Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Kpopalypse 2015 end of year caonima activity survey results!

Not going to post it again here because the post is freaking huge and I cbf editing it all twice, plus I don't want to create confusion by people thinking that my survey represents the entirety of AKF instead of just my own writing (and yes people still get confused by that!) but if you participated in the most recent Kpopalypse survey and you're curious you can click here for the results!

Or, if you don't give a flying shit, enjoy this video of Eunsol for no reason.


  1. You want to see sheet nineteen dollars of that because this just got dollar I'm sure that's what they did but you know me but them from Urban Decay you know and gone for about so then 2866 still well over the price about Quivitality Serum the $1299 am button no matter what you know where they got its values advances like 20 hours earn I'd have used it once it is.


    1. J Lo pls... get your old fat ass out of here.

    2. spammers are now masquerading as jlo? Okay then.

      why's there been such a sudden influx of these spamming fucks lately anyway

  2. Mhhhh boobies are the best.
    That's a quite special cover of Live if Life.
    I'd feel disgusted by rimming an ugly landwhale's ass.
    Fuck phone people.
    It sucks that people don't seem to be too much into the nugu alert posts.

    Why are all of the piecharts so damn low quality? lol

    1. Since most people are probably looking at it on a 4 inch screen with greasy smear marks and crusty cum residue all over it I didn't think pie chart fidelity was a critical issue.

  3. i normally abhor youtube reaction videos, but i stumbled across one called Kpopcalypse the other day

    i didn't realise you are actually three black american women

    1. I should interview them in my continuing quest to oppress women and minorities as well as confuse the shit out of everyone.

    2. Lmao Kpopalypse Interviews Kpopalypse!

  4. No Martina fanfiction? What were the other caonimas thinking...

  5. I have no idea who that girl is but im wet


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