Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Review: "Come Here" by some guy featuring Bobby and Dok2

OMG, my boy's on fire!!

My new favorite rapper, iKON's Bobby (saranghaeyo), just featured on another song, and I can't even.

The new song, "Come Here," is the second of YG's recent two hip-hop project groups. The first was my jam "Good Boy," by two of my other fave rappers, GD and Taeyang. Unlike the other AKF writers, I'm really hoping YG comes out with more of these project groups. Something with CL and WINNER would be hawt.

Anyway, "Come Here" is straight-up hip-hop. Unlike Jay Park and Zico (who was totally hot before he came out with "Tough Cookie"), Masta Wu, Dok2, and Bobby (saranghaeyo) make hip-hop their own.

"Come Here" starts off with that ajusshi Masta Wu, and he's OK. But when Dok2 starts, oh my. Boy slays it. And Bobby (saranghaeyo) ... I can't even describe how amazing he is. His voice. His face. That stare.


I'm super happy he's getting a chance to shine. "Born Hater," "I'm Different," and now this? I feel like my ovaries are going to explode.

And he's SO SILLY.

I love the video for this song, too. It shows the real hip-hop life, with guys holding umbrellas for you, remote-controlled helicopters, and big glasses of milk. The only thing I didn't like about this MV was the girl in the spiked bra. Like, what even was her role?

Whore, stay away from Bobby (saranghaeyo).

BOTTOM LINE: It's so refreshing for kpop to release a real hip-hop song.


  1. Good thing you assblocked TheRealCz.

  2. What is that? It looks like that thing from B.A.P

  3. Replies
    1. The uploader has not made this video available in your country.


    2. *cough**cough* SATIRE *cough**cough*

  4. You guys couldn't tell Fany was trolling?

    1. At least it wasn't TheRealCz's typical shit spraying.

    2. You're just a pathetic YG stan who can stand dissenting opinions on your favorite groups.

    3. And you are just a hipster for nugus. There is a very fine line between being a blind YG hater. I wouldn't hesitate to diss some of YG's more questionable decisions like how they couldn't decide what kind of concept the new girl group is going to take for one. At least Fany Pack does it with more class than you do with any of your "reviews"

    4. Typical yg akf review:
      *insert ear raping, just strap me in a chair and make an ogre cut my balls off with his teeth than make me listen to this shit, what fugly idols, i'd rather eat the cumtastic feast of a midget mongoloid that just took a shit and then have bdsm sex with my grandma, fuck teddy for fucking han ye seul and for his gaddam music, fuck yg*
      Yup, been a lurker since that sooyoung is the skinniest bitch article and this about sums up every yg review. It's getting boring.

    5. Maybe YG should release good songs like they used to. Then we wouldn't have to shit on their shitty songs and have you crybabies complain all the time. Only good thing to come from them is Epik High's Born Hater.

    6. I agree with unknown and wut... Articles like that bring down the quality of the blog because it's the same filler shit every time, and at this rate YG will never stop releasing flaming garbage. Criticising with a rational argument =/= being a crybaby

    7. Let's not fight, y'all. Variety is the spice of life. That's why I love SM rappers, along with YG.

    8. Yup, I'm crying over your boring articles and reviews

  5. Replies
    1. Dok2 Oppa is amazeballs. I literally died when he started rapping.

  6. that bobby guy is totally fug.... makes me want to be a lesbo or some shit.

  7. "His voice. His face. That stare."

    The milk. Yes, Bobby's still in school.

  8. dokbobby would beat the shit out of wu tang in a rap battle

  9. At first I thought fangirls took control over AKPF, but then I realized it's just Fany Pack trolling... it was a busy day...

  10. Okay the most important thing I want to know, whose that chick with the red mask cause she fine AF.

    1. Don't ask me how I have this http://instagram.com/starz0129

      (I think I saw it on some YG fanpage)

  11. bobby wasn't actually bad @ MAMAs
    the quiett sounded like he just got out of the second grade, what the FUCK happened

  12. Replies
    1. and by "why yg" i mean "why is yg putting this stuff out?"

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I thought you were being serious. Then I listened to the song. Well played, Fany.

  14. Justin Bieber got the worst verse.

  15. I'd rather have Bobbay than stuck up the ass B.I. TBH. and don't come telling me B.I. is the genius of the iKON group cause that KIGGAH did not with Show Me the Money 3, am I right. Sit yo fangirl ass down and let Bobbay do everything while B.I. goes to cry in his stuck up corner. kthnxbai

  16. WTF happened to Masta Wu? No one can look like that without a serious Meth addiction.

    Bobby spits fire from those bucked teeth. The kid is the new rap god saviour.

  17. this was worse than the warm, sticky feeling of having actual human piss pooling in my ears

  18. and this is coming from someone who actually doesn't mind bobby :o
    i've only ever seen him before in hi suhyun's song and his four seconds were the saving grace of the entire live performance, but i realize how that it was probably because lee hi and the akmu girl are so fucking bland that he's a delightfully entertaining by comparison. i saw the live of this song as well and it was straight up embarrassing. for anybody that feels like torture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVhfmhrazX0
    they should have just called this video "old dude can't think up enough lyrics for entire song while literal teenager tries too hard. dok2 is also there"

  19. I used to think Bobbywas sooo hot and talented but HE DISSED BTS OPPAS NOW I HATE HIM >:((


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