Thursday, June 5, 2014

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 57

This week's photo comes from Ahjusshi in Red & Andrew (yes, TWO people sent it. That is how good it is. In fact, Andrew is the author!):

Thank you for your submission!


This comic is the greatest comic ever made regarding K-pop and anyone who disagrees is irrelevant. 

Gosh, the artist even put horrible acne on this EXOtic. Well done, my new friend.

Everything about this is accurate!

lol Crayon Poop. He even has their maturity down!!

*Note: I will be attending POP! GOES THE WORLD! Agency's Kpop Masquerade Party on June 13th, 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you are in the city, come say hi! I would love to meet any FISHies~ <3  

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!


  1. loses points for using the word "snarky"

    man that word is annoying

  2. Could this be the hypothetical cure to the hypothetical EXO fandom virus?

  3. In comics and storytelling there is a "rule of three". A three-fold repetition is very important. So I went looking and I found both "Crayon Flop" and "Crayon Poop" in the literature. I did not invent them. I had to come up with "Lame-On Pop" myself because, well... uhhh... I couldn't find a third genuine one at the time.

    --Andrew S.

    1. And by "in the literature" I mean, "In Youtube comments".

      --Andrew S.

  4. A perfectly accurate analysis on what EXOtics and most fangirls think.


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