Thursday, May 15, 2014

KrisGate Rocks EXO Fandom

EXO's Kris has decided to file a lawsuit to end his contract with SM Entertainment, pulling a Hangeng and getting the hell outta Korea. Of course, AKF's investigative team has the scoop for you.

SM Entertainment has confirmed through TVDaily that EXO-M’s Kris has recently filed a lawsuit against the company to terminate his contract.
According to Seoul Central District Court, on May 15th, Kris filed court papers to request that his exclusive contract with SM Entertainment be terminated.
Law firm Hankyul has confirmed that they will be handling the case on behalf of Kris, with their lawyer Cho Bum Suk representing Kris personally. The same law firm represented Hangeng in his lawsuit against SM Entertainment.
In a telephone conversation with eNews, Cho Bum Suk said “It’s true that Kris has filed a lawsuit today against SM Entertainment for termination of his contract.”
They continued on to say that the case will not be made public to or media in order to ensure discreetness. 
SM Entertainment released a statement saying, “We were very caught off guard by this. We will do our best to ensure that this does not effect EXO and the groups promotions as much as possible.”
Fans collectively lost their shit, not understanding that the poor boy wants OUT. I don't know about you, but if I filed a lawsuit to get out of EXO, the last thing I would want is for people to be unleashing their angst on social media to try to get me to change my mind or some shit.

"belive" tho
Trust me, it only gets worse from here. The entire #WeBeliveInYouKris makes no sense as a concept. What are these fans beliving in?? That this is all a dream, they'll wake up and everything will be right in the KPop world? That Kris is going to change his mind and stay with EXO?

From all accounts, this isn't the first time Kris has "acted out" so to speak. Reports allege that he disappeared  to Canada at least twice now, once before debut and once before the Growl Wolf promotions. That indicates at least SOMETHING being amiss in the EXO group, but of course people will ignore it in favor of the simpler "He just wants a vacation despite being a undebuted/rookie in a hyperpopular group with hundreds of events scheduled and getting outstandingly preferential treatment even veteran acts wouldn't receive" excuse that makes no sense if you think about it.

His fellow EXO members are so fed up with his shit, they allegedly all unfollowed him on Instagram/Twitter/Weibo/whateverthefucktheyuse. To quote someone in my Twitter feed, "NOT EVEN BEYONCE UNFOLLOWED SOLANGE FOR THAT SHIT." 

But fangirls gonna fangirl, so I've gone ahead and curated some of the funniest/delusional posts about this mess for your enjoyment.

Clearly not forever, cause he wants to GTFO.
I guess Kris is... Filing for divorce.
At least he won't want custody of the kids.
I'd be more inclined to believe you if he hadn't pulled similar disappearing
acts in the past.
Kris is probably like "LET GO OF MY HAND, YOU CRAZY BITCHES."

If this is what International fans think, surely the Korean fans must be in full panic/shield-oppa mode...?
1. [+191, -12] I'm not an EXO fan but I think this shows a bigger problem with Chinese kids. How can he do this to his members in the middle of promotions?

2. [+159, -7] Seems like a Chinese company is willing to pay the lawsuit fees to get him to join their company, exactly like what happened with Hangeng. He doesn't need to promote in Korea anyway so obviously he's throwing away the rest of his members...

3. [+120, -18] Gotta give it to the lack of work ethic with the Chinese.
1. [+718, -108] I don't like SM but this proves why you shouldn't train Chinese stars. He's backstabbing the company exactly like Hangeng did. The Chinese do not know who it was that made them whot hey are right now. Soo Man-ah, just kick him out of the country! 
2. [+632, -45] Like Hangeng, don't they make more money in China anyway? He probably wants to live getting top star treatment in Korea. If this is true. 
3. [+453, -61] So he requested this to the same lawyer Hangeng used. This is why I don't like Chinese members being added to groups. I already knew Kris would do this when I saw him on varieties. Aigoo, SM are you stupid? You already got backstabbed by Hangeng, and now this again? 
Clearly Kris is lacking determination, that's why he doesn't want to stick around. Freakin' Chinese people and their shitty work ethic right? With all my experience with these kinds of things, I should be desensitized to how readily the Korean netizens pull out the race card, but I can't help but be baffled every time.

