Tuesday, July 28, 2015

HYSF Survey Results

I return from work, as my internship ended and my other job reduced my hours a little bit. I have a bit of a reprieve before starting graduate school.

Anyway, a lot of you guys took the survey. I created the survey to judge the responses of the readers because I do plan on writing more fics, and I need to see what content makes people uncomfortable.

First, let's start with the males:

Would you lick a girl's asshole?

Yes: 146 (56.6%)
No: 112 (43.4%)

This is actually the closest "battle" in terms of percentages. Here, most guys would be willing to lick a girl's asshole. Damn right, as long as they're hot and wash down there every day, may as well lick the booty hole.

Would you let a girl pee in your face?

Yes: 57 (22.1%)
No: 201 (77.9%)

Almost four out of five respondents wouldn't let a girl piss in their face. You guys just haven't met a girl hot enough.

Would you let a girl peg you?

Yes: 104 (40.3%)
No: 154 (59.7%)

I was surprised 40% said yes. I wonder if it's my influence or if these guys would be willing provided that the girl is really hot (and/or would receive anally in return.)

Would you rather have Han Hye Jin peg you for give a rusty trombone to Shindong?

Have Han Hye Jin peg me: 222 (86%)
Give a rusty trombone to Shindong: 36 (14%)

I agree with the majority, even if I wasn't into pegging. I'd take it up the ass from a hot chick before licking another dude's asshole and jacking him off.

Would you rather have Jiyeon give you a Cleveland Steamer to the face or have all of Big Bang bukkake you?

Have Jiyeon give me a Cleveland Steamer to the face: 161 (62.4%)
Have Big Bang bukkake me: 97 (37.6%)

Again, I agree with the majority here. I'd rather have Jiyeon shit on my face and spread it around with her ass than to have five dudes jizz all over my face. You would need a long, hot shower after both acts, but at least with Jiyeon, you're having a hot chick doing that shit to you. With Big Bang, you just let five dudes jizz all over your face.

Would you rather finger your butthole while watching a girl peg a guy or shove a dildo down your urethra?

Finger my butthole while watching a girl peg a guy: 230 (89.1%)
Shove a dildo down my urethra: 28 (10.9%)

Unsurprisingly, most guys would rather take the less painful of the two options.

Would you rather give birth to a child through your dick or have Arnold Schwarzenegger fist your asshole?

Give birth to a child through my dick: 62 (24%)
Have Arnold Schwarzenegger fist my asshole: 196 (76%)

Either option would probably put you into a coma, so people just chose which way they'd rather die. I would probably go with the latter and be fisted by the Governator.

Would you rather lick a girl's pussy while she's on her period or lick a girl's asshole when she has genital warts?

Lick the blood-covered pussy: 239 (92.6%)
Lick the wart-covered asshole: 19 (7.4%)

Nineteen people are really, really brave.

Let's move onto the females:

Would you lick a guy's asshole?

Yes: 79 (26.2%)
No: 223 (73.8%)

This just shows how selfish women are, doesn't it? Three-fourths aren't willing to provide extra pleasure to men, all while knowing that they could massage his prostate through the anus. 

Would you let a guy pee in your face?

Yes: 41 (13.6%)
No: 261 (86.4%)

The girls who read this site wouldn't mesh well with R. Kelly.

Would you peg a guy?

Yes: 167 (55.3%)
No: 135 (44.7%)

I am shocked the number of yes responses is that low. I guess 44% of girls look up to Eunjung and want to be conquered instead of doing the conquering once in a while.

Would you let a guy give you an Alabama Hot Pocket?

Yes: 31 (10.3%)
No: 271 (89.7%)

Thirty one women are brave enough to let a dude shit inside their pussy and then let a dude fuck them.

Which of these two options would be more embarrassing for you?

Queefing in a dude's face as he's licking your pussy: 64 (21.2%)
Farting in a dude's face as he's licking your asshole: 238 (78.8%)

I'm surprised this response was as skewed as it was. Farting is more natural than queefing.

Would you eat Neapolitan ice cream? (Where a dude jizzes in your ass and you shit it into a bowl, and then squirt your vagina blood into the bowl)

Yes: 15 (5%)
No: 287 (95%)

Fifteen girls have a new favorite flavor of ice cream.

Would you rather have lesbian sex with a fat chick or have sex with a black man, and after your kid is born, you raise it on your own and get no governmental assistance?

Lesbian sex with a fat chick: 212 (70.2%)
Have a kid with a black dude and have no governmental assistance as I raise the kid: 90 (29.8%)

Almost 30% of the women want to take a gamble with their life. The other 70% took the safe option.


  1. I didn't know boys and girls got different questions, interesting!

  2. Dude. You are sick brah. And the amount of females I know that would go with the black guy and no government assistance is too damn high. They never had a black guy before. Half those sex things I had no idea about.

  3. Would you lick a girl's asshole?
    No: Because no ass in the bedroom for me! :o

    Would you let a girl pee in your face?
    Yes: Because I'm willing to compromise, and this is as far as I'd go in this direction (not including some of the sick options underneath this question).

    Would you let a girl peg you?
    No: No asses in bed!!

    Would you rather have Han Hye Jin peg you for give a rusty trombone to Shindong?
    Give a rusty trombone to Shindong: No pegging. I've got hemorrhoids, dude!

    Would you rather have Jiyeon give you a Cleveland Steamer to the face or have all of Big Bang bukkake you?
    Have Big Bang bukkake me: I don't want shit in my face. Well, I don't WANT cum in my face either, but given this option... I'm not bisexual, but when it comes to ejaculation vs shit in the face, gender is irrelevant, hahahah...

    Would you rather finger your butthole while watching a girl peg a guy or shove a dildo down your urethra?
    Finger my butthole while watching a girl peg a guy: Well, duh...

    Would you rather give birth to a child through your dick or have Arnold Schwarzenegger fist your asshole?
    Have Arnold Schwarzenegger fist my asshole: I figure I'm marginally less likely to die from this... :/

    Would you rather lick a girl's pussy while she's on her period or lick a girl's asshole when she has genital warts?
    Lick the blood-covered pussy: Been there, done that. No biggie.

  4. "because I do plan on writing more fics, and I need to see what content makes people uncomfortable"

    A fanfic featuring golden showers, mpreg with childbirth, anal play, urethral sounding and bukkake would make me extremely uncomfortable in the pants, and I genuinely hope that you'll never write such a thing.

    1. I came across horsefucker cock whore recently.

      That was new even to me.

  5. HYSF, I think you are different from the other authors.
    But that's not such a bad thing.
    I think you should continue being yourself.

  6. .. now go write that fanfic and show those fangirls how it's done

  7. At least the male survey was a tetch more embarrassing than the female one...


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