Sunday, May 10, 2015

Looking For New Staff

It's summer time, which is a traditional hiring period for new AKF authors.
We will have the same requirements as last time.

However, those requirements are just for authors. If you think you have a skill set that could compliment AKF but that skill isn't writing, send us an email and we'll try to work something out.

If you hadn't noticed yet, we have lost some authors: sulli_fag, The Duchess, WTFisastarship, and Krakenoid. I am not going to bother keeping anyone who goes six-plus months without posting on a regular basis. This is something that I want to make clear to anyone who wants to join the team as an author: don't join just to stop posting after a month. Not only are you wasting your time, but you are wasting our time and taking away a spot away from someone who actually wants to write. We typically only hire 2-3 authors at a time, so spots are limited. Don't be a dick if you honestly have no intention on sticking around.

Writing for AKF isn't a huge time sink, though people try to pretend like it is. The short articles take roughly 15 to 20 minutes to post, while the longer and more intricate posts take several hours at the most. If you can't honestly spare 2-4 hours a month to write, don't bother.

The only reason I say this is because in the fall, I am resigning as Head Administrator and will just be a normal author once AKF returns. In his absence, we have proven that the site can live without him posting a lot, but once he returns, he won't be able to post that frequently. That is why I'm looking for a team of authors who will help pick up the slack instead of hiring people who say "Hey, I'm part of the AKF team yet I never do anything!"

For this round of hiring, Fany Pack, Soyeon Friend and myself will be selecting who will be the authors. Anyone who gets hired has to send their articles to akisame for review, but while she's on hiatus for the next month, Fany and/or myself will fill her role.

Send any applications and inquiries to hanyeseul_fag@yahoo.com


  1. Every time we get lazy we hire new staff and wait for them to get lazy too, hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa...

    1. I'm trying to put an end to that trend haha. It's working with Sohyunna and PTS_Sr so far. As long as we have an attainable writing goal, it should work out.

    2. Allow me to say this: I SURE AM GLAD those nugu tryhard authors are fired.
      However, I will still miss sulli_fag.

    3. I'm sorry to inform you that I'm still going to be around.

  2. Thanks for the offer (I know this, like, was totally just, like, meant for me since you're, like, so tsundere for me and C.P.), but I'm going to keep being king douche in the comments.

  3. I was thinking about applying, but my inferiority complex says no.

    1. I encourage anyone who's thinking about it to apply. The worst that could happen is we don't think you'd be a good fit and don't hire you. And no one will know but us. And the person.

    2. Maybe one day I'll try. I've heard that AKF writers get a company card that has unlimited funds on it I know it's true because I'm a detective and I have evidence.

    3. I've changed my mind. When's the deadline?

    4. AKF picked me despite not knowing shit about Kpop prior to the end of 2013. Just try and see.

  4. RIP sulli_fag. You will be remembered fondly.

    Han Hye Jin has cute smile.

    1. I second your words.
      All of em.

  5. We lost sulli_fag? Explains so much!!!!!

  6. Man I would love to be a writer, but I wouldn't know what to write about.

    1. Just apply and try, dawg. You never know until you try.

  7. I did an MV review and faked an interview with an MBK trainee's dog. But I'm busy until August, and could do maybe 1 or 2 posts before mid-June if I really try. So I won't apply.

    1. I would say just wait. There will be another round of hiring in 6-8 months.

  8. I would love to write but, you know, like most of us, we dont feel we have enough information and insight about the KPOP World. Plus people like Kpopalypse have already set a very high standard. Insecurities insecurities...


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