I do realize a large part of this backlash has to do with Korean expectations of respecting your elders or even simply knowing not to bite the hand that feeds, but I think it's all a load of shit. Especially considering how we don't, or ever will get a complete picture of what's going on since Kris and SM are understandably keeping this hush-hush. Did we ever get Hangeng's full story either??

At the end of the day, Kris gets to live with his decision and pray for success. Can you imagine how fucked he is if he loses the lawsuit? If he thought he was being enslaved by The SM Slave Contract before, he will soon learn the true meaning of it.

RIP in peace.


  1. I firmly believe that this is my birthday present.
    and it's the best present ever.

    1. /sings happy birthday lyrics to the tune of an exo song

    2. And you have the same birthday as Sunny! Turns off fanboy mode*
      Most exotic birthday gift ever.

  2. What I found funny about this, was the Koreans slamming the Chinese race for the actions of two men.

  3. hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
    fuck you exotics

  4. Agree with you.. And I don't know why Kris' friends, Exo members I mean, why they unfoll Kris? True friends never do it. I think, if they're really friends, they have to support Kris decision, not leaving him alone..

    1. probably because kris didn't considered them as friends too for not letting them know of his decision...they were caught off guard too:(
      or probably it is a company management decision:(
      either way we cannot judge their actions<3
      saranghae kris! saranghae exo! exo hwaiting!

    2. You are kidding right? Idols are supposed to be professionals which work together, if they grow close while promoting/training/whatever, fine, if not, well noone cares, the show must go on.

    3. You're kidding right? Best friends will unfollow each other if when the other posts is considered spam. It happens all the time. You can't exactly judge a friendship based on follows and unfollows on social media. For all we know, this was ordered by SM (who could have also ordered them to keep following Kris for better PR).

      And yeah, they should support his decision. So should his "true fans". Like Ku said, what exactly are all these fans "beliving" in?!

    4. Apparently SM forced EXO to give up their phones to the manager to let the staff unfollow Kris from their accounts. Baekhyun was the only member to not unfollow Kris because he lied and said that he left his phone in the dorm.

    5. WTFisastarship: That sounds like just another rumor, though...

    6. I never said I believed it myself. It probably is all just bullshit as well as all the other things floating around tumblr and whatnot made up by exotics.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Have you seen another rumor surrounding Kris leaving? Apparently, Baekhyun got slapped by a staff member because he hid phone from staff, and the fans heard him say, "Leave me alone!" I call BULLSHIT.

    9. I've heard pretty much most of the rumors surrounding the subject because it seems like all the blogs I follow on tumblr have gone exo-biased at the moment, and my dashboard is filled with stupid claims such as these.

  5. God fucking damnit!
    He was my second favorite member….
    I feel like AKF when Nicole left Kara :/

    1. i really like kris too the upside is that now we get to stan him without having to put up with a) other annoying members b) his complete lack of musical ability

    2. I liked the other members (Kai is my favorite, Kris was second, Xiumin is third) and I even liked his fucking rapping :( Oh well SM better put fucking Kim Moonkyu in the band it only makes sense...

  6. Are we so sure that he necessarily wants to leave EXO? This might just be a very cleverly timed attempt to get more monies + better schedule like Kara did back in the day. If you pull this in the middle of promotion you have a better chance of success.

    Whatever it is I fully support him if only for the delicious exotic retard rage

    1. If that's what his plan is then he is stupid. No company as big as SM is gonna take that from 1/12 of a popular group. SM turned down JYJ, why would they bend their back over Kris?

    2. Hear hear. I've my money betting on SM putting in a new dude to fill the spot. The group's still young. Many Koreans know not of them yet. Not yet a lost cause.

