Monday, May 26, 2014

How To Salvage Kara According to the Desires of Korean Netizens

As most people know by now, DSP will have a reality show to add two new members and everyone is against it, even the Kara members themselves. While I (and many others) had hoped Kara would continue as three members, DSP thought that made too much sense, so they're trying to fuck with Kara.

How would Korean netizens want Kara to continue? Ruling out the option of disbanding, which is the number one choice for Korean keyboard warriors, the second most popular opinion seems to be adding a Japanese member. That is actually a very logical move, as Kara is more viable in Japan than Korea.

Now we have to find a Japanese woman that A) doesn't have yaeba b) can speak a foreign language and most importantly c) can satiate the thirst of Korean netizens.

My nomination is Marica Hase (NSFW, be warned).


  1. Well we can scoop up Kojiharu from AKB48. Oh shit they can't afford the girl...

    But it does fill my fetish of turning boring j-idol girls into entertaining sexy kpop girls...who unfortunately will never be seen in a skimpy two piece.

  2. That's a weird moment to piss.

    I nominate Sayaka Isoyama. http://i.imgur.com/H9PJTJ4.jpg

    I don't know if she speaks a foreign language, but Hammie & Gyuri will feel more comfortable about their age.

  3. Kpop is due for another bullying scandal, so I hope that the noobs rub the vets the wrong way.

  4. I don't really care about Kara, but I'm a little disappointed that Seungyeon stayed and Nicole left. Maybe they'll add hot chicks to make up for Seungyeon still being there.

    1. @Snachel; Say that to Nicole's face and not over the internet and see what happens.

    2. I think Seungyeon is ugly. Get over it, pussies.

    3. She's certainly not ugly.

    4. She's nasty, and nothing you say will change my mind. You can annoy someone else now.

    5. Seungyeon is your typical okay looking girl with a good voice. Every group has one.

      That being said, stop being a jealous whore. There's too many of you here already, I don't know why you hang around.

    6. "Nasty" ? lol
      Stay delusional.

    7. Why would I be jealous of someone who I think is unattractive? That doesn't even make sense. Whore? Delusional? I find that more amusing than offensive. You can't get much more generic with your insults. I don't understand why you're being arrogant about your taste in women. You can say anything you want, but you can't make me feel attracted to someone I'm not attracted to. Seungyeon is ugly, kiss my ass.

    8. "I find Seungyeon unattractive." is how you say you're not a fan, and leave it at that.

      Calling her nasty, ugly, saying she should be replaced by "actual hot chicks" and getting all defensive about it is the standard cry of a jealous woman. Of course you wouldn't realize that because you're delusional too. Enjoy your 50 cats.

    9. @Snachel : LoL! Saying other's ugly doesn't mean you're beautiful. There's no point for you to say Seungyeon is ugly. She maybe ugly for you, but it doesn't mean that she's ugly for other out there.
      You better shut your fuckin' mouth. Your comment doesn't change anything.

  5. C will be impossible. Expect oceans of retarded Korean fucknuts with posters that have "DOKDO IS KOREA" and other shit written on it at concerts.

  6. maybe one of the graduated AKB member like Akimoto Sayaka or Kasai Tomomi
    Sayaka probably gonna further her study...so Tomomi might fit better

  7. In regards to A... that's seriously a thing? People actually like that?

  8. Koreans asking for a japanese member or japaneses asking for a japanese one? Actually, a lot of koreans hate KARA cause they (KARA) aren't "patriotic" and "better stay on Japan"

  9. Replies
    1. Bad dental plan. Japan needs a dental plan

  10. "A) doesn't have yaeba b) can speak a foreign language and most importantly c) can satiate the thirst of Korean netizens."

    Fuji Mina?

    But Marika Hase is fine by me >:)

    1. Marica Hase's ability to squirt satisfies condition C of being able to satiate the thirst haha.

  11. I hope they add Somin and Seungyun or whatever her name is

  12. Japanese girl without Yaeba isn't attractive at all.hahah.
    I don't know why DSP keeps on going with the decision for Nicole and Jjing replacement. I think it much much better for KARA to be three members only. The 5 KARA has been loved by kamilia for years and I think it much much different from Sunghee's case back then in 2008.
    Sunghee was in KARA for only 1 year, while Nicole and Jjing (let's say the entire life of KARA till now is filled with them). So, how can DSP replace Nicole and Jjing for kamilia?
    I better see KARA with three members only. Ubfortunately, can't do anything. Sooner, KARA will have two new members...
    Good luck for the new KARA then.


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