Friday, July 25, 2014

Netizens Have Forced Sulli Into Hiatus

You can here and here for the details of the situation.

This kind of behavior from netizens is why sites like AKF will continue to exist. Sadly, Korean netizens have too much leverage in the Kpop industry and that leverage needs to completely fade away into obsolescence. 

With the help of AOA's Mina, I will be chronicling my thoughts as I first read the reports.

UCAAD, did I read that shit correctly?
Let's assume that SM is telling the truth and that Sulli isn't pregnant. (And what conclusive evidence is there that Sulli is pregnant in the first place? C'mon K and International netizens, we don't need another HwayounGate on our hands here.) I didn't expect Sulli to miss more than a couple of performances, as Kpop is notorious for rushing idols back onto music shows and dramas even after they have fainted or been in an accident. Then all of f(x)'s schedules were deleted and something fishy was happening.

When I had read that Sulli got tired of shit from netizens, this was me.

Those UCAADs never learn.
After numerous scandals in the past four years regarding celebrities and netizens, you would hope that some of these keyboard warriors would have learned their lesson by now. Suing netizens on the grounds of libel sure isn't helping, so we need more drastic measures.

Do we need some "buck niggers" to be stationed at every PC cafe in Korea to beat the shit out of keyboard warriors? Does Mina need to stab some fuckers and then do some aegyo as they die in a pool of their own blood?

Then I went to Netizen Buzz. To prevent the loss of brain cells, I had some of my textbooks nearby to read as soon as possible before I became truly Korean and truly retarded.

5. [+87, -10] The poor other members got hit with a brick. SM princess Sulli~ Now the other members have to stop promoting because of her.
What the fuck is this shit?!
Classic Koreans, blaming the victim and denying their part in the whole ordeal.

One day I hope the Kpop fandom (both Korea and international) can become a little more rational. Until that time (which will probably never come), we will continue to expose how dumb a lot of fans actually are...in between the fap and troll posts, of course.


  1. Are only the Korean netizens to blame? Rumours and comments / jokes about pregnancy appeared also on international sites, including this one... I know your sense of humour and all, but no matter what the intentions are, articles like Breaking News, Sulli Is Pregnant! are not all that harmless and funny. it's spreading malicious comments - just what allegedly only Korean netizens do. I love you guys, but don't play like you did not do anything which resembles the behaviour you strongly oppose to... Ironic or sarcastic, the outcomes are the same. Sulli hated on Korean blogs and seeing her picture with baby bump is ultimately the same.

    1. We're a satire site. If you honestly think we mean the stuff we do in our troll posts, you're at the wrong place.

    2. He is correct though with you making the pregnancy thing more well known.
      I had absolutely no idea about any of that and I still don't know if it's true or not, since all I've read about it was the blog entries here.

    3. You're one of the few people who gets their news from AKF. Every major Kpop site reported on it before we did. By the time we covered it, 99% of the fandom already knew. We don't have that many readers.

    4. I like this blog but you must know that jokes hurt too
      Every blog have the word power and some ppl can misunderstand and take it as a serious thing...

  2. For me it doesn't matter. It makes a difference when you post things like "omg Korean netizens think Sulli is preggers, lol they so dumb" and "Sulli is preggers omg I don't want to pee in her butt again and there is this pic of her baby bump I made in Paint". Allegedly you poke fun at stupidity of netizens and delulu fans. In fact, you might have contributed to what made Sulli go on hiatus. The ultimate outcome is the same.

    1. You can't just paint broad generalizations to fit your narrative and pigeonhole us into them. Korean netizens have been pushing these pregnancy rumors for months.


      The Duchess and sulli_fag made fun of the pregnancy rumors in their articles. You're trying to blame what a small international site did last week for what Korean netizens have been doing for months. It is ridiculous to think someone got pregnant based on a picture in a wallet, and in AKF fashion, we over exaggerate the issue to poke fun at netizens who believe in shit like that. You can't blame people making fun of the messengers for being the messengers. It doesn't work like that.