      But damn, I was looking forward to the new SM girl group. Now they're gonna be pushed back. Well, at least I have my Fx and SoShi comebacks soon to cover up all these dirt...

  7. This controversy thing is like a gold mine for this site

  8. Knetizens don't really give a shit because his talents are overall average. Looks like they didn't learn from Yoona at all.

    Sigh, dude is hot as hell. pai pai

  9. It's about time! He started out as my bias, but over time, he kinda just fell out of that spot. He is clearly so unenthusiastic about all of this. His ugly hair in Growl didn't help either.
    I'm glad he's leaving. He gets to be free of it all, and we don't have to watch somebody who looks like he's half-heartedly doing his stuff. Technically, this is a win-win lol.

    Just wondering how SM is planning to handle this. If Kris breaks free, there will be a hole in EXO-M in terms of trying to give equivalents to EXO-K, and in the choreography and stuff. There HAS to be a replacement, but of course, replacements never go over well, especially with fandoms like the one EXO has.

    I, for one, hope it'll be another hot Chinese boy, preferably with some kind of skill other than the pathetic "rapping." Or at least some kind of tolerable rapping like Chanyeol's.

  10. He's probably taking a break to paint Hwayoung's toenails.

  11. Funny how no one seems to mention the fact that he's got enough balls to try to escape from SM. I honestly don't know why the other members are so pissed. Either they handle SM's shit too well or they don't get put through as much bullshit as Kris, seeing as he's the 'leader' of the group.

    Anyway, I'm just waiting to see how this plays out. My guess is that some members are on his side and the whole "JYJ-TVXQ" thing will reoccur. That'd be fun to see.

    1. Wouldn't it be awesome if the Chinese members all told SM to fuck off and went their own way? I'd say all of Exo-m but I don't think Chen and Xiumin would "betray Korea".

  12. The reactions of Exotics could generate endless materials for STFU's article.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img840/2320/jaejoongpopcorn.gif

  14. I like kris. Idgaf about other issues.

  15. i dont see how he's coming back. kris is basically in the same position as jyj and jay park. probably had his own personal fandom inside the exo fandom. he'll be able to survive off them who will obviously still support him or they'll maybe leave exo altogether and just follow him (hottest jaywalkerz). only difference is jay park junsu jae joong are really effing talented and yoochun is a good actor. i wonder if kris can survive when he has to make most of his music and acting decisions for himself now.

    1. Yeah, he is going to get a nasty blacklist and kiss being able to be on tv goodbye after this.

    2. i think he he is going into chinese entertainment

  16. OMG, the drama. Twitter is a mess.. And, actually, SM forced the members to unfollow him on IG, except for the rebellious mofo Baek Hyun. For now. This like what JYP forced 2PM to do in Jay Park‘s case. And, I think his position is not that important? Besides as a leader, he is quite not talented. :\

    1. err...who says the boys were forced to unfollow?

  17. What would happen if he were to lose the lawsuit? (Serious question, I really wanna know lol)

    1. 1. Continue the contract and be prepared to be frozen indefinitely
      2. Continue the contract and be in hell indefinitely
      3. Break the contract and pay the money and never step in K-pop again

  18. I'm pretty sure it's official that he wants to terminate his contract with SM. Not only did they unfollow him on Instagram (except for Baekhyun, I think?) but they also posted mysterious pictures and messages. It's sad, but true. Oh, well. If Kris wants to leave SM, he should be able to do it without getting called names and shit. Anyway, I hope that Exo doesn't break up. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a replacement. I prefer another Chinese member (seeing as though I'm part Chinese and I feel even more proud of my ethnicity when my people are successful, especially when they're from around the area where my ancestors were from) but if the new member isn't Chinese, that's cool, too. I won't deny someone their right to debut.

