Thursday, June 12, 2014

Kai, There's a Reason I Invented the Term "UCAAD"

Via Asian Junkie.

Nigga, you have to use UCAAD or else people will be up your ass faster than a prison faggot would be after you dropped the soap. I know you're greedy for attention just like a Jew is greedy for money, but the reaction from everyone would be explosive as if they were a Muslim terrorist (well, that was redundant. Just Muslim.) Now you need to repent and work in the fields with the Wetbacks under the white racist overlords, but be careful since others might mistake your tiny penis as a baby pepper and try to pluck it out.

For anyone who took the above paragraph seriously, well, you're retarded. In this hyper-politically correct society we live in, everyone gets so heated about everything. Hell, at the time I'm writing this article, there's about 1,100 comments in the AJ article about the word "nigger." People place too much importance on the value of derogative terms, and yet that is exactly why the words are still used so frequently.

Meanwhile, social justice warriors are cry foul and bully anyone who doesn't share their same views. "Oh, I'm tolerant, only if you agree with my narrow point of view. Then I am definitely intolerant towards those who don't agree with me."

In the end, Kai can't win in this situation. Social justice warriors will be all over his ass and attack him, looking pathetically hypocritical in the process. Just use the term "UCAAD," you kimchi-loving faggot UCHO.


  1. I'm just gonna pop this video here before the comment shitstorm from Asian Junkie transfers over to here.


    1. Louis C.K. is always spot on.

    2. So why did AKF stop using it then?

      The irony of using AKF as your safe-haven is spelled out by Chuck himself in the title.

    3. Anyway, he says it's because the acronym is funnier, and I do get what he's parodying. Just saying it's quite the coincidence.

    4. AKF's use of UCAAD is great because it highlights exactly why I find "the N-word" so cringeworthy - calling someone an "upstanding citizen" as a way to morally balance out saying something they might be offended by, while essentially still getting away with saying it, with all its original meaning intact, for me this highlights the hypocrisy of censored language in a nicely exaggerated amusing way.

      Having said that I don't have a massive stake in the argument which is why I didn't chime in on the EXO thread over at AJ (where I'm sure whatever I say would be downvoted to oblivion anyway) except to say that it got 1000 views which I guess just goes to show how passionate people are about an issue that I'm honestly not very passionate about. Maybe this makes me an asshole, I'm not sure, or maybe I'm just so culturally divorced from most things that offend people generally that it's hard to relate to someone who might take offence. All I know is that I don't actually use the word "nigger" at all (except for in explanatory paragraphs such as these where I consider it mandatory) simply because I can't find a context where the word actually makes any sense for me, there's usually just no reason to use it. I just don't refer to people by their race, or care enough about their race, positively or negatively, to make a "race word" useful. Maybe if I was raised in the US it'd be different and part of my dialect or something, but as an Australian we don't really have that word down here except on American TV and on American rap records (we have other derogatory words when we want to insult black people). If I saw someone saying "nigger" in real life, in front of my face (and I never have - not once, not even from people I personally know who are even more foul-mouthed than me plus have quite extreme racist views) I'd be offended not because I thought they were being racist but because I thought that they were trying to copy Americans and there's enough unwelcome American culture in Australia as it is.

    5. 1000 comments, I meant. Not views.

    6. That's my point, though. Most people at Asian Junkie don't care that much, they were just dismissive of him.

      Literally 75% of the comments there are from people who are trying to justify the use of the word and who are butthurt they can't use it freely without backlash. bigmamat alone probably spent 300 comments trying to blame black people for racism against black people. Which is why to paint this like it's a social justice warrior issue is sort of dumb.

      As far as "UCAAD" goes, I get it, I just think it's a convenient excuse.

    7. I should really go through and read all those ultra-heated comments on your site one by one. I'm sure there's 'warriors' on all sides of the debate! I've got a long weekend next weekend, maybe I'll microwave some popcorn and do it then.

  2. There's nothing worse than someone sounding like a first year lib arts major telling women/brown people how they need to feel about things.

    1. If you're referring to me, well, just lol. Nowhere in my post did I instruct anyone on how to think. All I did was describe reality by stating that social justice warriors get offended by every type of derogative remark and then go attack people for it, being hypocritical assholes in the process.

