Saturday, April 12, 2014

Park Hyo Shin's 'Try to Stay Awake'

Earlier this week I was on Netizenbuzz and there was somrthing about some guy who nettys wanted to win a music show, and he did. Then I found the song when downloading some other tunes to work out to or blast at school and I thought, why not give it a try? So I downloaded it and let it stew somewhere in my thousand songs.

Cue two days ago when I was just strolling down the sidewalk in the evening, enjoying my workout while blasting EXID. Feeling adventurous, I decided to put on that song I downloaded, expecting a snoozefest. As the song started, I felt my footsteps slow and my legs started to become heavy. Was it just me, or was it getting darker outside? My vision was really starting to blur, it was awful. Was that the street in front of me? Not wanting to get hit by a car or run into a tree, I quickly hit the shuffle button and woke up a bit upon hearing this.

After getting stressed out and traumatized at school I needed something to calm me down today, so I decided to watch a video that may just cause me to pass out. Hesitantly, I typed in the search query and clicked on the video. You know things will be good when you see these right away.

Past this point things may become incomprehensible as I struggle to maintain consciousness. My apologies.

I should have learned my lesson about B&W videos 

Hesitantly, I hit play and waited for the boring droning that had almost killed me last time to start again. I watched as some guys plugged in some stuff and set up a stage while thinking about how much the video filter sucked. I was also secretly hoping for a video that was even remotely interesting. Not a CCM drama, just something with some sort of moving images or plot to distract me from this funeral music. Nope, it's just this guy standing in the desert boring everyone to death for six minutes. At about 4:15 the song picks up a little, which is basically just Park Hyo Shin starting to yell out lyrics. This ladts for about 40 seconds before he goes into true lullaby mode and tries to lalalalala you to dream land. Thankfully, that's the end of that.What a waste of time man, I could've been looking up pictures for another round of male fanservice.

So, if you ever have trouble sleeping or you need some de-stress time in your life, come visit Park Hyo Shin. He'll help you, and you'll be sleeping like a baby in no time.


  1. Apparently nobody could stay awake long enough to get to the comment section...

  2. I only listened to it for one minute. That was enough.

  3. Ballads are not akfs style huh?

    1. I don't mind ballads if they're not funeral music paced and dragged out. Try this instead http://youtu.be/W44PYtzjrZE

    2. Most ballads are boring to me.
      I need to be interested in person's voice for them to work.

      Lim Kim does that for me... but I haven't found another Korean artist who is consistent enough. =(

    3. This was too slow, even for a massive ballad lover like me. I can imagine this playing in a Kdrama though, so it does have some part of it which you can praise.

  4. I usually never give male ballads a chance, and now I feel even more justified. I skipped to 4 different sections of the video and listened to each for about 5 seconds, and the most tolerable part is when he starts belting. Why VIXX's Hongbin is obsessed with this guy, I'll never understand.

    1. because the korean public is strangely obsessed with ballad singers

  5. Park Hyo Shin is such a legendary singer in SK his husky voice OMG I wanna have sex with his voice!!
    And well snow flower is an epic song, I know it's a version from a Japanese song but hi took it to the next level

    1. You.. Want to fornicate with his voice. Uhm, you're trolling right?

  6. This article's hilarious!! Please do more posts like these AKF. I cracked up so bad xD
    Keeping that aside the song was definitely overrated. When I first listened to it, I found myself think "Ok, so is he supposed to have a nice voice or is the tune supposed to be good? Or wait- is it the music?" LOL
    I didn't enjoy anything in the song. -_-

  7. You children are so obsessed with the catchiness of a song more than the singers ability to sing? Wow, you guys are completely deaf to true beautiful music by listening to pop music.

  8. I admit I kinda had a meh feeling the first time I listened to Park Hyo Shin - back then. When his recent album was released and people were raving about it so much that I took the plunge and listened to it. And it got me - hook, line and sinker. I started researching his old materials and I must say I understand why they call him God Shin.
    Yes, ballads are not for everyone. And for most part his songs are on the sad, lonely and depressing side but the guy's got a hella set of pipes on him that you cannot help but be taken in. But the best is his live performances.
    So I became a PHS fan almost overnight. And I'm a hardcore hip-hop & rock kinda girl.


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