    1. would totally be kool if the new kid's Japanese, Thai, Indon, Filli etc. that would be "we are one (asia)" hahah

    2. I know, right? That's what I meant! Lol. It would be awesome!

  19. I figure he may go into a different area of music or he might do something different altogether, something he's passionate about. I don't see how he could go back to trying to be a kpop 'rapper.' He consistently looks miserable and appears greatly out of place, not to mention his lack of skill and passion for his work. All of Exo seemed to have practiced ridiculously hard on the Overdose vids, Kris included, right? He worked so hard on something he doesn't give a shit about that his soul was murdered.

    Also, who did he pay to have that comparatively large rap solo in Overdose?

    1. i think they picked chanyeol and kris to do the longer rap parts because the other rappers (sehun/kai and xiumin/tao) have dancing creds and will get some screen time anyway and these two don't really have other things going for them

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. still a dick move for fucking up their schedules though. at least wait till after their promotion period <_<

  22. He was never fully into EXO. He obviously could give two-shits about the group. He tried to leave that one time before wolf came out too. SM should've just cut their losses back then. Outside of "looks" it's not like he's bursting with all this talent. SM fucked up putting him in EXO anyways. He always does the absolute least he can get away with and he's generally a lazy character; seems like he's been "rebelling" for a whole now; nothing to do with him being Chinese because the other Chinese member seem to work their asses off. Just seems like the whole "idol" thing isn't what he really wants. He's super popular in China though, so he'll be fine. I applaud him for being an ass and picking the absolute worst timing for SM/EXO. They will be hell-bent trying to recover all his fans. Over 2M weibo followers.... SM is fucked and trying really hard to get things spinning their way seems like.

    1. Yeah, when I heard "Exo member sues SM to get out of contract ..." I immediately knew it would be him. Like you said, he's been wanting to leave for a while.

    2. i think his later laziness came from how much he hated being there though; during the mama era it was basically kris handling all the m unit interviews with a few interjections from other members

  23. Honestly I think the "WeBelieveInYouKris" is more along the lines of exo fans will support Kris no matter what the outcome of this debacle is. If he chooses to leave then they'll still support him and EXO, if he chooses (or gets forced to) to stay, then they'll be happy their OT12 didn't break up. It's more "we still love you and the rest of exo even if it turns to OT11" rather than they believe that kris will stay for the sake of EXO.

  24. If he loses he won't really lose that much. I mean SMs stock crashed hella hard from this proving he's still gonna have batshit crazy fangirls fawning over him if he does leave and he comes from a wealthy ass family. He'll survive.

    1. Being from wealthy ass families is something no one seems to talk about. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but it appears a lot of idols are from well off families. There are exceptions but they're usually ones that that company can tell will do well.

      So you're right he will survive.

    2. There are members with rich families in EXO, but Kris is in the "opposite" team, i mean his family had financial difficulties if i remember correctly.

    3. Nope. He's from an at least relatively wealthy family. His high school in Vancouver is filled with wealthy Chinese students.

    4. @uluru as Mion just said hes from a relatively wealthy family. In fact most of the Chinese members come from wealthy families Like Tao and Luhan, I'm unsure about Lay though. Anyway my point is, is that once all this shit is done and over with unless he's staying I doubt he'll struggle financially.

  25. Just like HanGeng, found a better company that writes shit about the rest of the members and SM to establish kris a good name in a China. Except Kris deserves no sympathy points and is irresponsible to leave at such a time.

    1. the lawsuit was actually filed a month ago?? also with exo's schedule there isn't a "good" time to up and leave; how does he not deserve sympathy? if he's unhappy where he is, good for him for having the balls to quit.

    2. The date on the paper was yesterdays. He has been planning this for a year, contacting Chinese companies, and just have to leave before the concert, have you ever considered what other members, choreographers, stylists and others feel?

