Wednesday, August 13, 2014

[MV Review] BESTie - Hot Baby

Best-eye, whoops, I mean BESTie, returned out of the blue last month with Hot Baby, the 390457395th track composed by Duble Sidekick this year.

The song is nice, but it is lacking something to make it go from "something nice to listen to from time to time" to what a lot of people like to call a "pussy popper." I think the song would have benefited by including a rap break because the only thing this song tried to do to make it interesting was having Yuji vocally masturbate during the end of the song. Singers vocally masturbating is ear cancer. It is canal rape.

While the song is alright, the MV is nice in that it deviates from the dance in a box music video we have come accustomed to viewing. I actually don't like watching this music video because three hot girls and G.NA's clone are frolicking around, having a blast during summer while I spent the majority of my summer working God awful shifts and studying when I wasn't working.

Then I look at Dahye's ass and everything becomes much better.


In typical BESTie fashion, they have a choreography move that focuses on their asses. That will always be good in my book.

While Hot Baby is an alright song, I hope BESTie moves onto another composer. Dare I say that I liked a Brave Brothers produced track (Love Options) more than the two tracks composed by Duble Sidekick. Now that Duble Sidekick is even composing for Kara now, Sweetune are temporarily out of work. Team up with Sweetune, BESTie, so that you girls can truly stop sounding so Sistar-esque. You may be easier on the eyes, but that's all you have on Sistar at the moment.


  1. This video serves well for links to other better videos.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks that Duble Sidekick are the most overrated music producers ever? Can You Love Me is their only good song.

    1. My beef with them is that most of their songs are about average to above average. While they are more consistent than someone like Brave Brothers, at least BB has some great songs to go with his lows. I'll take great songs and some turds rather than a bunch of okay songs.

  3. It's no "Love Options", but it's still better than 90% of the other k-pop I've heard this year.

  4. While I genuinely love this song, and Dahye's ass, I don't think we'll ever get another "Love Options" out of this group. It's a sad truth, but someone had to say it.
    If it ever happens, I'll happily stand/fap corrected.

  5. I love Dahye, but you hurt my soul with that Uji disrespect, AKF.

  6. No kpop song benefits from a rap break >:[

    But, I can't stay mad at you ...

    1. Side note: BESTie is like an entire group of lookalikes. There's the Hara-alike, the Seungyeon-alike, and the JeA-alike. I'm sure the fourth member looks like someone, too, I just don't know who it is.

    2. Hyeyeon looks sometimes like Eunjung (Love Options), in this video she looks like that one girl from Girl's Day (Hyeri??)

      When I look at Yuliji (Yuji) I will always see G.Na's weird aborted alien sister from another mister. Although she's lookin much better in this comeback, almost like Bora from Sistar.

      Haeryung looks like Gyuri to me.

      And Dahye I'm not sure who she looks like either, but she has a face that I feel like I've seen before.

    3. Hyeyeon - Seungyeon
      Haeryung - younger Hara
      Yuji - G.NA
      Dahye - Lizzy

  7. Replies
    1. I support blackface.

      Not the act itself, but all the rage it induces.

  8. Worst bestiality JAV movie ev-ah!

  9. If you want summer songs, listen to secret, girl's day or sistar instead


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