Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bad Kiz is the Lowest of the Low

Are you a nugu group that no one has ever heard of? Are you in dire need of exposure? Do you not care how your group gets attention? Are you willing to be low-class to get three people to check out your music video?
If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, congratulations! You are just like Bad Kiz. You will have a bird smash your windshield and call it a "car accident" so that you get attention.

Do you not care that Ladies Code had two members die from a car accident? Are you willing to leverage off of that accident for media play?

If you answered "yes" to either question, be a prick and call a non-accident an accident for attention!


  1. I doubt nugu groups like this get even 1% of a choice in how they get promoted. Blame the agency.

  2. http://i.imgur.com/8XZfNwU.jpg ZOMG WHO ARE THESE GUISE?

  3. Lol is that the reflection of the members taking a pic? Poor bird tho :(

  4. I remember when I was riding with my friend, and his dad a bird hit the windshield. Instead of crashing or the windshield cracking the bird's blood went all over the windshield was purrrty fancy.


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