Monday, September 29, 2014

Jessica has left SNSD, will still be managed by SM

Earlier today Jessica or someone who hacked her weibo account posted the following:
I was excited about our upcoming fan events only to shockingly be informed by my company and 8 others that as of today, I'm no longer a member. I'm devastated - my priority and love is to serve as a member of GG, but for no justifiable reason, I am being forced out.
 No one is quite sure yet what is going on with this as SM hasn't made a statement yet but fans are speculating any number of things including:

Jessica's past conflicts with Taeyeon
Links to the wealthy Tyler Kwon from Hong Kong

Among others. Adding more fuel to the fire was that all SNSD members were photographed today arriving at an airport except for Sica. Apparently when asked about it Tiffany did not have a comment.

Of course this is also confusing because all 9 recently renewed their contracts with SM.

Recent picture of everyone else.
As this is an ongoing thing I'll keep this post updated with more details as they emerge.

Update: SM stock is starting to dip, which means a statement should come soon.

Update: AKP has an "official" statement from SM that boils down to "we can't confirm or deny anything right now". (As usual their exclusive tag is used when they want to be vague and make shit up)

Update: It's official 

Update: SNSD will go on as 8, SM will continue to manage Jessica


  1. Holy Shit... if this is true(don't think so). Still it's kind of shady that SM is taking so much time to clear things up.

    As this is an ongoing thing I'll keep commenting as more details emerge.

    1. "As this is an ongoing thing I'll keep commenting as more details emerge." - Thanks.

  2. "Jessica's past conflicts with Taeyeon" - I am looking forward to the JAV.

    I find it hard to believe that it's anything but a hack or an angry (ex-)worker that wants to vent some steam.

  3. I don't know what the hell is happening but if SM likes money (and they do) they should answer this as soon as possible. If it's just an account stolen there should a declaration right now before everybody panics.

    I'm sick of companies saying "we will look into the issue" for every fucking thing happens. It's for making a good statement but 90% of the times it looks like they don't have a fucking idea of what it's happening even if they were the ones who fired an idol, for example.

  4. Honestly I dont really care cuz snsd is shit now

  5. This is awesome. Love Sica, but this is just awesome.

  6. If this is real, the kpop world won't be plagued with annoying Sones for much longer... Here's hoping.
    SNSD hasn't released anything good in a long time anyways (save for a couple of Japanese tracks)

    1. All we need are the blackjacks out too and were good!

    2. I am not happy about it, but I just got a similar thought. Maybe now they'll stop harrassing any group that attempts to debut with 9 members or to add members to have 9 in it.

  7. Jessica is the only one with a personality in that group(which she has to hide most of the time anyway). I like them, but damn they are all just robots at this point, their eyes always look so dead.

    If she goes, she'd better take Krystal with her. I'm still waiting for their duo debut. f(x) is a lost cause at this point anyway.

    1. "Jessica is the only one with a personality in that group" - You must be joking.
      Even Seobot is equally boring.

    2. Which is why I said "(which she has to hide most of the time anyway)". She used to be a lot more interesting.

      Some people are saying it's a dispute with SM over her wanting to get married. SM doesn't actually seem to know what's going on and their stock is dropping over this, so unless they get some real statements out there soon it seems like the whole thing may have been planned by Jessica to get herself out. In that case, she'd still be the most interesting one in the group.

      I doubt it was a hacker at this point, the others showing up for that fan meeting without her is too coincidental, and Jessica was spotted at the airport with that guy she's banging really early in the morning(the weibo message was also posted really early in the morning).

    3. Yo Seobot has more personality programmed into her left thumb drive than the rest of SNSD...

    4. kind of ironic that the whole point of 'Seobot' is from her rigid personality

    5. also, I seriously doubt it's over her getting married. the suggestion that SM would risk their cash cow in a pique of jealousy is utterly stupid.

      if anything sounds realistic, it's the suggestion that there's tension over Jessica's business dealings & how it would relate to SM.

  8. LOL she renewed her contract just to get kicked out a few weeks later? Logic

  9. Best part of the Sica reaction: i.imgur.com/f31WE7n.jpg

  10. Am I a bad person for getting excited about what's going to happen next?

  11. Does anyone think that there will be a power vacuum, or will it status quo remain?

    1. I doubt that a single member (that is not Taeyeon) can create anything that comes even close to a "power vacuum".

    2. Are you talking about a power shift within Girls' Generation? Because I'm referring to the Kpop girl group scene. I wanted to get an opinion which group will rise as GG falls (if they fall at all from this).

    3. And I said I doubt there's going to be a power vacuum (in K-Pop). lol

    4. So you don't think Sistar's company, Girls' Day's company or any other company will take advantage of this situation, and try to supplant their girl group as Korea's number one girl group. Since this is a great time to strike.

    5. no-one will take over their place because there isn't the desire for a group to do so now. a few years ago there was a real demand in korea for more. that got satiated, then over-saturated. A Pink may be the current darlings but they can't fill a hunger that isn't there

  12. Honestly I think Jessica is better off without SNSD.

  13. Haha, how much can SM fuck up this year? Exo "cao ni ma" Kris, Sulli getting pregnant, the bomb (A-bomb?) that was Red Velvet's debut MV, and now this. Comedy

    1. Kpop is really just the funniest drama korea ever produced

    2. did SM actually confirm that Sulli is pregnant?

    3. It's hella better than that drama Krystal's in right now.

  14. Will we get something like "always keep the faith" from crazy sone?

  15. what I don't get is if it's a business thing, why bring "and 8 others" into it? that's burning bridges

    at the end of the day, there's still a lot more money to be squeezed out of the GG cash cow. but that relies on maintaining the harmony that's been sold to the fans - this puts one member directly at odds with the others and will polarise support,

    also I'm gonna coin the term 'Bitch Hunt' because netizens are going to dig up any gifs they can that can be misconstrued as showing tension between SNSD members

    1. I really love "bitch hunt." That term would have been really helpful in the T-ara drama days.

  16. Why couldn't it have been Hyoyeon? It had to be the one with the most unique voice and second prettiest face.

    1. they can make a "jessica voice" button in the next version of Autotune, if you want

  17. ... so does this mean Sunny's getting more lines?

  18. I support the theory that this is the doing of Dani and Shannon.
    Dani and Shannon are trying to remove popular artists to hype up their debut
    Shannon can sing opera, defeated Hyorin and IU in one performance, yet is less popular than SNSD. Her debut song was a fail cuz like no one bought it or heard of it.
    Plus Dani has an insider, Krystal. How else would this happen without getting through Krystal?? Could also have been KKS's elaborate scheme to become one of the big three with MBK Ent.
    CCM/MBK: 1 SM: 0

  19. Way I see, how United is gg members? Only the rest of gg members has the powers to get sica back. GG is 9 member or no members (= no show)


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