Monday, June 16, 2014

I Can Finally Stan Soyeon Publicly Again

I have been waiting for this day for two years.

Soyeon Fanboy closed down and started Soyul Mafia. Sometime in 2012, SFB started his tumblr and a lot of people started confusing me for him. Normally, I don't give a shit what people think of me, but being mistaken for SFB is simply too insulting for me to ignore. I had to draw the line somewhere as I simply don't like being mistaken for someone very delusional who is suffering from multiple psychological problems. Now I can pass the torch to IATFB over at Asian Junkie as people start confusing him for Soyul Mafia.

Now to celebrate the fact that I will no longer be mistaken as the dumbest T-ara fan in existence, it's time to spam some Soyeon!


  1. Click here to talk to SFB (soyeon-fanboy) or have SFB pick and choose which part of your argument he would like to respond to while ignoring the majority of it and claiming himself a genius.

  2. I was actually wondering when you'd post about this actually. Rather anti climactic one of the reasons he decided to stop stanning the group, like just bc there are a lot of Jiyeon fans...during !Jiyeon's! promotion... Okay.

    1. Considering the way he behaved during N4's promotions, that's not really unexpected.

  3. Why can't he just be like a normal psycho and have terrible taste in women? Pick G.na or something.

  4. "Soyul Mafia"? Come on, everyone knows Way is the true gangster in Crayon Pop.

    Anyway it's a good day for fap.

    1. I know I wouldn't want to run into Way in a dark alley.

  5. That dude really was a special kind of stupid.

  6. Here, let me contribute to our Soyeonfapping ways:

  7. Congratulations Anti Kpop-Fangirl, Soyeon missed your stanning. I've never had your problem so having a relatively unknown bias isn't so bad; less competition.

  8. This is completed off topic, but one boy and called Cross gene got their coreography changed for their new song! Hooray

    1. Its not ok. the godzilla overlords are it again. Influencing kpop subtly by getting rid of mirdriff revealing skirtsand pants and demanding thirst from girl groups.

      But how did Cross Gene pissed off netizens

    2. I have no clue what your sentence is supposed to mean.

    3. The Japanese audience is fucking over our sexy concepts.

      Also i was wondering what part of Cross Gene's choreo needed changing

    4. How? Most Korean groups are ignoring Japan these days and staying in Korea.

    5. The damage is done. Notice the increase in waist high shorts lack of bikinis and modded choreos?

    6. And what does Japan have to do with any of that?

    7. Because jpop's girl groups lately has been offering nothing but cute concepts. Either the closest jpop fans in Korea are to blame or deluded execs up top whp wants a slice of Japans market are to blame

      Or as zoidberg states: "why not both?"

    8. Pretty sure you're confusing zoidberg with Mexican girl from the old El Paso commercials haha.

    9. Compliance with KBS's standards have nothing at all to do with Japan.

      Seriously, were you gang raped by a horde of Japanese dudes who bukkake'd you afterwards? The only thing Japan has to do with anything in Kpop is the Japanese activities of Kpop groups. Seeing as how only a small number of groups are actually viable in Japan, Japan doesn't matter to 99% of K-pop groups.

    10. @Unknown; I was talking to Jared. His sentence makes no sense to me.

    11. Now you mentioned iI now realized kbs isnt keen on crotch thrusting as before.

      And on KBS. Never underestimate foreign money influencing one's opinion

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i still cant forget that swollen post surgery look in the Like the Wind music video (QBS subgroup)

  11. I was about to write a supportive comment about being true to your stanning to an almost self-destructive level, but then I read SFB just committed spiritual suicide.

    Boy, that is some seriously good news.
    One of the most bat-shit insane fans in the generally bat-shit insane kpop fandoms just switched.
    That's a nutter who was nutty enough to make me almost feel ashamed of being a Sso stan, but hurray he is gone!

    Now, to be honest I had kinda forgotten about him except for when I remembered him and then wished the Inquisition from the Imperium was real, but this is good for my soul.

    Now, those poor suckers who are stuck with him. May God have mercy on their souls.


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