Tuesday, December 23, 2014

An Introduction To Your New Head Administrator

Originally, I wasn't supposed to take over AKF until next year, but plans change rapidly. I was supposed to take over after AKF enrolled in graduate school, but he got a job lined up for next summer, so I had to take over much earlier than anticipated. AKF will still write when he has time, but with him stepping back and taking an advisory role to me and the other AKF admins, there will be some changes in how things are done around here.

Change #1: Like I mentioned above, AKF's roles as head administrator and head writer have been transferred to me. However, my main job is to be the head writer. The other admins will be doing the administrative work around here, such as hiring new authors, fixing the coding, changing the layout, and other tasks to be done. 

However, as I have two internships next year before starting graduate school, I won't be able to post as much as AKF did. I'll still be able to churn out enough articles to where there isn't a huge delay between posts on here. 

Change #2: The type of posts I do will probably offend the casualfags who come here. Get over it, and don't even bother whining about what I write.

Change #3: Terminology. I'll be using different terminology than the other authors, so I figure that you should know what I mean when I write things such as:

- "I'd do her." If a girl has a vagina from birth and doesn't look as hideous as Suhyun, I'd probably do her. Example: I would do Hyoyeon. Yeah, she's an orc, but who doesn't want to have sex with a mythical being once to try it out?

- "I'd lick her asshole." If I find a girl hot enough, I would definitely lick her asshole. This means that these girls are much hotter than the norm. Example: I would lick Jiyeon's asshole.

- "I'd let her piss all over my face." Not to be confused with squirting (the Brits love to infringe on a woman's right to squirt by calling it piss), I'm talking straight-up urine. A girl has to be really hot to allow them to pull an R. Kelly on me. Example: I would let Hayoung piss all over my face.

- "I'd let her peg me." This is reserved for the hottest of the hottest girls. Example: I would let Han Hye Jin peg me.

Yes. Yes. Yes. 

I guess I can talk a little about me. My favorite groups are T-ara and A Pink. My favorite idols are Hayoung and the Cyclops Overlord. I like most groups, just none of the fuckers from YG. My favorite actress is Han Hye Jin. I really liked her in the movie "26 Years" that came out in 2012. I'm not really a big watcher of movies or dramas, so I only know a small number of actresses.

So why did I choose HanYeSeul_Fag as my username then? Han Ye Seul is definitely in my top 5 actresses, but she isn't number one. However, she's the one who got me into Korean entertainment. Last year in the computer lab, I saw AKF surfing the web instead of doing homework and he was looking at pictures of Han Ye Seul. That was all I needed to give Korea a look. He introduced me to T-ara and now here I am. Plus, Han Ye Seul is essentially the mascot of AKF, so it makes sense that I used her name in my username.


  1. Hmmm... Interesting stuff here. Which group (besides T-ara and Apink) would you most want to be in a reverse bukkake with? If you don't mind me asking. Sorry if this is too personal...

    1. As of now, AOA. Who wouldn't want Choa squirting all over their face?

    2. Count me in. I'd let her drown me in her pee.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Dude, what the fuck. Deleting your extremely off-topic replies.

    3. It was AFTERSCHOOL RED - 밤 하늘에 you noob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxE8A8_aW9E

    4. So, it still had nothing at all with what this article is about.

    5. My replies are off-topic because I have to waste time trying to explain to you why your dumbass post about Kahi had nothing at all to do with the topic of this article.

  3. Interesting, I'll be looking forward to your shit hopefully you'll have some good fap worthy gifs of Jiyeon and Hayoung when you post.

  4. Where in the terminology spectrum does Clara fit?

  5. well I hope you post about Year 7 class 1 best nugu group out there

  6. Han YeSeul is my favorite Korean actress. I really like T-ara and A Pink as well. As long as this site makes me laugh and think, I don't see a problem with a new admin although AKF will be missed.

  7. I like most groups, just none of the fuckers from YG

    Yes, I like you already

  8. Likes T-ara and APink. Hates all things YG.

    HanYeSeul_Fag is a rational person with impeccable taste. Of course, my only complaint is that he hates Crayon Pop, but I can overlook that since he does like my other favorite girl groups. I expect to see a lot of YG trashing from the new administration.

  9. Thanks for writing this post and allowing us to get to know you a little!

    Also thanks to AKF for introducing you to k-pop T-ara first - the correct way.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Likes Apink
    Doesn't like YG

    Is it too early to propose marriage?

  12. "I'll be using different terminology than the other authors" - They aren't THAT different, I want they say they're largely the same. hah

    We might have had a bad start with eachother (the Crayon Pop and A pink talk earlier), but at least now you know what kind of top-tier assholes you have to deal with in the comments. hah

    And YG deserves all the trashing they get after running 2NE1 into the ground, so, fucking, hard.

    1. So true. YG needs to reflect and return with better music for 2NE1.

  13. If you like being pegged, you are a faggot.


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