    2. Lol I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying people get offended way too easily, half the time about things they have no idea what they are even talking about, nor can they relate to the people they are getting defensive about. That's what I mean by 1st year lib arts major. It's like people (white males, or males in general) take one class in Women's Studies and suddenly they grow a vagina and can relate first-hand to thousands of years or oppression.

    3. I don't think kitten is referring to you, that's not how I read it. I think kitten is referring to the social justice warriors who are offended by certain words or phrases "on behalf" of others.

    4. Ah, just a misunderstanding, then. Well, if someone does come here and try to say something similar to me, I can just point back to my comment.

  3. http://media.thedailytouch.com/2014/05/Awkward-Donald-Glover-GIF.gif to the whole situation.

    Personally, I don't really like the word but I know how a bunch of people are gonna loosely throw around 'he's racist'. It's kind of like the Justin Bieber situation with the exception that he didn't say something about the KKK. Justin sounds pretty racist with the KKK line but when only using the n word like that he's just ignorant as hell. Kai is just being ignorant, doesn't mean he's racist...unless he is but I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

    1. I agree. I was upset with the situation but not really with him. . .I don't think Kai is racist unless he comes out and says "I hate black people" lol.

  4. The main reason I steer clear of Asian Junkie (aside from the fact that they are the EXACT same community that's on netizen buzz) is because they feel they need to get into heated debates and and prove to everyone who smart and holier-than-thou they are whenever a non-controversy like this shows up. I really wish K-Pop fans would learn how to have FUN!

    1. ^ Bless this post. I don't read that blog anymore, but the 1000+ follow ups sound like it's no big news, really. I guess stupid, useless pieces of writing like this post: http://www.asianjunkie.com/2014/01/a-reminder-that-song-hye-kyos-mom-was-a-racist-and-had-shitty-taste/ (and the following 500 comments following) served as a "warning" of what that site was going to be like in the near future.

    2. I should know, on Disqus I'm bigmamat. I made the mistake of suggesting the whole thing needed to have context. Apparently they could see my white sheet with the eye holes cut out. I didn't know my webcam was on.

    3. You're just butthurt that your argument got torn to shreds for being ridiculous.

    4. "Wah, why can't I say racist shit without being called on it?"

      "I can't argue with logic, so I'm just gonna criticize using ambiguous platitudes!"

      "I couldn't win an argument with/at Asian Junkie, so I'm gonna go over to the site that tolerates my dipshittery and whine about them! Validation from the dipshit masses!"

      Ironic discussion to hold at AKF, who used to use "nigga"/"nigger" but doesn't anymore. Looks like you'll need to find another site to express your e-rebellion.

      They may take are sights! But dey wil nevur taek are freedumbs!

    5. Look out guys we got a bad ass over here! Quit being a miserable faggot Asian Junkie.

    6. Where's my popcorn, this is delicious.

    7. In order, the people who are maddest about this are: 1) Kai fangirls 2) EXO fangirls 3) white/Asian people who want to be able to use the n-word and now whine about not being able to on the Internet 4) social justice warriors 5) black people.


      The only arguments happening are happening because the first three groups immediately go into hyper-defensive mode and start whining about bullshit.

    8. That's right, the only reason I subscribed to Antikpopfangirl was because I got banned from the Stormfront forums and I was in the urge to find a valuable alternative; some place on the internet where I could finally mock black people, asians and the LGBT community withouth feeling guilty (and occasionally fat-shaming some insecure girls leading them to feel chronically depressed about the way they look. kekeke, it's fun!), since on AKF I could get validation from the dipshit masses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoGpiU0WC88

    9. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
      Oh boy, you're so clever, you caught me! Too bad this blog doesn't use the Disqus upvoting system, because I totally love your sarcastic remarks <3!
      I' ve lost count how many times you labeled me (and pretty much everybody got to disagree with you) a "racist" or "white suprematist" (whatever that means) and a "moron" (whell, this one at least is true) for no apparent reason (notice I've never dropped the n-bomb on your website or on AKF); at first I thought you where jocking, now I understand you genuinely believe that. But, hey, if you where able to "educate" CZ and Zaku maybe you can help me as well! Please save me!

