Friday, November 7, 2014

Zico releases new song, "Oppa Is Just The Worst, Isn't He?"

Korean Public Enemy No. 1 (and that goes for both North and South) Zico shat on fans this week with the release of his latest song, "Oppa Is Just The Worst, Isn't He?"

In an interview on KBS, the Block B rapper told reporters, "I personally read all of those pleas online telling me not to use racial slurs. But I was like, wtf  *s*o***! You want me to be less offensive? I'ma go harder."

So he did.

On Nov. 6, the non-acclaimed idol rapper drew an angry online response with his new release, "Oppa Is Just The Worst, Isn't He?" which featured both racial and homophobic slurs. The new album comes seven months after his last song, the less controversial "Oppa Fucking Hates You."

Upon watching the new music video, netizens responded with "I used to love Oppa more than my parents, but now, they totally come first." And "When is he going to learn that slurs are not OK? I stopped buying his songs two releases after I found out what a terrible person he is." And "Go die Zico, u suk."

* * * * *
But seriously, why is everyone up in arms about Zico now? He's pulled this shit several times before.

I guess it was just one too many slurs for some people. Like 25 slurs = "It's OK Oppa. I still saranghae you 5ever"? But 26 — "You're a terrible person and bad things should happen to you"?

Or are his actions acceptable only as long as he's making good music?

Look, the lyrics and video for "Tough Cookie" make him look ridiculous. But what were you expecting? If this side of Zico surprises you, you haven't been paying enough fucking attention.

As for an MV review? "This song blows." There you go.


  1. The confederate flag made me exit out of the song tbh.

    1. Same and I heard he pulled that shit before, the first time I'll just say he was ignorant but twice that's on the level of attention whore and try hard, granted I consider majority of rap garbage anyways.

    2. This is some stylish outfit oppa Ludacris is flashing, rite? http://cdn.hiphopwired.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Ludacris-Confederate-Flag-.jpg

    3. Tsk, those koreans are shameless! http://www.x17online.com/images/photo-sets/conv/KanyeWestEXCLUSIVE110213_X17/KanyeWestEXCLUSIVE110213_03-full.jpg

    4. I honestly don't care that much, but come on with this reaching logic, lol.

      You don't see the difference between a black guy wearing it ironically and a non-black person wearing it as fashion?

      Like I'm sure Koreans would love it if Lady Gaga put on an Imperial Japan show. That clusterfuck would be amazing.

    5. I understand why people are getting pissed over that flag, they have all the rights to feel offended by that! And while I agree the producers should have done some research on the meaning behind that "symbol", I bet they didn't mean to be offensive or anything. Most probably that what just the first thing the styling team behind the video could think of when they were asked to set up a "tipical american hip hop kind of shit", they probably didn't pay too much attention to it. My guess is : they were just "imitating" what they see on screen when they watch american rap videos, and if the video was intended as a "mockery" of your usual hip hop video (and that's what I've got from the whole shooting) I can see where they're coming from. Is that stereotypical? YES. Offensive? Maybe. I don't have a strong opinion on that, but I don't think Zico had much of a saying on this whole thing either. He probably was like "k/this is cool/let's wear this shit/whatevs". Could this be avoided? Of course, but I don't think this was done on purpose for noise marketing or some shit, it was just ignorance. Not that i'm justifying it, but still...

    6. Don't defend people using their ignorance as an excuse. What he did offended people, and at the very least he should apologize for that. I found what he did to be distasteful, do I hate him as a person? No. The flag has a history behind it, and AJ has a point, its different for an African American to wear it as symbolism than a Korean. It's like me slapping you with my right hand and then saying "Oh I didn't slap you, I'm left handed", the logic behind it is dumb. Even if it wasn't meant to be offensive, that doesn't mean people can't/shouldn't be offended. You commenting with pictures of African American people wearing that same jacket, is you justifying it. This whole, OPPA DIDN'T MEAN IT!!! Shit needs to stop. Zico should apologize, if he doesn't, I don't care, but he should at the very least.

    7. I guess the bigger question is, can you wear something for fashion even if it's historically loaded?
      A question I personally can't answer for sure. Sometimes I'd tend to say yes, sometimes no.

    8. "The flag has a history behind it"

      Yeah, but sadly not everyone is aware of that history. I understand you americans would never accept this: but the world doesn't revolve around you nor your history, althoug I maintain that doing some research is ALWAYS the best thing. If we look deeper in this MV we would probably spot lots of other references that could be possibly offensive towards some other people/race/stuff, they just wouldn't notice because they don't give half of a fuck about Zico or kpop in general. I've already told you why I posted those pics, if you didn't understand that's cool.

      "What he did offended people, and at the very least he should apologize for that"

      I hope he does not! Most of his fans got mad at him swearing they would not support him anymore, so hopefully they will stop spamming this crappy some all over the fucking net.

      "This whole, OPPA DIDN'T MEAN IT!!! Shit needs to stop."

      Yes, Zico is my oppa, kpop is my life and I have nothing better to do than "defending" my beautiful korean baes against evil people attacking them online.
      How old are you, punk? Just curious...I hope you are at least 19, otherwise you couldn't watch the video/listen to the song in the first place. But you already KNOW this, right? You're such a a well educated good person, so you knew you shouldn't watch a video that's rated 19+, that wouldn't bee right and/or socially acceptable!

    9. Zico is imitating Amurican hippy hop music.
      'Murica 1
      Zico 0

  2. What's worst than a white guy who tries to hard to be black? Zico.

    Seriously though the amount of stereotypes he managed to crammed in this video. Especially that scene with 2 girls dancing. lol

    1. I thought that was some kind of parody rather than "trying hard to be black", but I might be wrong. I'm not gonna "defend" Zico anyway. I have no interest in defending one of the guys who took part in one of the shittiest songs in the history of pop music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83Yscg5vtVQ

  3. Oh I completely agree with the netizens. Everyone knows that rap is all about being conservative and offending as little people as possible

  4. I wish Kpoppers would stop overeacting to shit. YOU RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE. This thread. Gahhhh! Anyway, the video was clearly satire of wank American gangsta rap. This is not a black lifestyle. Anyone claiming it is a black thing are the ones stereotyping. I am glad he mocked it. Gangsta rap is shite. And here the p.c brigade are in full effect because they have nothing better to pick at.

  5. And because Kpop fans are prone to beong drama queens he prob isnt taking their offense seriously. As a Brit I dont know about the history of the flag. *shrugs*.

  6. I thought the debate was over him using the N word and "faggot". Who cares about the flag? The Confederate flag isn't really that big a deal when clearly that's just dumb fashion that they probably don't understand. It's like a white person wearing a shirt with a curse word in Korean. But the homophobic and racist words, that's another story? No one can plead ignorance there

    1. 'Nigger' and 'nigga' have two diff meanings. Do not confuse the two. And 'faggot' is used in a diff context here aswell if you view my other comment.

  7. Am I the only person offended by all of those chocolate chip cookies being wasted? It's a tragedy couldn't watch the video knowing those poor cookies are gone.

  8. Bloody knew it. I said it was a gimmick. Great, we can all go home now.

    "You put on a mask and you put in energy, I overflow with power and you’re just a gimmick. You can put a lot of effort into it and release it but they just go on to the next track. Rappers these days don’t have the skills so they all have a snap back fetish. You`re such a faggot bitch".


  9. As for using the 'n' word and 'faggot' these are terms you hear all over hipnhop. Faggot in a hip hop context is what they call a weak bitch. I am all about gay rights but I dont find that word offensive in hip hop terms.

  10. I still love you oppa <3 ^^ hahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D


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