Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving From The AKF Team

It's Thanksgiving here in America, and I have asked every American author to write about what they're thankful for in regards to K-pop.

zaku: "God bless Kpop for all the cute grills."

Fany Pack: "I'm thankful for rain."

Soyeon Friend: "60 FPS videos."

Krakenoid: "The salty tears of fangirls and the sex goddesses."

WTFisastarship: "I'm thankful for all the people I've been able to talk to because of Kpop."

아저씨: "4k 60fps fancams and the unequivocal nugus of the year, 7학년1반."

sulli_fag: "I'm thankful for Sojin's butthole."*

HanYeSeul_Fag: "I'm thankful that YG stans are such crybabies."

Anti Kpop-Fangirl: "I'm thankful for the AKF staff sticking around while there are many changes in my personal life. I recently got hired for a full-time position starting in the summer. I am thankful for my real life friend HanYeSeul_Fag for taking over the day-to-day work of the site so that I can just focus on writing when I have the time to do so.

As for Korean entertainment, I am thankful for AOA, especially Mina. I am also thankful that Han Ye Seul finally got to come back. I can't convert more people to Yeseulogy if Ye Seul isn't active in the industry."

*I have no way to contact sulli_fag, but I am assuming he would say something similar to this.


  1. I'm thankful for all the awesome post you guys put up. One of the most entertaining blogs that i accidentally came across searching for anti fans. All the best for the AKF team or whatever you call yourselves.

  2. "I'm thankful for Sojin's butthole."

    Pretty much, yeah

  3. 4k 60fps fancams? Where? The only 4k I've got is 30fps… For instance, q_6cyNu_R6w is available in 4k but only fullhd at 60fps.

  4. Thanks for not closing lol. This is the Site I always go to for some laughs. At Asianjunkie people are talking like scientist and shit.

    1. Asian Junkie is actually fantastic but the comment section is a perfect example of internet cancer

    2. True true. Though Some comments are funny and witty enough xD

  5. Yo, you would be the only one to write something deep and heartwarming... ;A;

  6. I'm thankful for this blog for waking me up. I'm thankful for F(x) not giving a shit and releasing "Red Light". I'm thankful for BTS for picking up where BAP left off. I'm thankful for K-pop in 2014 not sucking in terms of music. I'm thankful for sulli_fags semi-return. I'm thankful for the humor this site has whenever I have a shit day. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I'm thankful for knowing that all the nugu shitgroups I hate will one day finally die.
    And I'll be there and smile to it.

  8. Who isn't thankful for AOA and our lord and saviour Mina.

  9. Holy jizzlords I didn't realise that I'm almost the only non-American.

    1. What are you Aussies thankful for? That guy who used to be in LED Apple?

    2. Tony Abbott is in power - we're not thankful for anything right now.

    3. Me. I think I am the only other that is not from the States.

  10. You Americans and your month-late Thanksgiving celebrations.

    Also, I am totally not jealous that I was not a part of this. >___>"

    Yeah, well, next year I will post my own Thanksgiving article in October with all the Canadian authors! Which is just me.



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