Thursday, May 21, 2015

Best of the Worst: May 21, 2015

Welcome back, everyone. Let's cut to the chase this week: AOA is creating a line of toothbrushes.

Achieve your dreams: Put Choa in your mouth every day. 

I'm already planning to order the whole set. I'll use Yuna for my daily brushing, Jimin for special occasions like vacation, I'll attach Choa to a gold mount so I can stare at it all day, and Chanmi can help me clean around the grout in the bathroom.

They reacted similarly when they saw Jay Park live in concert.

Why did this happen, and who
can I call to voice my displeasure?


  1. I know the joke has already been made but I'm going to say it any way. This is our one chance to have Choa in our mouths,

  2. I'm surprised KBS and SBS hasn't been boycotted yet.

  3. i'd squirt my toothpaste all over Seolhyun's teeth

  4. Official merchandise is one of the best ways to make money, go for it.

  5. Replies
    1. Could be worse. Could be Youkyung

    2. There's actually a Youkyung toothbrush. You just have to dig it out from the back of your bathroom cabinet.

    3. I feel like her's would be the kind of toothbrush where you open the packet and then close it back up

  6. Nothing wrong with socks and sandals together.

  7. Do they brush their teeth before or after the dick sucking session? Things I wonder!...

  8. Good thing they only weigh like 85 pounds or I'd feel bad for that amp.

  9. If that was Apink's toothbrush promo photo, they'd be faux giving head to those things (innocently, of course). ;)

    I saw a shared link of AOA official toothbrush announcement exactly as in the Koreaboo link except AOA official had it was misspelled as "teethbrush." Anyone else see that? Anyone else wonder why the hell we call it toothbrush and not teethbrush?


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