Saturday, August 29, 2015

Netizen's Fake Vocal-Faggotry Needs To Stop

I've had it up here *mimics Moonbyul* with this shit.

So Stellar talked about how they don't care if their image is controversial if it gets people to pay attention to them, and a lot of netizens are saying, "If you guys really wanted fame for your music, then you would just become better singers and stop stripping." This is some utter bullshit, because I could make a list miles long of groups that netizens praise with barely any good singers.

Netizens go on an on about how singers "don't have any talent" and get famous for their image; meanwhile, they are the main ones buying their shit. SNSD is relying on Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny as vocalist. That leaves four members that can't really offer much vocally to the group, but netizens love them. Oh and what's worse, they're JUST NOW realizing that SNSD are winning because they are the most popular girl group. No. Fucking. Duh.

Other groups include SISTAR, which relies on Hyorin's singing, and 2NE1 which, let's face it, isn't as talented vocally as YG brainwashed Blackjacks to be. Not to mention, they started shitting on Wonder Girls' vocals now that Sunye and Sohee left, but the only strong vocalists in Wonder Girls were Sunye and Yenny. It's not like they magically got any worse. You notice how this is all girl groups? That's because I can't even remember the last time I saw a netizen criticize a boy group for their vocals, if I've even read an article like that. 

These netz act like vocals are the most important part of being an idol when it's actually minuscule. Having a good producer, looking good and being competent at dancing is obviously more important and matters a whole lot more than being able to hit high notes. They'll bitch and moan about there being a "lack of talent" in idol groups, but at the same time, get Mamamoo in the top 10 with the group's least vocally driven song, Ladies' Code gets some attention only after two of their members pass away, and I'm pretty sure they've given up on SPICA. On top of that, everyone in Stellar can actually sing, but netizens are hypocrites and choose to complain about the fact that Stellar has a sexy concept. This again proves their "we're fans of music" stance wrong, because if they actually gave a damn about Stellar's music, they would listen every time the group made a release and not only when their concepts step up a notch.

Not to mention, if they really cared about vocals so much then the most talented members would be everyone's favorites. Who's the most popular in BESTie? Haeryoung. KARA? Hara. SNSD? Yoona. 4Minute? Hyuna. SISTAR? Bora. Wonder Girls? Yubin. Brown Eyed Girls? Ga-In. Red Velvet? Irene. Sure, some of the better singers get recognition, but notice how it's always the visuals everyone loves? Yeah, try the whole "Singers>Visuals" argument now.

Bottom line, netizens need to stop with this whole "I only care about good singers" shit, because at the end of the day, who are they going to vote for? SISTAR or SPICA?


  1. I agree so much. And honestly, almost no one in Kpop seems to have that horrible and headache-inducing of a singing voice in songs. In reality, I'm a HUGE dancefag, and I judge idols really hard on their dancing skills since I'm a dancer. But it's a LOT harder to fake dance ability than it is to fake vocals - there's no AutoTune of Vocoder for dancing, and bad form is quite obvious to the audience. One of the only forms of "dance fakery" other than having crappy form is different angles relative to the audience/camera, and even that only goes so far.

    1. And this matters more in k-pop because 9 times out of 10 the audience notices the dance before the singing.

    2. I actually got into kpop because of the dancing, and since my first kpop song was Lucifer, I can't help but have high standards for judging dancing - that's why I am kind of a YG hater; their choreography is generally limp af.

    3. I have to agree, they pull the disco shit as their neighbor does and my interest for kpop would have gone the window.

    4. Write a kpop dancefag blog, please.

  2. To like some idol for his/her appearance is so rudimentary, so basic, almost obscene, surely there must be another reason to like them, to camouflage the real reason. Hello Vocal Fagotry!
    Try pointing out to some fangirl that Hyuna can't sing for her life - "She improved so much over the years". Yeah, from zero to epsilon.
    This goes hand in hand with that MR Removed videos, it's the same mental illness.

    1. I wouldn't mind it so much if they actually knew what they were talking about, but they don't and are just hidding behind a "consirned talent fan" just to bitch about certain idols.

  3. I never thought of Sunny as a vocalist.

    1. She's considered one of the better/competent vocalist in SNSD. She's an "all-round" member but she's better known at singing than dancing.

    2. I've never heard of that before and I've been following SNSD since 2008. I always just thought people liked Sunny for the tits and her character on shows.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's because all boy groups sound alike. So you can only decipher them by their looks alone. Always a deep voice guy rapping, always one with a squeaky voice given most of the lines in a song , always one that only hits high notes, and the rest are fillers. Why, because they have personality and dance OK. Boy groups are lame.

    1. All boy and girl groups sound alike with the exception of a few groups (like F(x) or Big Bang) it's just netizens being lame as usual.

    2. Wait, are girlgroups any different?

  5. The Stellar thing is beyond ridiculous, beyond the untrue claim that they would receive the same attention without a sexy concept. Some people actually go to an age-restricted video to complain about adult themes; "OMG, I had no idea that there would be references to sex in a 19+ video".

  6. Girl groups never make me cringe or give me second hand embarrassment. They're so much better than boy groups.

  7. Absolutely true. Though, am I the only one bothered by the fact that when I watch a 19+ video (for example Hyuna's new teaser), expecting people in the comments to be slut-shaming and shit and all find is 'SLAYYYY QUEEN SLAYYYY' or 'OMG YOU JUST SLAYED ME SO HARD' or some other lame-ass shit like that? You're telling me I went and grabbed some popcorn, bracing myself to see some idiotic people throwing used thampons at each other and all I get is 'slay'? I WANT TO SEE PEOPLE FIGHTING DAMMIT.

    1. Hahaha I feel you. You might have to visit a blog for that. However if you want used tampons, you might want to consider becoming a DBSK member.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah I pretty much agree. Having groups where everyone can sing is great but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy groups like KARA who only had Seungyeon and Gyuri carrying songs until 2012.

  9. And look at Stellar trolling netizens like crazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQGvbIvrk9U

  10. Kpop is more of a visual genre anyway. Not to say there aren't good singers and good songs, but much of kpop relies on pushing image too, lest people forget that talent doesn't always equal sales, there has to be something else that'll sell incorporated in there, because "talent" only stretches so far, especially in a vain Asian market.

    1. So does the superiority complex of "Group A is mor3 popular the Group B, so Group A's song must be better."

  11. Damn you really went in by pointing out the favs. #EXPOSED

    1. They can't deny it either, that's the best part.

  12. SPICA has 2 of the TOP 10 best vocalists in KPOP, has 2 of Top 10 prettiest girls in KPOP (in my opinion)... and as a whole the group is pretty good visually and music wise. But they are not popular. WHY?
    Poor Marketing and Budget constraints. Poor Marketing means people dont know them or people dont ride the hype train. "OH THEY ARE SO POPULAR THESE DAYS ,I MUST LIKE THEM". Budget constraints means Low budget MVs, No shows, TV Appearances etc etc

    The whole "Singers>Visuals" argument or "Visuals>Singers" argument is MOOT.
    Girls group popularity doesn't ride on Looks or Talent. It rides on the Company that backs them (see YG,SM,JYP). You shove crap hard enough down someone's throat, it will eventually go down the throat.

    1. That's when you get the whole sheep heard thing of people stanning agencies.


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