    10. it's one thing if you disagree with aj's views, but honestly i don't get it when you say that this incident isn't significant in any way?? i mean it does figure in somewhere, if nothing else in a larger narrative about korea's xenophobia and its most significant export

    11. "i mean it does figure in somewhere, if nothing else in a larger narrative about korea's xenophobia and its most significant export"

      That's called "reductionism". Highlighting some unfortunate sentece that came out on some crappy reality show hardly proves anything, and most of the times results in something like " zomg those koreans always be the same, they're so stupid and retorograde", which is not totally incorrect, but to me it sounds like "these people are inferior and need education. Let's export some democracy!". What's the point in using synecdoche like this one? This is "sensationalism" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensationalism), and it generates interest just because kpop has become mainstream and a lot of teenagers are fond of it.
      I mentioned the Song hye kyo article for a reason: its focus was on a chunk of conversation that happened in a PRIVATE setting and became "popular" because of the shitty logic behind mass media communication (or sesaengs, that's pretty much the same). Asianjunkie has built its popularity positioning itself as an "alternative" website to All Kpop and slowly becoming exactly the same thing. I don't blame him, since I understand when you get HORDES of ungry fangirls asking you to write MOAR daily (just an excuse to spam animated gifs of scantily clad oppars acting stupid) you have to adapt, it' just I don't like it anymore. I still don't get why he's making a bit scene out of it, since i am a Mr. nobody and he's getting thousands of daily traffic. misteries of the internet. I'm happy he came out of the closet and confirmed how much of an ASSHOLE he is, anyway.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. more than a racist kai came off as a fucking moron is really all i thought when i watched the whole thing. there's a big plot twist because exo fans have been pissed at baekyeol for ages for perpetuating the kkamjong thing
      a lot of people seem to defend kai by saying "that's just how koreans are and he probably isn't really a racist" but "maybe doesn't hate all africans" is generally a pretty low standard to hold humans to.

  6. I hope he says "rap music did this to me" in his inevitable pardon press conference.

    1. Pretty soon idols are going to have to start apologizing for just being alive.

      "Yesterday I totally saw him BREATHING and EATING. He's supposed to stay completely still like a photograph! Can you believe that fucking nigger?!"

  7. on a totally irrelevant note, are yall gonna sleep on Bob Girls' debut? i mean look at them;



    1. "sleep on" - It's been only three days...

    2. Sorry that everyone on staff has lives and can't cover Kpop 24/7...oh wait, I've already made posts regarding the fact that we can't cover everything and things we do cover will be late. We don't cater to the "I want it now" crowd.

    3. omgg im sorry if i sounded harsh, i just didn't come across a rookie group that gets me this excited for a while and wanted to notify everyone and show how awesome they are (i know it's subjective but i had a feeling those girls were just the type AKF crowd would like). i totally wasn't in a demanding "i want it now" mood but i guess i still caused a misunderstanding.. i apologize really. i appreciate your hardwork ^^

    4. It's okay, he's tired from studying.

    5. Drawing a map to the clitoris

    6. Those Micky Mouse ears are the biggest turn off.

  8. I liked Cortney and Jasmine's reaction to the Rap Monster thing because they spoke about why they personally didn't like it and not trying to debate about why others shouldn't: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWNRGcm_37U

  9. Like obviously people should be throwing around nigger but also yelling in English on tumblr about something that happened 5 years ago doesn't really help anything and just makes you look like a stupid fuck.

    PS KKK stands for Kai Kai Kai

  10. Could be a lot worse. At least there were no water bottles involved

  11. In my opinion the "N" word can go jump in a lake and die.

  12. This site has disappointed me greatly with this article. Just... So much shame.

  13. Which one of these are deadlier? Korean Keyboard warriors or Non-Korean Keyboard Warriors
    (excluding 12 y.o gamers who are undisputed no.1)

  14. I think I got half way through that comment section before I almost felt like shooting myself after seeing the same 'THIS' gif being spammed. I'm pretty sure people use 'this' just in hopes that they can ride of the others comment and earn more of the precious internet points. (Disqus has an upvote button for a reason, use it and move along, or even maybe contribute something to the conversation. Then again the whole conversation is fucking stupid so you might as well move along.)

    To be honest I think he shouldn't of said it but then again I also think that arguing with people on the internet about whether something someone you don't even know (and only contributes to your life through their music and maybe that they're your fapping material) said something offensive is dumb as fuck.

  15. As TT Jhones said in some comment above "context is key".


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