Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The most important thing I learned from AOA's recent comeback

As you should know, AOA  recently had their comeback, and while the song and MV are good, you should really be focusing on the underlying messages of the music video. The most important of these, though, is taught by the very fabulous Choa.

AOA's music video focuses on how the girls use sport (I guess?) to attract a potential partner in life. An important part of most sports is relying on your teammates. So:
When your teammate falls over while playing a game, what do you do? You rush over to make sure they're all right, of course. What's the first thing you should check in order to assess the harm your teammate has suffered? Well, according to Choa, you should make sure her pussy can breathe properly.

/Of course, she's just checking to make sure her favourite play toy is fine, and Jimin is praying that Choa knows CPR/

Thanks, Choa, now I can point out that Choa x Jimin is real - F da h8rs amiright.

After this incident, she then has to spend the rest of the MV trying to get her hetero image back, but I'm onto you Choa. I have a 0.0000000000001% chance now. Don't kill the dreams. Judge for yourselves: Isn't she acting way too hard to get this boy, way over the top.

You can't hide it anymore, Choa.


  1. So when seolhyun transferred in and Choa was looking all mighty jealous was it because she didnt want that guy to steal away her new target?

    1. It must be, I mean why would she be smitten over that guy anyway - did you see him? like 4/10 if you are being nice.

  2. I see this blog is smitten by AOA's cum-back

  3. Jimin is trying hard to hide her smile in that part.

  4. This song sucks so bad that I couldn't even focus on the "interesting" parts of the MV and missed the usual "choa is a lesbean" sub-theme. Thanks for helping me notice that, I'd refuse to undergo those 5 minutes of torture just to catch that bit.

    1. Yea this song is a hot ass mess and for the first time I found Choa's voice more annoying than Jimin's

    2. Choa lesben? But guys want her so hard.

  5. Still downloading the mv.. Will comment right back after ... Also, I hope jimin doesnt start the song with her "rap"(?)

    1. you must have a really slow internet....been like 2 weeks you've been downloading


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