    2. He may be onto something, though. Imagine Sulli watching that page, with the said troll. Do you think she'd laugh, or get angry and feel bashed? I don't suspect Sulli, or most of the kpop idols for that matter, of having acute senses in detecting sarcasm. Add to that the fact that they don't speak English, and during a translation, sarcasm is usually the first to get lost, and you get a sad panda Sulli after a glance at a Paint-ed picture. I mean you yourself thought sulli_fag wanted to change his nickname, and you're no stranger to trolling :p (unless you detected the troll and decided to play along, case in which your troll level must be way over 9000). What can you expect of an idol living in quarantine, with limited access to the outside world? You see then how a satire can have the same effect as a bullying, regardless of intention.
      However, this is useless chatter, because I think placing blame (netizens or others) is as productive as a middle eastern peace talk...

    3. if Sulli had let him pee in her butt then it would have avoided this whole mess.

      AKPF #1 birth control advice site

  3. I didn't say you made Sulli go on hiatus, but what you did essentially resembled the behaviour you usually ridicule. Trolling is fun and games, but I bet majority of Korean netizens gossiping about pregnancy for months did that for innocent trolling too. Troll the specific behaviour you dislike, not a person. From e.g. Sulli'r perspective, you might be no better than a fat keyboard warrior jelly of her. With love, DagaSkywalker, a regular reader of akf

    1. Koreans rarely troll. They believe their own bullshit when they do their "investigations," which is why they have so much clout in the Kpop industry. Again, you're trying to state that libel and satire are the same thing, which they are not. You're trying to lump everything together to fit your narrative.

    2. Sulli isn't reading this site you delusional faggot. Kpop idols don't have the time to spend all day hunched over a keyboard looking for every small foreign language site they can find to complain about stupid shit like you do.

    3. Curest, you need to calm the fuck down.

      It's worth mentioning that this site isn't always satire and trolling.
      Sometimes articles say things that are insulting to Idols and that's why they may get sick of their lifestyle. Idols don't have to read this individual website if what is said on here could become part of some sort of collective viewpoint on the Interwebs.

  4. Count me in for stabbing Mina.

    But this news is really weird. Did Sulli really ran out of caonimas at home and has had to flee to fuck-you-netizen-land to replenish herself? I hope she's back in time to stab Mina in the fanfic I'm patiently waiting for.

    1. I dislike the Vitamin-D in Vitamin-A slang, plus with all the satire and trolling going round I thought adding "if you know what I mean" was unnecessary. Guess not.

    2. Oh, I didn't know that you meant you wanted to "stab" Mina with your penis lol. Since you're new, I thought you may have been a crazy fangirl/anti who actually wanted to stab Mina haha. My bad.

  5. Thanks a lot, netizens. You fucking morons pushed out my favourite member of one of my favourite girl groups. At this point, I'd say that Sulli's chances of returning to f(x) are about as good as Hwayoung's chances of being welcomed back into T-ara.

  6. Netizens have targeted Sulli for years because she was the hot visual and therefore more threatening to their ultra-low self esteem. Bullying plain and simple.

  7. NetizenBuzz is the perfect example of mob mentality. And that's true for every single thing they post.

    1. it was hilarious when there was an article about henry not wanting his parents to go online and everyone was all "ohh those mean koreans ohhhh" and the very next article posted like fifteen minutes later was about sulli (or maybe it was someone else) and the hatred started over again

  8. The idea that netizens made her go on hiatus is BS. She went on hiatus and THEN netizens started coming up with wild theories. SM is obviously trying to shift attention away from the fact that she was missing from performances and now they are suddenly stopping promotions by blaming netizens/kpop fans. If she hadn't randomly just not promoted with the rest of her group, I doubt people would be speculating at all....

    1. MTE. The hate towards her has been going on for quite some time. Why stop the show now? IMO SM is hiding something regarding Sulli and she could/would not continue promoting* so they did damage control. They saw the chance to take advantage of the netizens response and blamed them** for Sulli’s hiatus.

      *It’s possible that SM is telling the truth tho. Sulli was sick. Cue more rumors/hate. Sulli broke down and understandably couldn’t continue. My only gripe with this it’s that a company is directly addressing/blaming/antagonizing netizens AND being humane/caring towards their idols. Something’s off...

      **Quite genius and safe for them but tragic for Sulli who will now be labeled a traitor/quitter/etc. by the fucktard netizens.

      In conclusion SM fucked up Sulli while keeping their image squeaky clean(maybe cause the whole Kris debacle). And netizens should be murdered. Not all just a few to set an example.

