Thursday, April 3, 2014

[MV Review] TINT - Wolf Is Stupid

"Hey, stupiiiiiiiiiiid."

You're God damn right, creepy-as-fuck looking girl. I am stupid for clicking on the link to watch your music video.

"Look in my eyes."

Fuck, I really should stop listening to you. You know, if a fat girl tries seducing you, you can genuinely laugh it off because it is humorous. However, when a creep-as-fuck girl tries seducing you, it instills fear into the depths of your heart. The kind of fear one has if they were dumb enough to try out for the cheerleading team and had to hoist a fat girl into the air.

The whole song/MV revolves around the fact the wolf doesn't notice the girls. Well, he has a good fucking reason to ignore them. This is a fifth-tier idol group in terms of looks and has one of the creepiest looking members around. If anything, the wolf is doing his God damn best to ignore you.

As for the song itself, it's alright, but lacking some punch to make it memorable. Off the top of my head, after listening to this song twice, all I really remember is the horrible rap break...by the creepy looking member. Fuck, that girl is just bad fucking luck. Now I'll have to be on the lookout and hope some random fat female cheerleader doesn't fall from the sky and land on my face. That's not how I wish to go out.


  1. What does TINT stand for? Teenage Iljin Ninja Turtles?

    1. Do you know how Rich Evans (from Red Letter Media) is ?
      I just laughed like him.

    2. CANT- Creepy Ass Ninja Turtles

      Song was cute but just alright lol.

  2. At least they got something right. Wolf is stupid. EXO's song, "Wolf" is 100% stupid. Oh sorry, I meant "Ooof".

    1. And here I thought this song was the most outright diss ever made in the Kpop sphere. I'm looking forward to their next single "Exo Sucks".

    2. Well, it's obviously not a diss towards EXO, which I hoped it was. Anyway, EXO's fans obviously felt offended, for reasons I don't comprehend.


      tbh exo's fans are offended by everything because they can't cop to how offensive gege's singing is.

  3. A forgettable and generic song.
    Of the five members, four are absolutely replacable with eachother, none stands out. And the one that does stand out, the fifth member, looks just really bizarre.

    The worst part, on a board that I visit there's some attention-whoring dickface that keeps spam her.

  4. This song reminds me of Dal Shabet's Be Ambitious... I think I'll pass XD

  5. Of course, the only girl I think is cute in this group is underage. Goddammit, Korea.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I thought they would be making fun of Exo or doing some kind of alternative take on Red Riding Hood. The title and intro were promising, but when the song started it was like a slap in the face. Another song about a ten year old girl who's too shy to admit her feelings to her crush.

  8. Still better than that trash A-Pink just released.
    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that the nightmare-fuel looking member is the best looking girl in the group.


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