Saturday, May 9, 2015

It's a miracle: Hyunseung looks good in his latest MV

Hyunseung mostly doesn't look like a freak in the video for his solo debut, "Ma First."


It's difficult being a Hyunseung fan.* First off, he didn't get to be in Big Bang, so we'll always be plagued with the question "What if?"

You could've been a "Loser" too, Hyunseung.

... Oh, but I guess you already are. Nm.

Then when he's with his fellow Beast members, he hardly gets any screen time, unless he's doing some unattractive Michael Jackson ripoff dance.

And how can we forget the time he got a massive boner during that Troublemaker stage?

Hope Mom wasn't watching this perf.

Top all that with the fact that he's styled like an escaped mental patient most of the time, and it's easy to see why he's not topping many people's bias lists.

The struggle is real.

There was relief for Hyunseung fans this week, though, as the video for his latest song, "Ma First," was released — and the boy looked hot. Really hot.

Like, I'd-totally-let-him-write-on-my-chest hot.

It truly was a kpop miracle. Now, fellow Hyunseung fans, the next time someone gives you shit for liking such a mis-styled freak, you can say, "There was that one time he looked super hot." Because there was that one time.

* I'm assuming I'm not still the only one, though I could be wrong about this.


  1. Should be titled "Ma First Time Not Looking Like A Freak".

  2. He finally got laid so stopped trying so damn hard.

    1. By whom? Surely not Hyuna, right?

    2. He didn't need Hyuna, he has waaaaay more breasts to write on now.

  3. New poll: Which kpop debut was more unnecessary; Minah's or Hyunseung's?

    1. Ummmmmm MINAH....i mean cmon aside from being weird HYUNSEUNG can really sing & dance!

  4. Needs more abs. I swear all those k-pop boys always look so damn skinny.

    Very nice song tho, I likeyd likeyd that. So thanks for bringing it to my attention, it's nice to see this site promoting some male groups and idols for a change =)

    1. Glad you liked it! We write about what we like (or really don't like). Though most of us usually skew toward girl groups, we all have male groups or songs we like.

  5. As a Hyunseung fan, I approve of this styling. Let's never go back.

  6. I actually considered kicking him out of my bias list then this came out. He's still in but maybe a few places lower.

    1. Fascinating. So are you more a fan of Asymmetrical-Haired Hyunseung? Or Bandanna Warrior Hyunseung?

  7. The song was good, the MV was fun, and he looked great. Hyunseung fans can have their cake and eat it too.

  8. Im totally digging this hairstyle, omg he's like totally on my HOT LIST now especially after watching how GOOD he looks during the live stages. The boy got swag! Not to mention talent.

  9. Let me spoil all your fantasies people.
    He looks like Hyomin in 'Nice Body' in the last pic here.

  10. He's always seemed attractive to me xDD He stays around the top of my bias list most of the time~


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