Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 65

This week's photo comes from an anonymous asker from my Ask.fm:

Thank you for your submission!


I am pretty sure this is illegal. But uh... please don't shut down our site or anything for having photos of a government election ballot on an article.

There are so many things wrong with this fangirl that I am not entirely sure where to start. Her insane amount of defacing the vote with idol names and lyrics, her crazy obsession with her SHINee oppas, or her specific comment that "... there is no such thing as democracy as the Illuminati controls the world." Like, what did she think was going to happen when she "took a stance" in this fashion? That the government employee counting the votes will suddenly cause a riot in the name of the Hallyu Wave against the Illuminati because this fangirl enlightened him/her? I just... gah. So frustrated that this is an actual adult with the (potential) power to influence who is placed in the Australian government. Luckily she will never be taken seriously.

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!


  1. Supporting multinational corporations by advocating for their products without question: The best way to combat the "Illuminutti".

  2. I am still astonished at how many people actually believe the illuminati is evil, let alone controls the music industry and the world. They were women's rights activists for fucks sake!

    1. This always confuses me, too. Considering how dumb and unstable so much of society is, do you really want a true democracy? If the world goes to hell, I'd rather have an illuminati to put shit on lockdown than trust my safety to the entitled religious loon with an assault rifle next door.

    2. I thought they were people who questioned religion?

    3. Ironically, one of their main goals was to erradicate superstition

  3. At least she marked one section correctly (section D):

    "Crayon Pop is Forever Awesome."

  4. I bet she really impressed her 13 year old friends, though. And what is it with k-pop fans and that dumb Illuminati crap?

    1. it is referenced by her. have you seen the vigilant citizen website? goes off on all kinds of pop music, including kpop.

  5. I don't think it's illegal as long as you didn't steal the photos from somebody. If a fanatic fangirl is too fucking stupid to upload these herself, it's her own fault.

  6. Voting is compulsory in Australia. I think this is a valid piece of information that should be imparted to provide perhaps a little more context for this person's stupidity. It's not like this person is in the USA and they've specifically gone to the ballot box JUST to act like an arsehole.

    Donkey votes are very common in Australia. That's why we've even got a term for them -- donkey votes. I said that right? So... well... what she's actually done is just gotten her vote to... y'know what? I think I'll draw a picture about it later.

    --Andrew S.

  7. By far the best part is that she pointed out "this is Korean btw, not Chinese".

  8. Only one group in there was worth mentioning, needed more Crayon Pop.

  9. Theres a roll like a buffalo in there

  10. http://townsvilletale.tumblr.com/post/96063806388/more-of-my-response-to-k-pop-fandom-inanity-check

    Yeah, I did a drawing.

    1. I enjoy your comics. I wish fangirls would see how futile their efforts are in "enlightening" people (although if they're planning to make STFU then they can continue) and perhaps channel their passion into more productive activities.

    2. Sorry to be a pedant, but this isn't a donkey vote. It's an informal vote.


    3. Doesn't seem pedantic to me. If I'm wrong I'm wrong.

      And in this case I was wrong.
      --Andrew S.


  11. Fuck the illuminati. Those self-centered right-winged bastards. There is no democracy. It's all just a fiction created by politicians. It's a lie they sell to the people in order to enslave us all. We need to rise up and take control.

    Knowledge is free
    We are anonymous
    We are legion
    We do not forgive
    We do not forget
    Expect us

  12. "after school were robbed of best dance"
    she has some sense in her if she can realize that


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