Thursday, July 2, 2015

[MV Review] Sistar - Shake It

Remember when Sistar used to release good songs? I know, it feels like it was a century ago.

This has to be one of the worst songs, no, I take that back, the worst song not released by a YG artist this year. Sistar and Starship Entertainment now have inflated egos, and it's to the point where Sistar thinks they are on par with SNSD and 2NE1. Now, this article isn't to verify/deny that claim, but let's take Sistar at their word. With this kind of thinking, they think they can release pieces of shit like "Shake It" and get away with it...because they fucking can, because people only support musical groups on name brand instead of actual music. Knowing this, the labels don't even bother obtaining good songs for their groups because they know fans will eat up any lame shit the group shits out. Case in point, whether or not you believe Sistar is a top-tier group, they think they are, so they are continuing last year's trend of releasing massive piles of cow shit for us to listen to.

My biggest gripe with the song is that the song loops a basic disco tune. I don't think it sounds catchy at all, so it's like they autotuned a cow's fart and raised the pitch. It wouldn't be as bad if this beat was just reserved for the underwhelming verses, but the beat is the same for the chorus. The chorus is one of the laziest attempts at one in the short time I have been listening to K-pop. You know your song is shit when the best part of your song is a shit rap verse from a shitty rapper like Bora.

At this point, BESTie does Sistar better than Sistar, so let's just listen to "Excuse Me" instead of this pile of cow shit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't tell the difference between Dasom and the creepy male lead modt of the time

    1. Lmao, I hate that guy and his Dasom hair,

    2. Lmao, I hate that guy and his Dasom hair,

  3. Welcome back HYSF.

    It's a shame that big groups put out lazy crap like this.

  4. "With this kind of thinking, they think they can release pieces of shit like "Shake It" and get away with it...because they fucking can, because people only support musical groups on name brand instead of actual music. Knowing this, the labels don't even bother obtaining good songs for their groups because they know fans will eat up any lame shit the group shits out. Case in point, whether or not you believe Sistar is a top-tier group, they think they are, so they are continuing last year's trend of releasing massive piles of cow shit for us to listen to."

    So much truth right here! :')

  5. Replies
    1. Ah, that's it. I knew something was wrong with Bora's style in this comeback, but I couldn't put it into words. Thanks you for the enlightenment.

  6. This song is Touch My Body with the same level of inspiration as Loving You

  7. Sistar is one of those groups that famous not for their looks but their bodies however no one, especially international fans will admit that it had little to do with songs but are quick to jump on other groups who got recognition for their looks. With that said I like this song and I have no idea why. I know it's the laziest attempt to a dance track I've probably ever heard from kpop but I can't dislike it for some reason.

  8. I sang along to the nananananana yeah parts so I liked the song somehow. Chorus was a letdown from the buildup though. And bora is shitty. But soyou is funny so I give the MV 4/10

  9. Didn't bother to watch the MV. Yawn. I'd actually choose 4minute anyday, and they are not even putting out good songs like they used to. Sistar? Never liked any of their songs 'cept for...well...none.

  10. still waiting for a Nine Muses review >w<

  11. "With this kind of thinking, they think they can release pieces of shit "
    basically KPOP Industry after 2011

    1. and i simply sitting hewre waiting for anothwe awesome track from T-Ara

  12. The more unpopular groups put in more effort definetly.. I'm sick of Sistars sumber comebacks, I wish they'd comeback with something like Alone. That was one of their best albums

  13. Every time you think this song is going somewhere, it just...doesn't. But you got Bora's ass in yo face so this shit sells.

  14. I actually think the song is a lot more catchier than "Touch My Body" by a long shot. I like how Sistar sticks to the same concepts that work for them, but at the same time their music on the mini albums are way better than their released summer singles. I'd say from back in the day (like 4-5 years ago) Sistar did develop. A lot. But now it's more like Hyorin and friends.

  15. I actually think the song is a lot more catchier than "Touch My Body" by a long shot. I like how Sistar sticks to the same concepts that work for them, but at the same time their music on the mini albums are way better than their released summer singles. I'd say from back in the day (like 4-5 years ago) Sistar did develop. A lot. But now it's more like Hyorin and friends.


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