    2. apparently jay and hyuna did the bangity beng beng in jyp practice rooms and hyuna got a jaeby and that's why boys and girls can't practice together anymore

    3. Hyuna was originally a member of Wonder Girls but left the group due to gastro problems before starting up in 4minute. Speculation is that she banged Jay Park and the gastro problems were actually an abortion.... who knows if it's true, like all k-pop rumours there's no hard evidence of anything.

  9. Replies
    1. It's pretty close at the moment, statistically.

    2. I have a theory. Hyoyeon's bf (or whatever) was part of Team Way and she didn't approve of that so she did the thing..

  10. Your humour is is way twisted than anyone else's humour on AKF. It's kind of refreshing.

    1. I'm more twisted than Sulli_fag?!? Not scientifically possible, surely.

  11. I haven't even visited this blog for a few months because I thought my shitstorm was 'nuff, but alas, I'm back to take a survey! WOOPIE!

    I'm sorry for ever trying to defile you guys, in all seriousness, and sounding like a whiny SJW while doing so. I've had my own share of personal struggles in the past few months, not even regarding my fights here, so meh I've my own issues to attend to, haven't actually skimmed an article in months, I just hope you guys accept my forgiveness. I'm a little bitchy seventeen year old who goes fucking haywire sometimes, I hope that can be forgiven, I'm sure that bitchiness will mellow with age lol.

    1. Yeah that was a pretty shitty apology but I've got really nothing else to say. I don't know how to issue a proper apology when I can't even remember hafl my motivation for bashing y'all in the first place........ mmmmmmehhhhh.

    2. I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to but thanks for coming back and doing the survey!

    3. nyehhh, no need to mention it, what's past is past.

  12. This is the first time I have enjoyed filling out a survey, and of course it had to be a Kpoplaypse survey.

    1. Well I've got to make it enjoyable otherwise no cunt is going to even read it!


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