Thursday, April 10, 2014

On location with SPEED

After an excruciating two-week hiatus, SPEED came back earlier this month with "Look At Me Now." It's the first SPEED song I've liked. In fact, I enjoy it so much I've crossed over into obsessed territory, but I digress. 

The video for "Look At Me Now" is bare bones. There is no plot, no cute closeups, no star cameos. From what I can tell, CCM's investment in this video involved dropping the group in a desert and calling it a day.

Will dance for ride back to Seoul

And yet, it's still more interesting than the typical in-a-box kpop video. The change of scenery really helps. Plot or not, real backgrounds will always be more interesting.

Sorry, Naeun :(

I hope the use of real locations continues. In case CCM runs low on ideas, I've compiled a list of places they can drop SPEED for their next video:*

At a nice sunny park

At the Penis Park

At a local sporting event

At the zoo

Um, you might want to move to your right, boys ...


Under the sea

On the moon

This gives a whole new meaning to moonwalking.

At the dump

The possibilities are endless. Best of all, these ideas can be easily adapted to most kpop groups. Take note, entertainment companies.

* Yeah, yeah, I realize I didn't include all the members in the photos, but it was hard finding a good closeup of the group in that video. And I included the best member, so fuck off with your judgments. 
** Also, I left one out originally, so there's an extra one now.


  1. probably the best male idol song being promoted right now tbh

    1. "Swing" is tolerable, but this is the first male group song I've loved in a very long time.

    2. i'm really liking Exo's new one Overdose

    3. the choreo is amazing and it seems to be more like black pearl than wolf which is a good thing but i really, really wish that rap break didn't exist

    4. I really loved it. I do admit that the rap break made me feel like I had been kicked in the balls (and I don't even have balls, so I guess ovaries…) But after a few more listens the song grew on me as fast as "No Mercy" did.

      How in the hell Suho got up there??? idk. But suho_ftw will be pleased since he's blonde and looking sexy with the ninja assassin look. Kai needs to dump that Nicki Minaj quote hat though.

    5. it is a great performance but tbh i kinda wish baekhyun and d.o were the only ones with lines

      jay park's also coming out with something though and hopefully it will be so sexually explicit that it gets banned yaaaaassss banned songs

  2. Why is EXO‘s leaked dance practice...

    1. looks more like KTigers cover of Ringa Linga tbh

  3. PLEASE do an article covering the debauchery of Chad Future.........the white guy whose trying to break into the korean music industry

  4. All ccm groups are worth a listen.

    Btw, I have a feeling that I've heard a somehow similar song somewhere.

  5. i've recently become obsessed with them as well... all their singles/comebacks this year have been pretty on-point and their choreo is really nice.

    also i found this blog this week and it is keeping entertained at work.

  6. uhhhh "Cry Me a River" by JT anyone? If anyone else says the same thing, remember you saw my comment here first.

  7. In all honesty BTS's "Just One Day" will probably be my second favorite song of the year for multiple reasons...

  8. This pose is pretty hilarious.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Quite sure it's same desert where KKS took T-ara last year to some posing for Number 9 teasers and a blowjob contest. Like it so much he decided to send SPEED there.

  11. it's a really nice song. LOL at the penis photo.


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