Saturday, May 31, 2014

WYMBFOS 2: Slut-shaming

Find me news of a boy band being strongly publicly criticized (public outlets and/or netizens) for being "too sexy" as a moral issue.

NOT just lyrical content, or because some young girl was somehow getting her purity ruined by them, but judgement of them personally in and of themselves.

That they were doing something offensive by just being too damn sexy for reality, and it was some impure and horrible thing that will influence society for the worse, and they are bad people for it. That "real men" have better character, are more respectful and modest in how they present themselves to women, and care about what children are seeing and the roles they portray, and have higher expectations of themselves and should want to be seen as intelligent and complex beings rather than sex objects, and behave appropriately for all society. Then, as a bonus level of challenge to this, having to change costumes or choreography because of it.


Even if you can find such a unicorn/leprechaun of a story, then try and find such things pertaining to females and compare the numbers.

Yes, slut-shamers, you are fucking full of shit.


  1. Sluts (of both genders) are excellent and should be commended. That is all.

    1. Well, yes I could explain the full breadth of that, but explaining why that is true takes a lot more writing a.k.a. work. However, as soon as they start explaining why it is okay for their oppars to be sexy, all those same arguments apply to the girls as well, so they do the work for you! Thus I focused on simply pointing out the double standard.

    2. Yeah true. Nah, this post is just right. If I wrote a post like this it would take 20 pages and I'd lose three days of my life.

    3. When in doubt. Blame AKB48 wota.

  2. as a girl you're always too sexual or not sexual enough

  3. I just don't understand why girls would be fucking cunts about these things, why can't they just let people be as slutty as they want? Is it just their lack of self confidence that they get so jealous?

    1. Not just cunts but micropenis men with closest jpop fandoms

    2. Jpop has nothing to do with slut-shaming.

    3. You dont understand, jpops oricon charts seems to be nothing but aegyo shit for girl groups. Even here we have some variety

    4. That cutesy stuff IS sexy to Japanese you know. They eat that shit right up. Hence why it's so popular.

      @RealJW Women compete with each other by nature. A more attractive woman than themselves is always a threat. Female kpop idols are almost always more attractive than the female fans.

    5. Then they have horrible tastes then. I will be enjoying women being women in KPOP if that is the case.

  4. hm, i'd say that Aesop (with his fable about grapes) was right in case of boys doing the slut-shaming and if girls do it, it's about theoretical access to the alfa males. but i never really paid attention to all that and this is just my way of dismissing this kind of information (slut-shaming).

  5. Well there was the G-Dragon dry hump incident but that is about it.

    But nonetheless, girls aren't the only one to blame. The closet Korean AKB48 fans are also to blame if you filter out all of the bikini gravure they do and just focus on their music videos. Much more prudish than whatever sexy concept comes out of Korea.

  6. Slutty girls sell for less. No one wants to buy a used product.

    No one wants to even buy men anyways. They smell like rotten socks.

    1. I'd rather have experience than naivety. I consider all the slutting a girl has done before she met me as boot camp. By the time they meet me they're up to speed. You don't get good without practice.

    2. Two virgins having sex is allegedly the most awkward experience for both parties ever. At least if your partner isn't a virgin, he/she should have a good idea of what the hell they're doing by now.

  7. I think it's because those fangirls are jealous towards the idols pulling sexy concepts, and their feelings of inferiority lead them to slut shame. The most shameless part of it, is that the only reasons that they can justify slut shaming, is that men who like it when idols are sexy are perverted, apparently, but, it's totally morally right for a girl to nosebleed, and masturbate to a hot male idol. I mean, if they slut shamed female idols for being too sexy, and they also criticize male idols for flashing abs, then I wouldn't mind. But the problem here, is that they're offering contradictory explanations to why they slut shame, and get overly defensive when we expose them for being hypocrites.

    1. It isn't always fangirls. Also think about the Closet JPOP fanboys, they can't openly admit their love for AKB48 since we all know everyone generally hates Japan (except Kojiharu, the only good thing out of AKB48). So to cope with the fact AKB48 will never perform in their country and their secret love for it joins the slut shaming in hopes of making a more talented version of AKB48 with the same cutesy undertones barring gravure and shameful shit. AKB48 without Bikinis is unbearable for me.

    2. I haven't heard anything by AKB48, but I can imagine that their fandom consists of horny teenage boys and perhaps perverted old men.

    3. It is more like kpops fandom. Except its the men who are the saesangs and they have more diposable income

    4. I agree Fatiguu. Girls trying to have their cake and eat it too. And it works, because most guys are too afraid to tell them off for being jealous insecure hypocrites, or they are too busy white knighting those stupid girls hoping to get even a tiny whiff of pussy out of it.

    5. Now the girls complain about U-Kiss' new video being too sexy. At least i was proven right, they want flower boys. But U-Kiss quenching the thirst instead of being thirsty like Seung Ri.

  8. Well ukiss now managed to become the first boyband to have their choreography banned so I guess it's gonna happen.

  9. Found one!


    1. Well it wasn't too hard, it had female company. You know they want them Japanese yen and Japan is averse to anything more sexy than a school uniform.

    2. Yeah that doesn't even count. It's getting changed because of the WOMEN, not the guys themselves. Are the guys ripping their shirts off and pretending to jerk it all over the girls' faces or something? No. They just wiggle around a little bit while the camera zooms in on one of the girls' ass.


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