Saturday, June 13, 2015

Conspiracy on Conspiracy (in) K-Pop (COCK) 2: Trap/Trans Hani

Time for the next COCK! This time, we will tackle a less serious problem than Illuminati/NWO. It's time to find cocks transgenders in k-pop! 

... well ... other than Nana, since everyone already knows:

Once again, completely random opinion
chosen from the depths of the Internet

This one is also from a random, unrelated person.

In April in another NB post with blind items, one piece caught my attention:

2. There are over 200 girl groups registered with the Singer's Association, making that over 1,000 individual girl group members. However, there are two with social security numbers that start with a 1 (males start with 1, females start with 2). The public is already aware of a transgender group L, which means there is another either male or a transgender registered as a girl group member.

First things first: When it comes to this mysterious transgender group L, there was a group called "Lady," but they broke up in 2007. Here is one of their songs:

I dare you to fap to them (but still ... some people fap to HyOrc)

Many people suspect that one of the mystery girl group members is Jia, because when miss A debuted Jia seemed to have a little friend between her legs.

Jia and her "little friend"

How wrong they all are … The truth is simple: The transgender girl group member is Hani. Why?

Exhibit 1:
It's obvious that old habits die hard. Hani's body still remembers that once between those legs was a dick.

Exhibit 2:

Another proof than Hani was a man! Her brain still doesn't grasp the concept of personal hygiene, and we all know that lack of it is typically a male thing.

Exhibit 3:

She clearly can’t behave like a lady, and now we all know that Heechul knows about her past and tries to protect this secret.

Exhibit 4:

Hani knows how important a prostate is to a man and still remembers how to check it.

Exhibit 5:

Any heterosexual man (I'm not talking about those gay idols) can't make a heart with his hands (I know from experience), and those pictures clearly show that Hani still has the brain of a man.

Even with help from Potato, Hani can't figure it out.

Exhibit 6:

Hani has the IQ of a genius, and we all know that no female is really smart, since all they need to do is cook and clean, hence Hani still is a man in her mind.

Exhibit 7:

She admitted it!

Conclusion? Since Hani is even more manly than Amber she must have been a man before!


Hani before her oepration.


  1. That last picture gave me cancer O_O

  2. Hani is a cool girl.

    But goddamned it does she look retarded in exhibit 5.

  3. It's funny, I encountered someone convinced that Hyorin is trans.

    1. What's funny about that?
      You really shouldn't joke about transgender people, like Hyorin.

  4. I can make a love heart with my hands, just not quite as good as Kyungri's. Does this mean I have subconscious homosexual desires?

  5. I had to remove the picture and make it a link so that Google wouldn't make the site age restricted/block AKF.

  6. Why is Hyerin a potato lmao shes cute


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