  9. Jesus niggas, let's talk about something important.


    Like all this fine up in here.

    1. Seolhyun never disappoints! Fap status is undeniable... Do you have a Hyejeong pic?

    2. Do I have Hyejeong pics...this nigga....

  10. I hate netizens and koreaboos.

  11. I can't believe there are people out there who think netizens deserve to live. They are literally the worst human beings I have ever come across in my entire life. The only think which could possibly rival them is the gaming community. And of course SM ill get all the blame (as usual) despite the fact that all they did was their job. It just annoys me that there seems to be nothing stopping them. Every time something like this comes up and idols react to it it only makes them stronger.

    1. "They are literally the worst human beings I have ever come across in my entire life." Well, there's still sasaengs, but netizens come by a close second.

  12. It's possible that she is pregnant. If she is, it'll be interesting to see how this turns out. She's probably just tired of promoting, though.

  13. before it got this serious and all of f(x) stopped promoting my best guess was that she was probably recovering from surgery and it had taken a turn for the more painful; f(x) is slowly getting quite a lot of work done, not that its a negative thing, but it can't be easy to promote; hana/zinger looked so uncomfortable for a month or two when everyone was bitching about her surgery and look at how flawless she is now.

    now i'm hearing a lot of "sulli tried to pull a kris" which could be true and seems plausible i guess, because SM 100% threw her under the bus with a ridiculous statement that anybody could guess would get her tonnes of hate from fuckwad netizens

  14. Wow I know we hate k netizens but you guys are really siding with that netizen hate trauma Bullshit. Both taeyeon and her nugu boyfriend are starting variety shows but sm is supposed to care that their artists are suffering from hate? Idk if sulli is pregnant but please believe there's something else going on for her hiatus.

    1. " (And what conclusive evidence is there that Sulli is pregnant in the first place? C'mon K and International netizens, we don't need another HwayounGate on our hands here.)"

      Yeah, sorry for wanting real evidence instead of acting like a Korean netizen. Sure, everyone knows that this isn't the major reason (but still a reason) for the hiatus, but there's zero point of acting like a Korean and spreading conspiracy rumors of why Sulli is on hiatus. We're not going to be like the very same fuckers we make fun of.

  15. Netizens have always envied and hated Sulli for being a natural beauty. Then all that was needed was her half-assing too many performances and the Choiza thing for them to go apeshit.

    Anyway there is obviously something else going on, why should her absence stop the group from finishing this promotion cycle?

    1. I'm pretty sure she just doesn't want to do it anymore. She's done with being an idol and she's trying to get out. Even Victoria was making comments like she wonders what other women her age are doing with their lives. Half that group doesn't give a shit anymore, and probably hasn't for some time now.

    2. It must be difficult for these idols in their 20s to see their friends from school getting married and starting families.

    3. I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria wants to go back to China. She could have a much more lucrative career back in her home country.

    4. Well it wouldn't be the end of the world if they did. SM should still have access to the same composers and whilst the two hottest members of the group leaving would be a bit of of a bummer, I'm sure SM could go down to the Gangnam plastic surgeon and finds girls just as hot.

  16. I'm amazed by all the comments here that can't accept their part of guilt on the sulli hiatus. Irrespectively of what happened to sulli before you are the ones who have made her don't come back. You can't avoid responsibility because if everyone did this then no one would remain to be the culprit of the hate comments.

    1. Yes, because Sulli is fluent in English and reads and English-language blog that is always the last ones to cover something in Kpop. We definitely are the ones that tipped the scale and forced Sulli into hiatus when she went into hiatus before we even made the satire articles.


    2. Please, don't misunderstand. I wasn't talking about AKF I was talking about the commenters that have suddenly appear and talked about the supposed pregnancy and began to accuse this blog.

    3. Ah, that was my misunderstanding. I thought you were referring this site instead of K netizens.

  17. Eh, I'm not surprised. Netizens believe every stupid rumor about anyone. It's nothing new.
    But, to think, 4~5 years in the business, and Sulli still isn't used to hearing those.

    Besides, Choiza started digging his own grave by talking about his wallet on Korea SNL. If anything, he's also to blame.

  18. I completely forgot the topic of this post. I was just focusing on Mina.



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