Friday, June 20, 2014

Hani Makes The World Cup Bearable

The World Cup is upon us, and seeing as soccer is one of the most boring sports ever with absolutely no scoring, I have zero fucks to give to the sport. However, the World Cup gave EXID an excuse to come out from hiding and cheer for the Worst Korean team (Best Korea is too good to ever qualify, and it would be unfair if they won every title.)


  1. "most boring sports ever " ; pretty funny when you say that and like one third of the planet likes football xD

  2. "most boring sports ever" LMAO soccer s the most popular and exciting sport in the world. You are probably an american girl

  3. I can get torture by the inquisition but as long hani is around everything will be fine

  4. No seriously why does she resemble Cyclops overlord a bit?

  5. I'm still waiting for SOULji to come out and blow Uji out of the water. All these netizens are starting to think that Uji is the Jesus of nugu groups now. SOULji vs Uji 2k14.


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