    3. Also, his new company doesn't have to brainwash china to think everything kris did was right and say shit about the other members. If u leave, leave clean and respect others. He has no right to cry that he received poor financials when all he does is show off expensive shoes and clothes

    4. obviously the members and stylists and stuff have the right to be pissed at him (and at least tao totally is), because they're his colleagues; why does that translate to random strangers badmouthing him? again, if he stuck around for the concert thinking "i'll go after the concert" there would be something else in the works, and then something else, and then something else.
      and so far all i've seen is speculation, kris himself hasn't said anything disrespectful to anyone yet

    5. So? Kris=his new company, he gave them every right to say everything they want. It's basic company policy.

    6. Butt hurt stan detected.

  26. With the abundance of conspiracy theories circulating, you can't believe everything you read, but you can always rely on Exo fans to launch an internet investigation. https://twitter.com/Exofanbase

    Kris seems like a nice and reasonable guy and SM has a pretty bad rep to begin with, so let's hope for the best.

  27. I actually am fan of EXO, I do like Kris and I'll miss the dude in EXO (though I will never blame him, since if I was in his place, I'd try getting the hell out of that company asap) but I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of coming here to read what you had to say about it.
    Wisest decision of the day.

  28. Did I just click the wrong button and land on NB?

    1. xD Like 80% of the commenters seem to be first-timers too…

    2. Or lurkers who decided to make an account only now :P

  29. He's useless, Who still cares.

    1. By the way, Found this, Unbelievable.

    2. Lol that ritual was done by my friend to take the piss

  30. You know. Despite the "slavery contract" trait, we all know SM does it best. Their methods aren't always the most humane but the way they put their artistes out there, they way they turned out and their marketing antics......I guess they really do Kpop the best. I'm always waiting to see what SM does with each group... So... whatever, next group!!!

    1. all companies are secretly slave drivers, SM just has extremely high profile artists and eventually someone or the other realizes that they don't need to live this way

  31. I was just on Exo's Overdose video, and the Exotics's reaction is absolutely hysterical. They act as if a 12 member idol group somehow functions better than an 11 member idol group.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Good on him, I hope he wins. I don't blame any idol for wanting to leave the game. The boy has the opportunity to work in his home country (where he doesn't have to deal with racist bullshit), make more money and get better working conditions, I'd actually think he was a stupid fuck for not doing it.

    But I think he's stupid for joining SME in the first place.

  34. Don't they have their first concert soon? even though he has filled a sue, he is still under contract. and god knows how long will it take the whole process to be over.
    anyways. I am reading a lot of stuff about how the other members feel betray and shit, but if he leaves wouldn't that mean more money/spotlight for the rest of them??
    at the end of the day, it is all a business.

    1. Yeah, but even with the extra spotlight/money for them, they're probably just frustrated having put up with this shit. I know I would be.

    2. They're probably pissy because their parents can't help fund a law suit to get them the fuck out of that glammed up slave factory.

    3. isn't Suho the wealthiest? i guess it doesn't matter. i actually think Suho is the one who is probably the most upset because he is the one who had been a trainee the longest (7 years). now that exo is doing well and having a three day concert... then comes kris with the lawsuit. i bet his pissed.

  35. I must say, unlike Hangeng, Kris is fucking useless, EXOtics need to realize that.

    1. If you're not an exotic how do you know that? I'm not one either so I'm curious ?

  36. SM is fucked like a child molester in prison

  37. I have this deja vu feeling of reading some of these comments elsewhere....

  38. Obtw, I'm pretty sure the "Satan pls save EXO" picture is just a joke. It looks like something someone from tumblr would do. (I would know.)

  39. Now, I like Exo-m, but I can't say I'm disappointed because you could see this coming a mile away. How the fuck did SM not see this coming???

    Also typical Korea, blaming some other person/group for the shitty ways of their entertainment business. I doubt that it's "lazy" Chinese, more like people who weren't raised in Korea see this shit for what it is and decide it's not worth their sanity.

  40. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s1pa3b

    not written by me, obviously.

  41. not really surprise...this has been a joke since exo debut... i remember @SMentCEO a parody acc jokingly tweeted he's gonna be sad if exo member filling a lawsuit n now it's really happening

  42. all i can say is success to the group and to him also whatever career he might choose.


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