Friday, December 18, 2015

Fancam Appreciation #13 - Nine Muses' Sojin

This week's submission comes from Sam, and it's Nine Muses' Sojin. I finally learned one of the new members' name, so that's my accomplishment for the day.

Are there fancams that you want to nominate? Email them to antikpopfangirl@yahoo.com or tweet them to @antikpopfangirl.


  1. Barely related, but I'd like to take this opportunity to note that Keumjo is the most hilarious addition to any kpop group ever

    1. Apparently sue loves to watch pr0n too https://twitter.com/icebox_gang/status/622799847079305216

    2. Lol is that a good thing what do you mean

    3. Keumjo is a fucking mole. She's beyond disgusting and a black mark on the human gene pool.
      One minute you're fapping to Hyuna and the next minute Keumjo comes along and kills your boner so hard you become Caitlyn Jenner.
      Whilst I'm obviously not into her sexually, I adore her based on comedic value alone

    4. She actually serves no purpose. If the company was going to keep the NineMuses name without having nine members they might as well have just stuck with 7 and given Hyemi more lines or some shit.

  2. "I finally learned one of the new members' name". Soompi still has to, lulz: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWWwbqEWUAAJwDz.jpg

  3. I like the thumbnails of mnets fancams

  4. I was about to say, the only Sojin I know is in Girl's Day.

  5. HOT! Her hobby is doing squats and it shows.

  6. i cant believe we are the same age. her makeup game is on point.

  7. Skimmed the title and thought it was gonna be Sojin from Girl's Day, but I can't say I'm disappointed. Still, I couldn't help but stare at Kyungri for as long as she was in view. She's mesmerizing.


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