Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hi Suhyun's "I'm Different" Is Cancer For The Eyes, Ears and Penis

Hello everyone. I, HanYeSeul_Fag, am honored to take over AKF for Chuck oppar. Originally I was just going to hijack his account and post exclusively from it, but we talked it over and I made my own account. We're friends in real life and he has been looking for someone to take over the blog for a couple of years now, and with everyone he asked declining, he proposed that I take over it about six months ago. I have been studying the writing of the authors here and will develop my own style over time. AKF will still post from time to time, but as he is gearing up to get a professional job, he doesn't have any time to run AKF. Therefore, I am taking over, and my first official review under my new account is this terrible song.

I don't know what it really is like to have cancer, but I would assume that the pain is no different than what I experienced from watching this music video.

The biggest problem is the visual terror. I know one girl is Lee Hi, a fucking midget troll who looks like Boram on meth and a troll mated. Then she was born after Boram was smoking pot with GD and took a huge shit. Once Yang Hyun Suk saw the pile of shit, he masturbated on it everyday until the jizz hardened the fecal matter enough to allow the shit to be molded into a humanoid.

The chick from Akdong Musician is a reminder that we should be thankful for the ability of Korean surgeons this Thanksgiving. Her eyes are smaller than a Korean dude's penis and her head his bigger than the ballsack of a dude who has elephantitis down there. AKF got me into K-pop with groups of hot girls such as Kara and T-ara. Seeing this bitch makes me want to kick AKF in the nuts because everything he told me was a fucking lie. I woudl rather dip my dick into the asshole of a girl who just had explosive diarrhea than to see this troll ever again.

The song sucks ass. It was so dull that I forgot what it fucking sounded like. It sounds like typical Akdong Musian lullaby music. I'm lucky that shit didn't put me to sleep. I wish it did so that I wouldn't have to look at either girls' face.

God damn I'm going to have nightmares tonight. Jesus Christ.





  2. Actually enjoyed the song a lot. AKMU don't do jazz at all. If AKMU did jazz instead of folk, I might enjoy their music a little more. It was honestly the Lee Hi I had been waiting g for.

  3. That shit was too cheesy and not the good kind either.

  4. Anti Kpop fangirl. Rename it to Anti YG fangirl.

  5. Humorous review.

    I enjoyed the song more than Lovelyz 'No Swallow Calories', HelloVenus 'BoringBoring', and AOA 'Like A Yawn' put together. And I enjoyed the MV too. It had a full story, was humorous, and the two singers played their parts well.

    Will I be able to fap to it? Of course not. And that's why this group will never be big.

    1. The YG shade is strong though. What did YG do to Real CZ? Raped his family, ate his dog (or his friend's dog) and strapped him to a chair with Crayon on repeat? Seriously AKF have a grudge vs YG Entertainment.

  6. You know you've fucked up when Lee Hi is the only thing in your video resembling a normal human being

  7. Let's just hope your future daughter won't look like hayi or suhyun so nobody will say that your daughter face makes them feel like they have cancer. But for now you can relax since Im sure that the only reproductive activity you have is with your right hand.

    1. It's okay. You're just mad that I of the master Aryan race won't have a mongoloid fuck as a daughter.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wow,this review is waayyyy too harsh,i'm disappointed. N don't compare this to cancer, you don't know the pain.

  9. I dunno I found it somewhat refreshing for actual teenagers to sing realistic lyrics about teen love with a comical mv that also gave me nostalgia for my high school crush days rather than see grown women in their 20s sing overly cheesy lyrics and doing aegyo that stopped being cute at 6

  10. TBH I only like the Instrumental of the RAP(?) part. I will listen to this but without their voices..and faces

  11. Part of the reason why I fucking love kpop is the oppurtiniyy to see the salty tears of YG stans flow down like period blood every time someone talks shit about their artists. Oh god the erection i get from this

    1. Looks flacid to me. 4/10. Bonus 1 point for the fit body. Typical asian beta males penis

    2. @Lelouch

      I may not be a YG stan, but I was sworn into KPOP through YG. But AKF seem to have a special grudge vs YG.

    3. And what does AKF have to do with my thoughts on this group?

    4. AKF have been shitting a lot on YG lately. I can't wait when one of you guys decide to shit on GD and Taeyang's newest song.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I like this blog mostly because of Kpopcalypse, who writes with humour, rationality, and no delusions... This is bullshit though. Every time any YG artist releases anything, someone here showers hate on it, and I personally have no problem with that, as long as the review provides some entertainment value. This post does not, nor any actual critiques of the song. Sounds more like some crazed fangirl needed to vent aggression and sadness because their bias quit kpop, lol.

    1. Not my problem no one from YG has released a song worth a shit in years.

    2. Aaand we all know that... I don't see the point of writing more articles about it, specifically if it doesn't provide lols. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. If you're only reading this blog for Kpopalypse, why don't you just read it on his own blog? ._.

    4. I'm not only reading it for Kpopcalypse, I said that I gain the most entertainment value from his articles. I do enjoy reading zaku's and akisame's writing as well, and AKF himself produces a lot of good stuff. However, I've found generally that the most original and amusing (and even informative) things often come from Kpopcalypse. I don't count "ugh look at her disgusting face this is worse than having a terminal illness" as particularly good writing.

    5. CrimsonCupcake I agree with you, I don't like the articles just pointing out how ugly people are and how they don't deserve shit.

  14. The problem with YG is that they're not adhering to one of the most important aspects of Kpop - VISUALS.
    A Kpop girl group without proper hotties is a violation of all that is Kpop. Superficial? Of course it is, but Kpop has always been more about image than substance. It's the only reason why I even pay attention to Kpop. If I want depth I seek other genres of music.

  15. Psy, 2ne1, G-Dragon, and Akdong Musicians are in YG the hate seems logical to me.

  16. So another dipshit replaced another dipshit, only this tryhard akf does not have any clue what the word review is. Please just leave the reviews to kpopalypse or zaku and just continue writing those boring ass han ye seul articles 10 times a day. This is to hoping you'll get testicular cancer, insensitive prick.

    And what another typical ass song from yg, though their vocals are nice. They keep rehashing their songs huh.

  17. Please stop writing articles I feel like I'm reading an angry prepubescent boy's 4chan posts. Seriously who deemed you mentally fir to use a computer and why hasn't your mother offed herself from the shame of having birthed you yet?


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