Sunday, September 13, 2015

Who Siwon Should Have Supported

So I have been really busy this week and have spent about 10 minutes on K-pop this week, with 9 of those watching Red Velvet's "Dumb Dumb" and the other minute seeing SJWs around the K-pop blogosphere being intolerant of Siwon's intolerant views...which should make his views tolerant then, right?

Anyway, Siwon shouldn't have supported Kim Davis. Here's who he should have supported:

Yes, as President Black Bush so eloquently put it, "That shit is gross!"

I'm just sick and tired of seeing SJWs on every K-pop site (and sadly, someone had to post an SJW article about it here) pissing and moaning about how someone's views don't match their own.

News flash: The world doesn't revolve around you and doesn't conform to your every wish and desire. People aren't required to think like you do. If Siwon wants to think this shit is gross, that's his right.


  1. Before SJWs like this person (https://twitter.com/captain_helen) get their panties in a bunch:


    1. "Writer at @BeyondHallyu, sarcasm dragon & general grump. Mostly thinking about K-Pop, video games, and beauty products. I really love Epik High." and the profile pic already says quite a lot.
      I'm not a guy that tries to judge people too hard, but damn, some people just want you to judge them...

    2. The fundamentalists and the SJWs may disagree on certain things, but their authoritarian mentality is very similar.

    3. That's the horseshoe theory in action. Fundamentalists and SJWs may have different beliefs on the surface, but they're both asshole bigots at the end of the day, really.

  2. I support this post as a helpful guide so that critics of AKF will finally work out that the site has more than one author.

  3. > If Siwon wants to think this shit is gross, that's his right.

    Any it's everyone else's right to criticize or make fun of him for that, what's the problem?

  4. > (and sadly, someone had to post an SJW article about it here)

    BEEF, that's all we want.

    1. I'm not sure what's going on, nor do I care, but, as a philosopher once put it, netizen tears and drama is always great. The more blood the better.

  5. "I'm just sick and tired of seeing SJWs on every K-pop site (and sadly, someone had to post an SJW article about it here) pissing and moaning about how someone's views don't match their own.

    News flash: The world doesn't revolve around you and doesn't conform to your every wish and desire."

    lmao, the self-awareness, it is killing me

  6. Call me an SJW, but it's the hypocrisy that's pissing me off.

  7. It's in times like this where I thank my past self for installing that browser extension that changes 'SJW' to 'skeleton'.

  8. I'm not sure why anybody gets a hate boner over any kind of marriage talk.
    OMG who gives a shit who fucking marries? I certainly couldn't give less of a shit about who fucks who.

  9. Was about to make an article with my new pic but oh well


  10. We need more openly homophobic idols to piss SJW fans off. A few KKK members, Neo Nazis, Antithiests and perhaps a satanist or two

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  12. Netizenbuzz actually has a shitton of SJWs. Dumb bitches were all over the article about Kanye makin' shit about Nicki and Miley. Yaaaaawn.

  13. I don't think this is a "my opinion vs yours" issue but a "why do you feel the need to express hate towards an already struggling group of people" issue. I know he can believe whatever he wants but it's just frustrating that he can be hateful so openly as a celebrity.

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  15. You think it's about whether people find gay sex gross?

    Wow, talk about missing the point.

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