Thursday, January 22, 2015

And the Award for the Most Gratuitous Black Cameo in a KPop MV Goes to...

These scrubs from Brave Entertainment (aka the Brave Brothers label).

You thought YG was bad, just wait until you get a look of this. Or read the article.

Longtime followers of KPop know all too well that it is a genre of appropriation and exploitation. Without delving into the nitty-gritty of racial politics in South Korea or some shit like that you don't really want to hear about, let's just say it's a real problem that a lot of people have issue with.

All I want to do is highlight how horrible this MV is in general. Ripping clothes straight from scraps even YG wouldn't put on their kids, Brave Entertainment has pulled off the biggest troll MV in KPop history. I mean you can't get any more bad even if you tried.

Just look at this poor guy who probably accidentally wandered on set somehow and found himself in 1998 Koreatown, USA.

Look how out of place he looks, how awkward he must feel reliving the embarrassing moments of his youth while surrounded by Korean manlets who don't seem to realize none of the stuff they're wearing is cool anymore. He's literally head AND shoulders over them as they prance around in G-Dragon impressions they probably spent weeks studying his every MV and fancam to emulate.

Is that a backwards, upside down visor on that kid in the USA long-sleeve polo?? If it's so bad to be rocking non-sponsor approved gear, why even bother putting on the Ralph Lauren one in the first place if you're just going to put some shitty red tape over the lettering anyway? Are those extensions or did the label make that kid grow out his hair since he signed up to be a trainee for this? I thought Taeyang's dreadlocks were bad, but I didn't think Taeyang converted impressionable kids to Rastafarianism on the side these days.

And why for the love of god was it deemed necessary to have an actual black guy on set in the first place? Is this supposed to make us feel like all this crap is "validated" by some kind of black spokesman? Goddamn it, he's old enough to be those kids' grandpa.

Honestly, I don't know whether or not to laugh or cringe with how bad this MV is. The song's pretty garbage too. Do yourself a favor and stay far far away from them and hope they flop. Maybe then they'll get dropped from the label and find greener pastures where they can try and forget this traumatizing experience.


  1. Replies
    1. It's the Korean equivalent of that guy that so generously brought Rebecca Black to the masses!

  2. They're like the Korean reincarnation of Kris Kross.

  3. They literally came from no where too, the first time I heard about them was yesterday, now all of a sudden they have 2 MVs lol

  4. Lol Why didn't you mention the Asian dude at the end of the video looking at them with pedoeyes?

    1. I couldn't finish the whole thing, I was skipping around cause it was so bad.

  5. Looking at those gifs, I'm not even sure if those are boys or girls.

  6. I had extremely low expectations before clicking on this video, so i was pleasantly surprised by the song. The MV is a cheap version of Happiness though.

  7. lol I'll take your word for it, those gifs are more than enough ><

  8. I read one comment on their video which was like this "Korean Kriss Kross " a.k.a KKK - i laughed pretty hard at that

  9. when i watched it, i had to give up after the "ready to die like BIG". congratulations for making it far enough to see the professional black guy

  10. kinda weird, but i actually liked it. didn't find it nearly as cringe-worthy as YG's stuff or Zico.

  11. Did i just travel to 90s?

  12. .. Is it weird I liked this? I'm not saying it's amazing or appropriate 100% (wow I died of second hand embarrassment for that black guy. The point of placing him there randomly was..?), but the song was cute. They're kids afterall being told everything by a (shitty) adult in charge. Nice throwback. Buuut.. yeah.


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