Friday, November 28, 2014

A Pink - LUV

Ha Young and the rest of A Pink have made a cumback, and it is glorious.

This song almost exemplifies everything that works for K-pop and why I got into it:

  • Catchy song with a nice melody
  • Knows what it wants to be by not trying to mishmash several unrelated styles of music
  • Almost complete lack of English aside from the "L-O-V-E Love" in the chorus
  • No rapping
  • Ha Young
  • Naeun
  • Chorong
  • Eunji
  • Bomi
  • Yes, even Namjoo is looking good
What K-pop is really good at is mixing what worked well in the past with what is popular now. Sometimes we get great songs and other times we wish that we were deaf so that we wouldn't have to listen to these piece of shit songs. However, K-pop loves to use unnecessary elements, such as idol rapping and the latest EDM trend.

A Pink generally avoids the shit trends, all thanks to their composers. However, the problem with A Pink's songs is that their songs are normally reinvented 90's pop songs. Growing up during the 90's, I hated pop music, and now in my early 20s, I still think 90's pop music is a gigantic pile of diarrhea.

A lot of people may not like this song because it sounds like a 90's pop song (and then there are people who will L-O-V-E Love this song because of that), but despite my hatred for 90's pop music, I enjoy Luv a lot because this song, and A Pink's songs in general, are produced a lot better and are sped up enough to make the songs interesting enough to listen to. 

Could Luv be a better song? You bet your ass it could be. Given its genre and inspirations, Luv makes the most out of the 90's sound. Plus, how could I say no to Ha Young?

This girl is perfection, and I am so glad that she turned 18 this year. Now I don't have to watch out for Chris Hansen when I say that I would tongue her asshole.

One of my bosses told me that a man doesn't truly love a woman unless he is willing to lick her asshole during sex. So does this automatically make me the number 1 Ha Young fan out there?

And yes, I know I am terrible at drawing people. AKF told me that MS Paint pictures should be used from time to time, but it looks like Ha Young is shooting a pink turd into my mouth instead a tongue licking her crack. Luckily the drawing standards here are really low, so my awful drawings should fit right in.


  1. When HanYeSeul_fag first appeared, people initially thought AKF was samefagging, but this post conclusively proves that this isn't the case. Note the distinctly different art style.

    1. I copied the posts by hand of the popular authors here.


      That's why my posts will tend to be a mix of several authors' writing styles here. Over time I'll have my own style, but I tended to base my style off of AKF's mainly because he has written the most here.

    2. Since he's not writing much now and you are, that's probably a wise move as it will help fill a void that people may otherwise miss.

  2. I like the way they're using the car in this video clip. The male actor is a deliberately transient presence -- and they use the car to act as a proxy masculine presence when he disappears. It gives the whole piece balance, so that even when the man is gone, he's still lingering there like a memory for the girls.

    Or to put it another way -- cars are a common piece of phallic symbolism, and the video clip is using the big black car to represent the male character's big ole penis. It allows them to thoroughly sexualise the situation, but in a way that's subtle enough that it lets A Pink retain their virginal image.

    Or to put it another way -- every time they stroke that big black car, they're stroking a big black cock.

    --Andrew S.
    (Well played, Mr. Director.)

  3. Song is just a slightly interesting version of their usually boring shit

    1. It's definitely worse.
      on the other hand, this is the best Hayoung and Bomi have ever looked

    2. Bomi just gets better and better. <3

  4. For some odd reason it sounds like a sad version of NoNoNo with an upbeat tempo, and here I was thinking that I was the only one that had the hots for Hayoung.

  5. I love Hayoung too. Hayoung and Namjoo are my favorites.

  6. This song has grown on me. I now appreciate it.

  7. Your head, your body is really small. Are you imagining yourself as a 7 year old licking Hayoung's asshole or a midget?

  8. I want to enjoy this song, I've liked most of A Pink's previous songs (or singles at least) but this is almost Secret Garden-tier snooze.

    If it wasn't for the chorus being decently catchy and me wanting to dick Eunji I doubt I'd try so hard to like it and listen to it over and over. Namjoo looks good here but Na Eun and Chorong looked better in the Mr Chu/NoNoNo days

    1. It's not entirely the song's fault, its more that I don't really like slower sad pop songs in the first place. The only ballads I really enjoy are those by Kalafina

  9. A Pink is the perfect example of "if-it-aint-broke-dont-fix-it" mentality in K-Pop. While this song is so fucking similar to NoNoNo and Mr. Chu, it's amazing all their songs don't sound exactly the same.

  10. I liked LUV. I thought it was catchier than Mr. Chu.
    Bomi and Chorong always make the MVs and live performances for me.

  11. You really think that you are the only one who wants to lick Hayoung's asshole? Poor bastard...

    1. You guys must have the cravings for kimchi flavored dingleberries.

  12. Bomi be like "L O BPHUEE E LUBPH"

    Naeun has my heart in her hands.

    I like that they are keeping their "light hip-pop" style but this is a little too light. The verses are more enjoyable than Mr Chu but the chorus less. I still prefer things more along the My My/NoNoNo power level. Kicking it up a notch to the dance tracks like Boy/Hush/Yeah/Boo is also great. And if they are going to go this light, better melodies with layers of harmony (really dropping off lately) like I Don't Know and Bubibu is preferred.

    I know an entire career can't be 100% solid gold so I don't mind. There are more compelling songs on the mini and their overall quality level is still high, so I'm satisfied. They seem to be trying to mature their sound, and "happy" can easily come off "playful/immature" so they aren't sure quite were to go. Yet another side to it is crossover to Japan, as they are also taking on a slightly more jpop sound rather than (what I believe is a more intelligent approach) proceeding with "country exclusives" like Kara did.

  13. I find Bomi's awkward Korean accent in the chorus somewhat charming.

  14. I have never liked A Pink's songs and dressing styles, and probably never will.


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