Saturday, April 4, 2015

Zaku Stream?!

Hey all.

I know it's been quite a while since I've last streamed, but I thought I could dust off the ol' webcam for old time's sake and put one on for your view pleasure/displeasure. As of now, I was thinking Saturday April 11th from 4 to 6PM PST (or UTC -7) would be my stream slot. The stream will be hosted here via Twitch.tv (zaku_bot1 if the link fails to work somehow).

If you've got any suggestions for stream topics, better time accommodations, or just want to show your support for the whole thing, feel free to leave a comment below.

Until then, toodles~


  1. By then the new SNSD MV will be out, right?

  2. Twitch is just for gaming which is why I don't use it. Are you going to include token League Of Legends content so your stream doesn't get shut down by the admins?

    1. Twitch has a music category which I will use. Also, I may or may not include token League of Legends content.

    2. Pls yes. I want to see some footage of you being smashed by Vi. I love Vi.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. please become anhero zaku oppar

    5. I want to see Zaku being smothered to death between Miss Fortune's boobies.

    6. Born too late to explore the world
      Born too early to travel the universe
      Born just in time to be smothered to death by boobies

  3. Yeah, there's no point of it being on twitch if it's going to be taken down.

  4. I'll be there. With my facebook account and my real name, so that nobody can recognize me. Gosh, I'm so evil!.. *giggle


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