Thursday, September 10, 2015

Weekly Showdown: Red Velvet Special!

So Red Velvet recently came back with "Dumb Dumb," which was a pretty good song, and the best thing is that it gets better every time you hear it. My only complaint: Irene's bullshit rap break. She should just stick to being pretty.

Before I get to the actual showdown, it's time to reveal last showdown's results! I was pleasantly surprised to see that "Rainstorm" won over "Dark Panda" by a good 20 votes. My best guess is that some people just aren't into hipster trap music (so sorry if both are considered trap music. I hardly know anything about musical genres, and I basically skipped through half of Kpopalypse's music genre-educational-article-thingy-thing because I could hardly understand shit. So sorry to Kpopalypse, too. You're awesome and all, but I should probably just stick to learning about photosynthesis).

This week's showdown features RV's top two releases of the year, "Ice Cream Cake" and "Dumb Dumb."

Best 2015 Red Velvet Release?

"Ice Cream Cake"
"Dumb Dumb"
Poll Maker

I didn't even like "Ice Cream Cake" that much. Honestly, the song is a little too noisy and all over the place for me. I did like it for a short while, but now I just ... don't. So yeah, it's "Dumb Dumb" for me.

Results will be revealed next week!

(If I actually post next week)


  1. Their songs aren't bad.
    If only this group was just a duo of Irene and Wendy...

  2. Dumb dumb but it's not even the best song on their masterpiece of an album



    1. Also the best teaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G_eLbNYh1w.

      Song "Day 1" is maximum trolling, I'd gladly exchange it for ice cream cake to make a round album.

    2. Day 1 is amazing. It's my new fapping song when i'm reading some hentai manga

  3. Dumb Dumb and their entire album trump most of what they've done thus far by a LANDSLIDE.

    1. I concur with ppl that SM's album selection has been pretty great this year too

  4. Dumb Dumb.

    Ice Cream Cake is okay, but somewhat overrated.

  5. I love Ice Cream Cake but Dumb Dumb assaults the average generic music taste which I'm all behind. I can't chose.

    I also really like the album, it's upbeat, fun, and clean. SM's albums have been really good this year with BoA, EXO, SNSD and now Red Velvet all having solid albums. I hope f(x) can keep their winning streak with their comeback next month.

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  7. I have the same baseball top as seulgi so....


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  9. I don't really like either, but I'll vote for Dumb Dumb because Ice Cream Cake is such an awful name for a song.

  10. Ice cream cake is a lot better for me. On this album, only Day1 is worse than Dumb dumb, all the otehr songs are better, imo. Over all, the album is very good, with good songs, but no song really stands out like Ice cream cake did.

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  12. Ice Cream Cake was good because I had very low expectations after the sleep inducing Be Natural and cringe inducing Hah Penis. So it was good because everything else sucked. Song quality was interesting, but it lacked the addictive part and not enough high notes. Dumb dumb was perfect, just enough bass to twerk, it was speed up, and extremely addictive. Irenes michael jackson rap was a sin, but I cant stop listening to Dumb Dumb


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