Monday, October 13, 2014

Fei Cried Because of JYP's Training

Who wouldn't cry if his or her training was to look at this picture day after day?

From the NB article, there's this comment from a Korean netizen:

2. [+2,786, -152] Well he didn't bring her over to let her hang out and play.. I think she'd rather suffer and do well than not do anything at all. They have a lot of training to do, if you know what I mean..
Under this scenario, Fei's training was to masturbate to this picture of JYP. When she completed her training, she had to have sex with JYP while he wore those plastic pants.

I would cry, too.


  1. Hater. JYP is hella sexy and swaggalicious. Admit it. His alpha confidence despite his fugly goofy mug is what makes the girls' panties wet. Fei was crying because masturbating to his image was the closest intimacy she could ever and will ever get from him.

  2. That picture never fails to give me nightmare.

  3. I've seen this picture on Tumblr before, oh god if Fei did have to tap that..poor girl

  4. He sort of looks like SNSD's Hyoheon in that pic.

  5. I've see this picture everywhere now, that im so numb to its terrifying nature.

  6. Posted it once on fb, friend called me weird lol

  7. I heard ISIS used this picture on one of the hostages but no one talked about it because of how gruesome it is.

  8. I don't see how this picture is somewhat terrifying. It was funny the first time but I can't get why you think it's ugly? It's just different. Maybe I've been on the internet for too long, I'm numb to everything now.

  9. I'm gonna need that memory eraser from Men In Black right now


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