Sunday, August 30, 2015

[MV Review] SNSD - Lion Shart

I don't know what is worse: the song or the MV promoting the message that bestiality is okay. Everything about this piece of shit wants me to throw up, except for how good the members look.

When I reviewed SNSD's "Party," I said it was alright. A lot of people got mad at me for not saying it was a piece of shit. Of course the song is a piece of shit -- everything released by SNSD is shit. However, SNSD has their own scale because it's just too easy to say "SNSD released this song so of course it's shit." That's a universal truth just like saying "YG's music sucks gorilla cock." "Party" is alright compared to SNSD's other garbage, but it still sucked.

"Lion Heart" is even worse. There's not one redeemable aspect about this song. It has a weak-as-fucking-shit chorus repeating "Lion Shart" over and over. As anyone knows, the chorus should be the best part of the song, but the already bare-bones instrumental doesn't pick up or anything.

Homosexuals like Zaku tried comparing this to an A Pink song. However, Shinsadong Tiger actually creates melodies worth listening to and that are more complex than the diarrhea SNSD has been releasing this year. Sure, both songs are "light pop" or "bubblegum pop," and it's fine if you don't like that kind of pop music. However, "Lion Shart" doesn't really have a melody. Each instrument plays the same few notes in the same sequence the whole song, so once you have listened to the song for 4 seconds, you have heard the whole song. This is one of those boring-ass songs carried by the vocals, but if I wanted vocals to carry a song, I'd listen to some shit my Mariah Carey to help me fall the fuck asleep.

Anyway, the reason why I call this "Lion Shart" because this song is a shart. For those of you who don't know what a shart is, it is when you try to fart, but you end up shitting yourself. That's exactly what this song is. It was most likely intended to be a filler track on the album, so it wouldn't be that offensive because you could easily ignore the song. It's like how a fart's stench is only temporary. However, this is a promoted track, so this song is harder to remove from your conscious. That represents the shit in your underwear, as you have to run some hot water through your underwear as you rinse it off over the sink, and if they happened to be white, you'd also have to add some bleach when you put the underwear in the washer.

I would go look up some pictures to post here, but that would force me to think about this song more than one should have to.


  1. They fixed the spelling mistake :( - no more Grills' Generation

  2. If it is a shart, it's a shart that doesn't smell, because the song also leaves absolutely no impression because of boring it is.

  3. I kind of didn't like "Remember" when I first heard it, now I fucking love that song. I really didn't like lion shart on first listen, and nothing has changed to this day.

  4. I completely agree with you that people should never compar SNSD to Apink, as Apink are on the complete end of the spectrum of "music acts which have ruined the industry" surpassing even The Beatles. They are the absolute embodiment of why kpop has been declining since 2013. Even boring, vanilla ice cream groups like Big Bang and Vixx offer more than them. Not even Cube's signature supernova hot members (which they put in all of their groups save CLC; Jihyun, Gikwang, Hyunsik) Chorong and Namjoo can salvage their abhorrent shittiness. This isn't me being a butthurt sone btw, its just me expressing my abnormal and unhealthy obsession with hating Apink.

    1. No matter how hard I try, I can never like them or their music. I don't think many will disagree when I say all their songs sound the same. I did like 'My My' for a bit though.

  5. Oh wow I kinda like this song someone kill me please

  6. WTF I don't know why everyone hates this song. I actually like it and it's the first SNSD song that I like since, I don't know, Genie? It also helps that Tiffany and Yuri look gorgeous and the claw part is really cute.

    1. I actually think it's cute too. But I'm a sonefag :(((

    2. if you think Lion Heart is cute then you're a fag, get well soon

  7. The first couple times I listened to it, I thought it was boring as fuck. I still don't like it, but Seohyun's cute claw dance brainwashed me into watching the video more.

  8. Is there ANY song that is loved by this blog's writers??

  9. I wouldn't buy the song to listen to, but, to be honest, they look really good performing it on the music shows. They have this aura/quality that other girl groups don't seem to have that makes me understand why they're the top kpop girl group.

  10. I actually don't mind this song. It's not great, but it's not bad either.

  11. This description of the song Couldn't be more perfect hahhahahahhahahahaha


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